


天道无极 发表于 2012-6-11 17:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 马来西亚


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本帖最后由 天道无极 于 2012-7-4 12:27 编辑

http://www.newscientist.com/arti ... rything.html?page=1

作者:迈克尔·马歇尔(Michael Marshall




“万有理论”是几乎所有的科学家都魂牵梦绕的至高梦想。一旦它被发现了,那么它将彻底地解释整个宇宙,在最基础的层次上的运作模式以及包含所有我们对于自然界的认识。它还将能够回答像暗物质是什么为什么时间只有一个流逝的方向(仅仅一个维度)重力是如何运作的这些(物理学上)亘古的难题。这也就不难理解斯蒂芬·霍金(Stephen J. Hawking)以他的一句名言来形容这样的一个理论——那将是“人类理性的终极胜利——因为届时,我们将能洞晓上帝的思维”。




弦理论(String Theory)








环圈量子重力(Loop Quantum Gravity)





Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT)




量子爱因斯坦重力(Quantum Einstein Gravity)


这个想法由来自德国美因茨大学的马丁·路德(Martin Reuter)提出,一个相当不同的研究策略。



量子重力图论(Quantum Graphity)


以上所有的理论都假设时间和空间一开始就存在,然后才试图去建立宇宙的其余部分。量子重力图论——位于加拿大安大略省滑铁卢市的圆周理论物理研究院的马可波罗·卡拉玛拉(Fotini G. Markopoulou-Kalamara)和她的同事们——确试图选择和他们背道而驰。


内相对论(Internal Relativity)


主要由来自美国麻省理工学院的奥拉夫·德雷尔(Olaf Dreyer)提出。内相对论力图解释广义相对论如何立足于量子世界。






2007年,物理学家(有时也是冲浪运动员)加勒特·里希Garrett Lisi和他的“可能的万有理论”上了各大媒体的头版。



 楼主| 天道无极 发表于 2012-6-11 18:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 马来西亚
本帖最后由 天道无极 于 2012-6-11 18:20 编辑

Knowing the mind of God: Seven theories of everything

This story has been edited to clarify that it discusses different approaches being taken to develop a theory of everything.

The"theory of everything" is one of the most cherished dreams of science. If it is ever discovered, it will describe the workings of the universe at the most fundamental level and thus encompass our entire understanding of nature. It would also answer such enduring puzzles as what dark matter is, the reason timeflows in only one direction and how gravity works. Small wonder that Stephen Hawking famously said that such a theorywould be "the ultimate triumph of human reason – for then we should knowthe mind of God".

But theologians needn't lose too much sleep just yet. Despite decades of effort, progress has been slow. Many physicists have confined themselves to developing "quantum gravity" theories that attempt to reconcile quantum mechanics with general relativity – a prerequisite for a theory of everything. But rather than coming up with one or two rival theories whose merits can be judged against the evidence, there is a profusion of candidates that address different parts of the problem andprecious few clues as to which (if any) might turn out to be correct.

Here's a brief guide to some of the front runners.

String theory

This is probably the best known theory of everything, and the most heavily studied. It suggests that the fundamental particles we observe are not actually particles at all, but tiny strings that only"look" like particles to scientific instruments because they are so small.

What's more, the mathematics of string theory also rely on extra spatial dimensions, which humans could not experience directly.

These are radical suggestions, but many theorists find the string approach elegant and have proposed numerous variations on the basic theme that seem to solve assorted cosmological conundrums. However, they have two major challenges to overcome if they are to persuade the rest of the scientific community that string theory is the best candidate for a ToE.

First, string theorists have so far struggled to make new predictions that can be tested. So string theory remains just that: a theory.

Secondly, there are just too many variants of the theory, any one of which could becorrect – and little to choose between them. To resolve this, some physicists have proposed a more general framework called M-theory, which unifies many string theories.

But this has its own problems. Depending how you set it up, M-theory can describe any of 10^500 universes. Some physicists argue that this is evidence that there are multiple universes, but others think itjust means the theory is untestable.

Loop quantum gravity

Although it hasn't had the same media exposure, loop quantum gravity is so far the only real rival to string theory.

The basic idea is that space is not continuous, as we usually think, but is instead broken up into tiny chunks 10^-35 metres across. These are then connected by links to make the space we experience. When these links are tangled up into braids and knots, they produce elementary particles.

Loop quantum gravity has produced some tentative predictions ofreal-world effects, and has also shed some light on the birth of the universe. But its proponents have so far struggled to incorporate gravity into their theories. And as with string theory, a true experimental test is still some way off.


Causal dynamical triangulations looks pretty similarto loop quantum gravity at first glance. Just as loop quantum gravity breaks upspace into tiny "building blocks", CDT   assumes that space-time is split into tiny building blocks – this time, four-dimensional chunks called pentachorons.

The pentachorons can then be glued together to produce a large-scale universe – which turns out to have three space dimensions and one time dimension, just asthe real one does. So far, so good, but there's a major drawback: CDT as it currently stands cannot explain the existence of matter.

Quantum Einstein gravity

This idea, proposed by Martin Reuter of the University of Mainz, Germany, takes a rather different tack.

Part of the problem with unifying gravity and quantum mechanics is what happens togravity at small scales. The closer two objects are to each other, the stronger the gravitational attraction between them; but gravity also acts on itself, and as a result, at very small distances a feedback loop starts. According to conventional theories the force should then become ridiculously strong – this means there’s something wrong with the conventional theories.

However, Reuter has come up with a way to generate a "fixedpoint": a distance below which gravity stops getting stronger. This could help solvethe problem, and lead to a quantum theory of gravity.

Quantum graphity

All the theories above assume that space and time exist, and then try to build upthe rest of the universe. Quantum graphity – the brainchild of Fotini Markopoulouof the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario,Canada, and colleagues – tries to do away with them.

When the universe formed in the big bang, Markopoulou says, there was no such thing as space as we know it. Instead, there was an abstract network of"nodes" of space, in which each node was connected to every other. Very soon afterwards, this network collapsed and some of the nodes broke away from each other, forming the large universe we see today.

Internal Relativity

Developed by Olaf Dreyer of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, internal relativity sets out to explainhow general relativity could arise in a quantum world.

Every particle in the universe has a property called "spin", which can be loosely thought of as what happens to the particle when it is rotated. Dreyer's model imagines a system of spins existing independently of matter and arrangedrandomly. When the system reaches a critical temperature, the spins align, forming an ordered pattern.

Anyone actually living in the system of spins will not see them. All they see aretheir effects, which Dreyer has shown will include space-time and matter. Hehas also managed to derive Newtonian gravity from the model: however, general relativity has not yet emerged.


In2007 the physicist (and sometime surfer) Garrett Lisi made headlines with a possible theory of everything.

The fuss was triggered by a paper discussing E8, a complex eight-dimensional mathematical pattern with 248 points. Lisi showed that the various fundamental particles and forces known to physics could beplaced on the points of the E8 pattern, and that many of their interactions then emerged naturally.

Some physicists heavily criticised the paper, while others gave it a cautious welcome. In late 2008, Lisi was given a grant to continue his studies of E8.
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人与自然 发表于 2012-6-11 18:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广东–中山 电信


lolz~~~ XDD  发表于 2012-6-11 18:11
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hy2016 发表于 2012-6-11 20:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广西–玉林 联通
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李灼 发表于 2012-6-11 21:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–辽宁–沈阳 联通


感谢帮顶~ XDD  发表于 2012-6-11 21:36
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hiblue 发表于 2012-6-24 19:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广东–深圳 电信
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lanjong 发表于 2012-7-27 23:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广东–中山 电信
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