本帖最后由 绿安仔 于 2020-6-24 23:03 编辑
APO还会被加上Quasi-或Visual- 前缀以作为Semi-APO的另一叫法
这个问题应该源于早年错误的科普帖吧 ,实际上2年前在国外已经引发了长达118楼的讨论。
Using adjective apochromatic in any form to imply the level of chromatic correction is fundamentally inappropriate, since its primary meaning is for the specific mode of chromatic correction. Apochromatic objective can be poorly color corrected and, on the other side, standard achromat can be sensibly perfect. Does that make them "fake apo" and "fake achromat"? Of course not. They still have those same respective modes of color correction. What determines their actual error level is not their color correction mode, but the size of aberration over the wavelength range. And it should be expressed in the standard form for all aberrations, the RMS wavefront error and Strehl ratio. Combined with the particular spectral sensitivity of the detector, they determine the actual diffraction intensity at the focus point, the polychromatic Strehl. According to generally accepted criteria for visual observing, refracting objective is sensibly perfect if its polychromatic Strehl exceeds 0.95.
从根本上来说,使用任何形式的形容词复消色差来暗示色校正的水平都是不合适的,因为它的主要含义是针对色差校正的特定模式。 复消色差物镜的色彩校正效果可以很差,另一方面,标准消色差透镜也可以做到完美。 这会使它们成为“伪APO”和“伪消色差”吗? 当然不是。 它们仍然具有那些相同的色彩校正模式。 决定其实际误差等级的不是其色彩校正模式,而是波长范围内像差的大小。 对于所有像差,RMS波前误差和斯特列尔比,都应以标准形式表示。 结合检测器的特定光谱灵敏度,它们确定了焦点(多色Strehl)处的实际衍射强度。 根据通常公认的视觉观察标准,如果多色Strehl超过0.95,则折射物镜是合理的。