本帖最后由 人与自然 于 2012-9-9 11:11 编辑
“好奇号”火星探测器成功着陆不久,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)委托艺术家尼古拉斯·汗和理查德·塞莱斯尼克创作了一组题为“mars:adrift on the hourglass sea”(《火星:漂流在沙漏海》)的作品,来代表他们对火星生命的向往。
沙漏海即是今天的大瑟提斯高原,这是第一个被记录的其他行星上的特征,由克里斯蒂安·惠更斯发现,并绘于1659年。不过此时称做沙漏海(Hourglass Sea),而往后不同的观测者也给了不同的名称。1840年,约翰·海因里希·冯·梅德勒在他的火星地图里称作大西洋水道(Atlantic Canale)。1867年,理查·安东尼·普罗克特(Richard A. Proctor)称之为凯撒海(Kaiser Sea),以莱顿天文台(Leiden Observatory)的Frederick Kaiser命名。1876年,卡米伊·弗拉马利翁(Camille Flammarion)修改Proctor的命名时称之为Mer du Sablier(沙漏海的法文)。而大瑟提斯(Syrtis Major)则是乔凡尼·斯基亚帕雷利所选,置于1877年火星冲时所绘的地图中。
大瑟提斯高原(Syrtis Major Planum)是火星上一个明显的暗区(大瑟提斯,Syrtis Major),坐落于北方低原和南方高地之间,中央位于北纬8.4度,东经69.5度。是一座低缓的盾状火山,曾被认为是平原。它呈现黑色是因为玄武岩未被沙子覆盖。
大瑟提斯高原位于南纬1度至北纬18.8度、东经59度至东经77度,直径1350公里,海拔1000至2000多米。东侧经缓坡,降至海拔负3000多米的伊希地平原,其他三侧被充满陨石坑的古老高地环绕,其中北侧有数条东北-西南向的槽沟:尼利槽沟(Nili Fossae)。高原大部分的坡度不到1度,和火星其他高地火山,如第伦纳山、安翡翠特斯山一样,但却小于塔尔西斯和埃律西昂地区的盾状火山。高原中央附近最高,海拔约2200米,一旁则是一南北长约250公里、东西宽约150公里,深约1公里的凹陷,其中又包含两个破火山口:尼利火山口(Nili Patera)和梅洛火山口(Meroe Patera),底部海拔约200米,而前者因陨石坑较少故较年轻。大部分地区是玄武岩,而尼利火山口内亦有发现英安岩。探测船的重力场测量显示有一个正的重力异常,推测底下有一个南北长约600公里、东西宽约300公里、已停止活动的岩浆库,内含有已从岩浆中析出的重的矿物,主要是辉石,橄榄石亦有可能。依据陨石坑的数量,大瑟提斯高原属于早赫斯伯利亚纪,比伊西地撞击盆地晚。
大瑟提斯(Syrtis Major)来自地中海南边锡德拉湾的古罗马名:Syrtis maior,是利比亚的海湾。
Goddess: Artists Nicholas Kahn and Richard Selesnick were asked by NASA to create photographs depicting their fantasies of Mars, the planet they had pretended to explore since they were young
火星女神:艺术家Nicholas Kahn 和 Richard Selesnick 应NASA之邀,创作了一组火星艺术图景,这是一个他们自小就梦想探索的星球。图为火星女神。
Child: Only now as grown ups, the usual alien encounters and bursting stars of their childhood days are gone and the two have created extraordinarily thoughtful and complex visions of Mars and humanity's future 长大后,与火星人的相遇,以及火星是一个燃烧的星球等孩提时代的想象,已经远去,这两个艺术及凭借丰富超然的想象力,仍然创作出非凡的火星艺术画面,这些图片也揭示了地球的未来。
Landing: In their collaboration, Mars: Adrift on the Hourglass Sea, two female explorers wander a ruinous, red landscape, surviving together to find and face the unknown
Desire: 'It seemed like all the future was about space travel and then it sort of petered off,' Mr Kahn said
Vision: 'So we have these kinds of longings of the future ... the great age of space travel, so we're kind of keeping these longings out there for other people who it might seem exciting to again'
Inspiration: NASA approached the pair after they exhibited a series of images based on the moon, called the Apollo Prophecies
Partnership: Bert Ulrich, a NASA media relations contact, told them that 'Mars is where we're going to next' and asked that the artists focus on the fourth planet from the sun
Journey: Mr Ulrich showed them high-resolution photo-mosaic panoramas taken by the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity and they were instantly inspired
Time: Playing with ideas of past, present and future, the two toyed with time as a central aspect of the piece
Together: 'In the "Hourglass Sea" we set ourselves free to let the project somehow encompass millennia, right back or forward to a time when Mars had surface water.' Distopia: One vision they had was that Mars may be Earth's twin, 'whose past is our present, and whose present is our horror of our future.' 震撼的场景,艺术家认为,火星也许是地球的孪生星球,火星的过去就是地球的现在,火星的现在就是地球可怕的未来。