本帖最后由 人与自然 于 2012-12-16 02:10 编辑
日期:2012年12月14日 编者按: 对大自然的敬畏,是人类尊重自然、崇尚自然并大自然和谐共处的前提。 恩格斯曾说:“我们不要过分陶醉于我们人类对自然界的胜利。对于每一次这样的胜利,自然界都对我们进行报复。每一次胜利,起初确实取得了我们预期的结果,但是往后和再往后却发生完全不同的、出乎预料的影响,常常把最初的结果又消除了。” (《马克思恩格斯选集》第4卷,人民出版社1995年版第383页)这一著名论断已经成为关于人与自然关系的经典言论。
Out of an estimated 1,500 active volcanoes around the world, 50 or so erupt every year, spewing steam, ash, toxic gases, and lava. In 2012, active volcanoes included Guatemala's Volcan de Fuego, New Zealand's Tongariro, Russia's Plosky Tolbachik, Chile's Puyehue, Italy's Etna, and a new island appearing in the Red Sea. In Hawaii, Kilauea continues to send lava flowing toward the sea, and locals living near Mexico's Popocatepetl continued to deal with ashfalls. Collected below are scenes from the wide variety of volcanic activity on Earth over the past year. [ 39 photos]
2012年度,活火山包括危地马拉的富埃戈火山、新西兰的东格里罗火山、俄罗斯堪察加半岛的Plosky Tolbachik火山、智利Puyehue火山、意大利埃特纳火山和红海中出现的新小岛等。
在夏威夷, Kilauea火山继续不断地向太平洋注入红彤彤的熔岩,墨西哥波波卡特佩特火山附近的居民依然要与火山灰作斗争。
On March 11, 2012, photographer Andrew Hall captured this fantastic image of Santiaguito, an active lava dome on Guatemala's Santa María Volcano. Hall: "In the middle of the night, restless in my tent after hiking to the top of Volcan Santa Maria with Quetzaltrekkers, I trudged over to the other side of the summit, wrapped myself in my sleeping bag to fight off the chill at 12,000 feet, and watched alone as Volcan Santiaguito erupted again and again over the hours leading up to sunrise. The town of Retalhuleu, just beginning to awake, lies roughly 15 mi beyond." (© Andrew Hall)
2012年3月11日,摄影师Andrew Hall 拍摄的危地马拉圣玛利亚(Santa Maria)火山喷发情景。
Ecuador's Tungurahua volcano spews a large cloud of ash over the nearby town of Bilbao, on August 21, 2012. Authorities encouraged residents living near the volcano to evacuate due to increased activity of the volcano, according to local media. Tungurahua has been in an active state since October 1999. (Reuters/Gary Granja) #
A plume of smoke rises from the volcanic activity in Kīlauea crater in Volcanoes National Park in Volcano, Hawaii, on November 27, 2012. (Reuters/Hugh Gentry) #
Mount Etna spews volcanic ash during an eruption on Sicily, on April 1, 2012. (Reuters/Antonio Parrinello) #
Ecuador's Tungurahua volcano spews ash over the nearby town of Banos, on August 21, 2012. (Reuters/Gary Granja) # |