本帖最后由 人与自然 于 2012-8-27 02:04 编辑
Last March, the operators of the Hubble Space Telescope launched a competition, inviting amateur astronomers to dig into hundreds of thousands of images of outer space, helping discover hidden treasures and bring them to light. Yesterday, NASA and the European Space Agency announced the winners in both categories: image processing, where entrants composed their own images based on Hubble data, and image search, where entrants simply uncovered amazing images not previously released. Collected here are 16 of the winning images. Be sure to visit the Hubble site to see them all. 自1990年以来,哈勃空间望远镜进行了上亿次的拍摄,然而只有少数的照片被大众所看到,多数的照片只是被少数的天文学家用于相关研究。为了挖掘这些鲜为人知的照片,欧洲空间局(ESA)发起了哈勃潜藏财富(Hubble’s Hidden Treasures)计划,通过大众来筛选那些鲜为人知的照片。 2012年度的图片后期处理大赛于2012年3月开始,哈伯空间站邀请全世界的天文爱好者们来处理成千上万张图片,从中挖掘出隐藏在哈伯图片中的天文财富。8月,NASA和欧洲航天局公布了本年度的两类获奖名单:图片处理,参赛者基于哈勃的图片进行加工;哈勃图片搜寻,参赛者们的目的是把那些过去没有披露的令人惊叹的照片充分挖掘出来。 以下是16张获奖作品,可以参考哈勃网站进一步月的,得到更多的资料。
First prize winner, image processing category. Josh Lake (USA) submitted a stunning image of NGC 1763, part of the N11 star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud. ESA/Hubble had previously published an image of an area just adjacent to this, based on observations by the same team. Josh took a different approach, producing a bold two-colour image which contrasts the light from glowing hydrogen and nitrogen. The image is not in natural colours -- hydrogen and nitrogen produce almost indistinguishable shades of red light that our eyes would struggle to tell apart -- but Josh's processing separates them out into blue and red, dramatically highlighting the structure of the region. As well as narrowly topping the jury's vote, Josh Lake also won the public vote. (NASA/ESA/Josh Lake)
第一名,图片加工类, 美国的Josh Lake 提交的关于NGC 1763的参赛作品。NGC1763位於剑鱼座,是大麦哲伦星系里的一个彌散星云。连同邻近较小的NGC1760、NGC1769等,组成大麦哲伦星系里第二大的氢II区域(编号N11),仅次於著名的蜘蛛星雲(Tarantula Nebula)。距我们约十六万光年远,N11是最大且最近的外星系云团之一。因此它也是其中一个被最广泛研究的云团。在云团中心及附近遍布著年轻的恒星。在NGC1763中心便有一个OB恒星组合,编号LH9,天文学家相信它们仅约於三百五十万年前才诞生。
Andre van der Hoeven (Netherlands) came a close second in the jury vote. His image of the spiral galaxy Messier 77 is highly attractive, and is also an impressive piece of image processing, combining a number of datasets from separate instruments into one amazing picture. (NASA/ESA/Andre van der Hoeven) #
荷兰Andre van der Hoeven 获得第二名,图片加工类,是关于梅西耶天天77的。当Pierre Méchain在1780年10月29日发现这个天体的时候,他将其描述为一个星云。Charles Messier在1780年12月17日将它收编成他星表的第77号天体,并且错误地将其归类为一个带有星云物质的星团,这也许是因为前景恒星,也可能是错将其中的亮块当成暗淡恒星了。M77是首批被辨认出来的旋涡星系之一,是Rosse爵士在1850年前发现的14个“漩涡星云”之一。
M77大约距离6千万光年,与另一个方向的室女星系团的距离大致相同,正以大约每秒1100公里的速度远离我们,这个速度最早是由Lowell天文台的Vesto M. Slipher在1914年测定的;它是继草帽星系M104之后,第二个被测出拥有大红移值的星系(R. Brent Tully 的“邻近星系表(Nearby Galaxies Catalog)”给出了一个有点偏小的数值——4700万光年,其他资料来源给出的数值都散布在室女星系团距离值的上下;最大的数值会使M77成为距离最远的Messier天体)。
通过对内侧星系盘旋转速度所做的研究,E.M. Burbidge,G.R. Burbidge和K.H. Prendergast (1959)发现,M77的内侧星系盘与视线方向倾斜了51度。它们估计内侧星系盘的质量为270亿倍太阳质量,而这个星系的总质量肯定是1万亿太阳质量的量级了。
Third prize in the image search category, goes to this image of a molecular cloud found by Luca Limatola, near IRAS 14568-6304. (NASA/ESA/Luca Limatola) #
第三名,图片搜迅类, Luca Limatola发现的分子云,靠近 IRAS 14568-6304
Sixth prize (one of two, tied for sixth) in image search, is this image of galaxy NGC 4217, found by Ralf Schoofs. (NASA/ESA/Ralf Schoofs) #
第六名,图片搜迅类,关于NGC4217 ,参赛者Ralf Schoofs
Taking fourth prize in image processing, Renaud Houdinet (France) submitted a hugely ambitious mosaic of Hubble images. Chamaeleon I is a large nebula near the south celestial pole, and it does not fit into a single Hubble image. Renaud painstakingly tiled the exposures together. Despite the small gaps between the Hubble images, the jury was impressed by the technical achievement of putting together this ambitious vista. Houdinet said "Sometimes, things don't turn out as they ought... It started as something promising, unfortunately it soon turned out there were quite a few 'gaps' between tiles that maybe weren't so obvious looking at the footprint... It was a learning experience though!" (NASA/ESA/Renaud Houdinet) #
第四名,图片加工类,法国Renaud Houdinet 提交,蝘蜓座(Chamaeleon)里的星云
Ninth prize in image processing was awarded to Nick Rose for his image of Lensing Cluster Abell 68. Gravity of the galaxies in the foreground is distorting light coming from further away, leading to the 'smearing' and twisting appearance of distant galaxies. (NASA/ESA/Nick Rose) #
第九名,图片加工类, Nick Rose 提交,双鱼座Abell 68星系团的透镜图片
Eighth prize for image search went to Matej Novak, who uncovered this image of NGC 6153, a planetary nebula in Scorpius. (NASA/ESA/Matej Novak) #
第八名, Matej Novak提交, NGC 6153是位于天蝎座的一个行星状星云。
Robert Gendler (USA) is a well known figure in the amateur image processing world. His version of Hubble's image of NGC 3190 is the default desktop image on new Apple computers. Robert submitted a number of excellent images into the competition. This image of galaxy M96 was the jury's favorite. (NASA/ESA/Robert Gendler) #
美国Robert Gendler 提交,图片加工类。Robert Gendler 在图片加工领域中颇负盛名,其代表作NGC 3190就是一例(希金森44星系团中最大的一个成员星系,希金森44是距离本星系团较近的星系团之一。上图,质地细腻的尘埃通道环绕着这个风景如画的旋涡星系的中心。NGC 3190的旋臂相对于其中心而言并非对称,其星系盘也是扭曲的,这些特征可能由于发生了与其它星系之间的引力相互作用而产生的。NGC 3190覆盖约7.5万光年的范围,用小型望远镜在狮子座方向可以看到它),这是新苹果电脑的默认桌面。。
Robert Gendler 本次比赛的作品是M96(也称为NGC 3368),是一个位于狮子座,距离地球3400万光年的螺旋星系,由皮埃尔·梅香于1781年所发现。M96也是狮子座I星系群(即M96星系群)中的一个星系
Fourth prize in image search, to Kathlyn Smith, for this portion of NGC 1579, a reflection nebula in the constellation of Perseus. (NAS/ESA/Kathlyn Smith) #
第四名,图片搜寻类,Kathlyn Smith提交,NGC1579
Sixth prize (one of two, tied for sixth), in image search was awarded to Kathy van Pelt, for this image of NGC 4490. (NASA/ESA/Kathy van Pelt) #
第六名,图片搜寻类, Kathy van Pelt提交,关于NGC4490,是位于猎犬座的一个星系
Taking third prize for image processing was Judy Schmidt (USA), who entered this picture of XZ Tauri, a newborn star spraying out gas into its surroundings and lighting up a nearby cloud of dust. This was a challenging dataset to process, as Hubble only captured two colors in this area. Nevertheless, the end result is an attractive image, and an unusual object that we would never have found without her help. (NASA/ESA/Judy Schmidt) #
第三名,图片加工类,美国Judy Schmidt 提交,关于金牛座双星 XZ Tauri,超新星光线照亮周围的灰尘云。金牛座座XZ双星位在金牛座的恒星诞生区之内,和我们的距离大约有500光年。 金牛座XZ星是由两颗年轻的恒星所组成,它们之间的距离和太阳与冥王星差不多。在三十年之中,这个气泡扩张所增加的半径,大约是这组双星之间距离的15倍。
Sixth prize for image processing was awarded to Claude Cornen, for this view of supernova remnant 0519-69, in the Large Magellanic Cloud. (NASA/ESA/Claude Cornen) #
第六名,图片加工类,Claude Cornen提交,关于大麦哲伦星云的supernova remnant 0519-69。这个漂亮的气体泡泡是发生于4个世纪前的超新星爆发的残骸
Tenth prize, for image processing, went to Nikolaus Sulzenauer, for this image of dwarf galaxy IC 10. (NASA/ESA/Nikolaus Sulzenauer) #
第十名,图片加工类, Nikolaus Sulzenauer提交,矮星系IC 10。 IC 10是一个不规则星系,同时也是一个矮星系和星暴星系. 它位于仙后座. 它是1889年Lewis Swift发现的。IC 10距离地球所在的银河大约270万光年
First prize, for basic image search, went to Brian Campbell, for uncovering this image of barred spiral galaxy NGC 6300. (NASA/ESA/Brian Campbell) #
第一名,图片搜寻类, Brian Campbell提交,关于NGC6300。NGC 6300-NGC 6300是位于天坛座的一个星系
Eighth prize, in image processing was awarded to Flickr user kyokugaisha1, for this view of planetary nebula NGC 1501. (NASA/ESA/Flickr user kyokugaisha1) #
第八名,图片加工类, kyokugaisha1提交,关于NGC 1501。NGC 1501是鹿豹座的一个星系
Fifth prize, in image search went to Adam Kill, for this cluster of distant galaxies, near lensing galaxy B 1608+656. (NASA/ESA/Adam Kill) #
第五名,图片搜寻类, Adam Kill提交,这一簇遥远的星系群,靠近星系B 1608+656的透镜 |