本帖最后由 人与自然 于 2012-10-12 00:01 编辑
Summer is returning to Antarctica and researcher teams from around the world are heading south for the (relatively) warm season. Among them are members of a Russian team that drilled into Lake Vostok last February. Vostok is a subglacial lake some 4,000 meters below the surface of the ice, and the plan is to send a robot down there this summer to collect water samples and sediments from the bottom. Research also continues at the South Pole Telescope, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, and dozens of other locations around Antarctica. Gathered here are recent images of Antarctica, its environment, and some of the scientific work taking place there. [ 37 photos] 夏天来啦,科研团队都在利用这个温暖的季节,朝着南极进发。其中,俄罗斯科研探险队于2月份进入到沃斯托克湖(英语:Lake Vostok,又译福斯多克湖、复斯图湖、东方湖,是南极洲140个以上冰下湖、地下水体最大者,也是世界最大的冰下湖)这个冰层之下4000米湖泊的区域进行考察,并抽取湖水进行研究,并继续安装南极天文望远镜,这是冰立方中微子天文台(IceCube Neutrino Observatory)的重要成分。以下是南极绝美风光和科学家们工作的场景。
Halos and sundogs appear around the sun, in the icy air over the geographic south pole, on December 30, 2011. (National Science Foundation/Deven Stross)
The IceCube lab, illuminated by moonlight. Scientists are using the world's biggest telescope, buried deep under the South Pole, to try to unravel the mysteries of tiny particles known as neutrinos, hoping to shed light on how the universe was made. (Reuters/Emanuel Jacobi/NSF) #
月光下的冰立方中微子天文台(IceCube Neutrino Observatory)。“冰立方”(ICECUBE)的中微子天文台,以揭示出来自外太空并不断轰击地球的宇宙射线及粒子的“来源”,解开 科学家们研究了十多年的“宇宙射线来源”之谜。这台耗资2.71亿美元,被科学家们称作“冰立方”(ICECUBE)的中微子天文台最后一批探测器计划2010年12月份安装到位(互动百科)。