本帖最后由 人与自然 于 2011-9-6 00:58 编辑
2011年8月月26日,世界著名海底摄影师Dr Alexey Stoyda博士在菲律宾旅游并拍摄了自然界最壮观的景观之一——佩斯卡多尔岛的沙丁鱼群。
[size=1.2em] We're used to seeing them tightly packed in tins on our supermarket shelves, but even in nature it seems that sardines stick close together.
[size=1.2em] These amazing pictures show shoals of the fish packed so dense off the coast of the Philippines they block out the light of the tropical sun.
[size=1.2em] While the annual gathering of vast shoals of thousands of sardines is a well-documented event in South African waters, the Philippine sardine run was unheard of three years ago.
[size=1.2em] According to world-renowned underwater photographer Dr Alexey Stoyda, the fish were first spotted gathering in large numbers around the island of Pescador, near Cebu, in the Philippines, in March 2009.
[size=1.2em] For three months, large swells of sardine were spotted circling the island before their number dwindled and they disappeared.
[size=1.2em] A year later the phenomenon occurred again when a shoal of sardines began to increase in size, and this time it showed no sign of leaving. By July whale sharks and thresher sharks descended on the island for a feeding frenzy.
[size=1.2em] Today the 'Philippine sardine run' has captured the imagination of divers from all over the world, keen to see one of nature's most impressive sights. And while the number of sardine has not decreased, neither has the variety of predators keen to take advantage of the natural occurring 'bait-ball'. 2011年8月26日消息,世界著名海底摄影师Dr Alexey Stoyda在菲律宾旅游并拍摄了自然界最壮观的景观之一——佩斯卡多尔岛的沙丁鱼群。虽然南非海域的沙丁鱼群已经闻名天下,但佩斯卡多尔岛的沙丁鱼“聚会”在四年前却几乎无人知晓。它们在2009年3月才第一次被拍到。如今,当地的沙丁鱼群吸引了世界各地的潜水员,他们急切地想看到最令人印象深刻的一幕:球状鱼群(bait ball)。
[size=1.2em] Dr Stoyda said: 'As our boat approached the island I suddenly saw an enormous shoal in a area of water no more than one metre deep.
[size=1.2em] 'We literally had to jump into it.
[size=1.2em] 'As we began to descend deeper, the shoal seemed like a living, moving wall.
[size=1.2em] 'At a depth of 30m the ball of sardines was so dense there was no visible sun.
[size=1.2em] 'This wall was constantly moving like a cloud in a hurricane and every so often a window [size=1.2em]opened for divers, as if luring them inside before sucking them in.
[size=1.2em] 'It was unforgettable experience which I'm not sure any photograph can fully convey.'
Dr Stoyda说,“当我们的船逐渐靠近岛屿时,我突然看到了不到一米深的浅滩,当我们越往深处,浅滩看起来就像一堵有生命能移动的墙。在30米深处,鱼群是如此的密集,一点儿阳光都射不进来。那堵墙像是在飓风里的一朵云在不断地移动,每隔一段时间为潜水员开启一扇窗户,好像是在把他们吸进去之前在里面引诱他们似的。这真是一次难以置信的经历,我想任何一个镜头都不能完全捕捉到这一幕。”
Dr Alexey Stoyda身处沙丁鱼群中,拍摄角度极据美学价值,沙丁鱼看来有形成“罐头”的习性
Dr Alexey Stoyda与沙丁鱼群共游
Dr Alexey Stoyda精心拍摄全球著名的菲律宾沙丁鱼球状鱼群,鱼群的游动似乎有一个统一的“大脑”指挥
Dr Alexey Stoyda博士的这张照片选题和角度相当奇异,地点是菲律宾海域
Dr Alexey Stoyda的这张照片很有透明质感
Dr Alexey Stoyda置身于沙丁鱼群中
球状鱼群(bait ball)