本帖最后由 天虎 于 2011-7-7 11:05 编辑
about 裕众光学:
SKY ROVER 是昆明裕众光学有限公司在国内推出的望远镜品牌。
昆明裕众光学有限公司成立于2003年,位于昆明国家高新技术产业开发区,是一家从事高档天文望远镜、双筒望远镜和观靶镜研发生产销售的专业制造厂商。公司前期主要专注于OEM产品的制造及出口,目前公司100%的产品出口欧美及日本市场,在相对较短的时间里以优良的产品品质及合作上的诚信务实, 获得了国外合作厂商的一致认可,并在世界传统光学行业里逐渐赢得声誉及位置。
作为OEM的供应商, 除了自身不断的创新和努力, 我公司的合作伙伴都是一些世界知名的光学企业,在积年累月的合作的过程中,不断为我们提供了很多产品的建议,市场反馈和品质的赞同, 这不但使得我们的OEM产品日趋完美, 也为我们今天在国内推出 SKY ROVER 的产品, 提供了坚强的品质基石。同时,我们利用现代化的网络平台和物流体系, 通过网络直销和各地代理商直销的方式,,力图将产品从工厂到消费者手中的中间环节压缩到最短, 这就能保证国内消费者以最低的价格购买到我们优质的产品,相信大部分的消费者都不愿意为豪华购物中心的高昂租金和铺天盖地的广告宣传买单吧。
作为国际上著名的OEM供应商和国内望远镜品牌的新兵,今天, 我们在国内的望远镜市场上可能默默无闻,但我们相信厚积薄发所带来的绚烂明天. SKY ROVER 提供给您的一定是国际上最具性价比的产品和终身的优质服务, 我们正在努力。
相信 “Seeing is Believing”。
United Optics is a fully integrated design, production and marketing manufacture, which was launched in 2003 by Mr. Kevin Zhou and Mr. Paul Wu, who both acquired more than 12 years optical manufacture experience. Thanks to an innovative Managing People Politics, an efficient Research and Development Team, as well as a rigid Quality Control Development and all skilled Workers, United Optics is becoming a remarkable actor in the world traditional optical industry.
United Optics is benefits from a particular location, the Kunming city, where is China most famous production and exports basis for binoculars, spotting scope, telescopes and other traditional optical products, there are many hardware parts suppliers, optical parts suppliers and molding plants, which including some jumbo states-owned factories, these factories have bended themselves to China military industry more than 50 years.
From the beginning, United Optics is dedicated to provide high quality and competitive OEM products to our customers. Based on traditional technologies and experience, we are continuously studying and absorbing new materials and new technologies in order to fulfill the different needs of our customers. Also, United Optics fully respect and protect the customer’s proprietary technology and brand as we treat this point as the basis for any long-term cooperation, that is why we are winning more and more high reputation customers’ trust to make so many customized products.
our continuous hard efforts are raising, step by step, Kunming United Optics Corporation to be the most competitive optical OEM supplier. Seeing is believing, why do not try. |