


suhuasky 发表于 2013-1-12 12:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–湖南–常德 电信


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本帖最后由 suhuasky 于 2013-1-12 12:54 编辑

Comet C/2012 F6 Lemmon
Taken by Cristovao Jacques on January 7, 2013 @ Australia, Siding Springs
Comet C/2012 F6 Lemmon using remotely from Brazil, the telescope of the itelescope.net service in Australia. This is a sum of 5 x 600 sec using a Takahashi SKY90 telescope and a one shot color CCD camera SBIG ST2000XMC

Taken by rolando ligustri on January 11, 2013 @ from Siding Spring in AU
I photographed this beautiful southern Comet with telescopes remotely, ITelescope.net system. DK 500/2250 FLI6303e 13x60sec RGB

Comet C/2012 K5 Linear
Taken by Tamas Abraham on January 2, 2013 @ Zsambek, Hungary
There was a weak cold front in the Carpathian Basin on this evening which helped to sweep the clouds away. So there was starry sky at last, but just around the zenith. Fortunately the constellation Auriga stayed at the zenith with the fast moving guest comet C/2012 K5 (Linear). As the humidity was heavy with the unwelcome illumination of the rising Moon, I could take just 21x60 sec frames about the comet with my old Pentacon 4/200 telephoto lens (F/8) and Canon EOS 400D camera (ISO 1600) on an EQ-5 mount. Processing by Iris software.

Taken by Dr Paolo Candy on January 3, 2013 @ Ci.A.O. Cimini Astronomical Observatory - Italy
here in Italy continues to sky not beautiful, thats why I use a remote telescope in Spain
Apo 150/1095 ccd STL11000 in bin2

Taken by Gregg Ruppel on January 2, 2013 @ Ellisville, MO, USA
K5 Linear is speeding across the evening sky at about magnitude 10-11. These images were made by using custom tracking rates for the comet, with an ASA 10N astrograph and STL11000 CCD.

Taken by rolando ligustri on January 4, 2013 @ from Nerpio, Spain, system IT16 Itelescope.net
here in Italy continues to sky not beautiful, thats why I use a remote telescope in Spain
Apo 150/1095 ccd STL11000 in bin2

Taken by Maximilian Teodorescu on January 3, 2013 @ Cota 1000 near Sinia, Romania
I was expecting a small diffuse blob from Comet K5, yet the only longer exposure Ive acquired that night proved me wrong, to my big surprise. The comets magnitude was to be around +8.3, but the final aspect on the image showed a large diffuse tail with a well defined nucleus. The proximity to open cluster M 36 made the view ever more beautiful. I also took a series of exposures later which showed the very rapid movement of the comet. At the focal length of 520mm the maximum exposure at which the comets movement wasnt visible was around 30-40 seconds.
A small satellite also passed in front of the scene, connecting the two heavenly objects.
Great little comet !

Ive also uploaded an inverted view to better show the presence of the tail.

Taken by Dr Paolo Candy on January 7, 2013 @ Ci.A.O. Cimini Astronomical Observatory - Italy

Wonderful first comet with a good tail in this 2013! 10 SC at F/2,6 CCD ST-10XME RGB for 12 min tot exposure.Great sky!!!

Taken by Maximilian Teodorescu on January 8, 2013 @ Fundulea, Romania
This year is going to be one of the most memorable for sky watchers World-wide, especially for comet observers. Even if there are still almost a couple of months until the first big comet of the year (L4 PanSTARRS)will emerge from the glare of the Sun in mid-March, we still have a pretty nice comet just above our heads each night now. Its comet K5 LINEAR which at the moment is hanging around the Hyades, near Jupiter, and it will stay around for a few more nights. Quite a crowded sky-region.
Still the best is yet to come, at the end of the year, with a comet of the century apparition from comet S1 ISON.
The acquisition data is noted on one of the images. At the time of the exposures a thin layer of mist was surrounding the location, limiting the view of the comets tail.

Taken by Tamas Abraham on January 7, 2013 @ Zsambek, Hungary
Using my 8-inch (F/5) newtonian telescope I captured the comet C/2012 K5 Linear this evening from my backyard. The second image shows the circumstances. I took 25 frames with my Canon EOS 400D camera at ISO 1600 being on the telescope and each frame was 30 sec. Processing by Iris.

Taken by Marek Harman on January 8, 2013 @ Vartovka observatory, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
Canon EOS 5DM2, 350/4000, 2500 ISO, 40x60s

Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON)

Taken by Arne Danielsen on January 1, 2013 @ Vestby, Norway
Camera Used: Unavailable Unavailable
Exposure Time: Unavailable
Aperture: Unavailable
ISO: Unavailable
Date Taken: 2013:01:02 09:19:54

Time : 19:45 UT
Location : Sole Skog Observatory, Vestby, Norway.
Latitude: 59°3618N
Longitude: 10°4540E
Altitude : 84m above sea level.
Seeing : N/R
Transmission : N/R
Temperature : -1°C
Relative humidity : N/R
Sky Quality Meter reading: 20.00mpsas
Telescope : Orion Optics UK ODK12 - 12 f/6,8 (2031mm fl)
Filter : None
Camera : SBIG STL-11000M-C2
Binning: 2x2 (1.82” pr pixel)
Exposure : 1 hour 30 minutes (18 x 5 minutes)
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME

shiney_xie 发表于 2013-1-12 13:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广东–深圳 电信
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lynn29 发表于 2013-1-12 14:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–温州 联通
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zpqian 发表于 2013-1-12 14:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 鹏博士BGP
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苍穹旋律 发表于 2013-1-12 15:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–山东–泰安 联通
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fyjs 发表于 2013-1-12 16:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–山东–德州 联通
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siyanpick 发表于 2013-1-12 19:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–云南–昆明 中国科学院
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宋奂达 发表于 2014-7-21 21:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–吉林–吉林市 联通
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