回家征途 亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机标志性的亮白色轮廓划破了漆黑的夜空,最后一次降落在位于佛罗里达州的NASA肯尼迪航天中心航天飞机着陆设施跑道15上。 亚特兰蒂斯号完成了NASA的航天飞机计划里的第26次夜间降落,也是航天飞机在肯尼迪航天中心第78次降落,巩固了航天飞机舰队在历史上的地位。 航天飞机主起落架着陆时间是5点57分00秒(当地时间),前起落架着陆时间是5点57分20秒,而机轮停止活动时间是5点57分54秒。STS-135机组成员包括指令长克里斯·弗格森,飞行员道格·赫尔利,任务专家桑迪·马格努斯及雷克斯·瓦尔海姆。在执行到国际空间站的第37次航天飞机任务中,STS-135通过拉斐尔多用途后勤模组为国际空间站提供了超过9400磅的备件,器材与补给,这些物质将为空间站下一年的正常运作提供保障。STS-135是亚特兰蒂斯号第33次也是最后一次飞行,而亚特兰蒂斯号总共在太空停留了307天,绕地球4,848圈,总里程达125,935,769英里。 图片来源:NASA/金·史夫利特
JUL 21The Voyage Home
Space shuttle Atlantis' bright-white,iconic frame illuminates the darkness as it touches down on the Shuttle LandingFacility's Runway 15 at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida for the finaltime. Securing the space shuttle fleet's place in history, Atlantis marked the26th nighttime landing of NASA's Space Shuttle Program and the 78th landing atKennedy. Main gear touchdown was at 5:57:00 a.m. EDT, followed by nose geartouchdown at 5:57:20 a.m., and wheelstop at 5:57:54 a.m. On board are STS-135Commander Chris Ferguson, Pilot Doug Hurley, and Mission Specialists SandraMagnus and Rex Walheim. On the 37th shuttle mission to the International SpaceStation, STS-135 delivered more than 9,400 pounds of spare parts, equipment andsupplies in the Raffaello multi-purpose logistics module that will sustainstation operations for the next year. STS-135 was the 33rd and final flight forAtlantis, which has spent 307 days in space, orbited Earth 4,848 times andtraveled 125,935,769 miles. Image Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett