M81 M82
Date: December 7 and 11, 2004 (for M81 and M82 luminance, respectively). January 10, 2005 (widefield luminance, RGB, and Ha data).
Scope: January 10, 2005: Takahashi Sky 90 at f4.5 with field flattener/focal reducer, on the G11 Losmandy Mount. The December 7 and 11 luminance images were taken remotely using a Takahashi Epsilon 250mm scope at New Mexico Skies (details found at M81 and M82, respectively).
Autoguider: SBIG STV with e-finder.
Camera: SXV-H9
Filter: Astronomik Ha filter (13 nm bandpass); Type II R, G, B, plus clear filter set.
Exposures: L HaR:G:B). 205' for Luminance (includes all luminance data from 12/7/04, 12/11/04, and 1/10/05); 30' for Ha; 20' each for R, G, and B, all unbinned. Total exposure time about 5 hours.
Conditions: (January 10, 2005) Temperature 36 degrees F; average transparency; average seeing; a bit breezy.