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NGC104和NGC5139是天空中最大的两个球状星团,在Daniel Verschatse的14.5英寸望远镜下,这两个星团犹如凌空绽放的节日礼花,光彩夺目NGC104 | | | | | | Object type | | Globular cluster | | | | Coordinates | | 00 h 24 min - 72° 05' Tucana (Tuc) | | | | Constellation | |
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This wonderful globular cluster, also known as 47 Tuc, is crowded with innumerable stars steadily increasing to the dense, very bright center. The field of view is 25 x37 arcmin, equivalent to the size of the full moon. 47 Tuc rivals Omega Centauri for the title of the most beautiful globular in the sky and is about 16.000 lightyears away.
Click on the image for a higher resolution version.
Here is a wider field with the neighbouring Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) and an older B&W image. | | | | Exposure | |
NRGB 48:20:20:20 min @ -20°C ; all exposures unbinned, no filter on luminance | | | | Camera | | SBIG STL-11000 with Astronomik Type 2 RGB filterset - selfguided | | | | Optics | | RCOS 14.5" Ritchey-Chrétien @ f/9 (prime focus) | | | | Mount | | Astro-Physics AP1200GTO | | | | Software | | MaxIm DL/CCD, Sigma-Clip Pre-Beta 11, Registar, Adobe Photoshop CS | NGC5139 | | | Location - Date - Time | | San Esteban (Chile) - 02 resp. 26Nov2005 @ 04:00 resp 02:00 UTC | | | | | | Transparency 7/10, Seeing 6/10, Temperature + 10°C |
NGC5139 | | | | | | Object type | | Globular cluster | | | | Coordinates | | 13 h 27 min - 47° 29' Centaurus (Cen) | | | | Constellation | |
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NGC 5139 is a prime southern hemisphere showpiece. At mag 3.7, it was recorded by Ptolemy as a star and Bayer gave it the stellar denomination 'omega'. Finally, it was Edmund Halley who discovered this wonderful cluster in 1677. Outliers reach 1 full degree in diameter, but the main region reaches about 40 arcminutes across, filling the horizontal axis of this image. An unforgettable sight in any size telescope.
The field of view is 37 x 25 arcminutes with north towards the top. | | | | Exposure | |
LRGB 60:20:20:20 min @ -25°C ; all exposures 4 min unbinned | | | | Camera | | SBIG STL-11000 with Astronomik Type 2 filterset - selfguided | | | | Optics | | RCOS 14.5" Ritchey-Chrétien @ f/9 (prime focus) | | | | Mount | | Astro-Physics AP1200GTO | | | | Software | | MaxIm DL/CCD, Registar, PixInsight V.1, Adobe Photoshop CS | | | | Location - Date - Time | | San Esteban (Chile) - 07Jun2005 @ 01:00 UTC | | | | Conditions | | Transparency 8-9/10, Seeing 8/10, Temperature + 8°C |