


maoyaowu 发表于 2012-12-9 20:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–湖北–咸宁 电信


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本帖最后由 maoyaowu 于 2012-12-9 20:50 编辑

Peerless Perseus

原文:SKY & TELESCOPE , December  2012

Morning brings back the heroic ages.

--Henry David Thoreau, Walden
亨利戴维德 索罗,奥尔登

Certain mornings of November and December this year offer sights wemight truly call heroic. At dawn on November 26th and 27th,Venus and Saturn are less than 1°apart. On the mornings of December 9th through 11th, thecrescent Moon steps down a staircase of a 1st-magnitudestar and twobright planets (see figure 1).
figure-1.jpg (图一)
  And as the year nears its end, evening also brings back the heroic ages --- to theeye and mind.

Hero Perseus flies high. At the time of our all-sky map--- mid-eveningin November and earlier evening in December--- the noble constellation ofPerseus soars high in the northeast. According to Greek mythology, Perseus wasthe first great hero. He saved the chained princess Andromeda (also aconstellation) from the sea monster Cetus(another constellation), whichPoseidon had sent to punish Andromeda’s parents Cassiopeia and Cepheus(tow moreconstellations). In some versions of the myth, Perseus had the assistance ofPegasus--- yet another constellation.

  Perseus presents us with a severed part of another figure from Greek mythology: theserpent-tressed head of the monstrous Gorgon sister Medusa, represented by theclassic eclipsing binary star Algol. Novice amateur astronomers learn thatevery 2.87 days a dim companion star partly hides the brighter primary star ofthe Algol system for several spooky hours, reducing Algol’s brightness frommagnitude 2.1 to 3.4(see page 51). But we don’t often see the distance to Algolmentioned. The “Demon Star” is located only 93 light-years from Earth, a littlefarther than the central stars of the Big Dipper.
figure-2.jpg (图二)

  The only star in Perseus bright than Algol at its maximum is 1.8-magnitude AlphaPersei, also known as Mirfak. Swarming around it in the heart of the imaginedhero is a grouping of stars more than 3°, across known as theAlpha Persei Association. It’s centered about 500 light-years from us. But northwestof Perseus’s helmet is an elongated glow, which a telescope shows to beadjacent piles of stellar jewels. This is the Double Cluster of Perseus, a pairof star clusters more than 7,000 light-years from Earth. Imagine howbright---brimming with 1st-magnitude stars---the Double Cluster would appear ifbrought as near to us as the Alpha Persei Association.

IMG_0007.png (图三)
  The brightest hero. Perseus is the quintessential star-hero of Greek myth. But canwe find an even brighter hero constellation?

  Strongman Hercules has a constellation, though its last parts are sinking below thenorthwest horizon at this hour. But as a constellation, Hercules issurprisingly dim. I say surprisingly because you would think that the mightiestand most popular hero of Greek mythology would have been given a moreconspicuous star pattern.

  If we look low in the east at this time, we’ll see rising the most brilliantconstellation of all: Orion.

  In Greek mythology Orion was vain, rude, and intemperate---not really heroic incharacter. But if we concentrate on the constellation’s visual aspects--- itstwo 1st-magnitude stars, its now-vertical three-star Belt, its Sword with agleam of nebula, and especially its resemblance to a huge human figure---mostof us would agree that Orion is the most heroic constellation in all theheavens.

    今年11月份,主镜到货,还不怎么会用,朋友们又谋划着上木兰山给主镜开个光。117号,天很冷,就去了3个群里的活跃分子,以及想看星星的朋友的朋友,其中有2个小朋友。3套设备,一套设备(EQ3P,小黑150/750)引导着小盆友及其父母们观看着璀璨的星空,赞叹声不时传到耳边。目标一个一个的换,人和设备都忙的不亦乐乎;一套设备(SXWEF545LQ5,文佳60/220二代)8点多才跟随主人来到山顶,他那天的目标是整合整个系统,测试导星。偶的一套(IEQ45APM107PHQ5L-II MONO60/220三代)是第一次由本人完全独立架设,从粗对极轴,架设主镜,导星镜,相机,平衡,精对极轴,对焦,找被导星居然花费了4个小时!架设期间犯了几个愚不可及的低级错误。好歹算是架好了。拍什么没有事先计划,想起了以前拍过的NGC869,又想起了以前写拍摄计划书时引用的M33,就这两个目标吧。由于电池电量不足,无线定时快门线操作不当等原因,NGC869只拍了6张可用的(本想拍16张的),每张4分钟。M33完全没有拍出一张可用的。下面就是NGC869,本人的第一张深空照片。

    11月中旬,开始喜欢看SKY & TELESCOPE,这本杂志不错,开阔了视野,增长了见识,学到了很多有用的知识,看到上文的时候,才知道以前拍的不是NGC869,而是英仙座双双星团。看完后立即就有了翻译该文的想法。该文讲了不少星座知识,也是看了这篇文章后,才记住了英仙座。 翻译的不好,望前辈们多批评、指教,以利于本人提高、进步。


lovezeiss1984 发表于 2013-6-4 20:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–上海–上海–闵行区 电信
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