

[器材配套经验和讨论] MDL导星宝典@MDL帮助文件相关内容翻译

smartmars 发表于 2013-1-16 10:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–福建–泉州 电信


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本帖最后由 smartmars 于 2013-1-16 13:18 编辑

Autoguiding Tutorial

Autoguiding appears at first to be a rather complex task. However, the autoguider controls in MaxIm DL are actually quite easy to operate.
For most camera models, you must have a separate autoguider camera for this purpose (usually selected as Camera 2).

  • Switch to the Guide tab.


对于一个刚开始玩自动导星的人来说, 自动导星是一个相当复杂的操作任务。 不过,在MDL里的自动导星控制实际上操作起来相当容易。对于大多数情况来说,你必须为导星准备一个独立的相机。(通常设置为CAMER2)


2。If you have a telescope connected to the [url=mkMSITStore:E:\astro%20tool\MDL\MaxIm-DL.chm::/View_Telescope_Control_Window.htm]Observatory Control Window[/url] then turn on Auto Scope Dec and Auto Pier Flip. If these are enabled, you will not have to recalibrate the autoguider after moving the telescope. If you do not have a telescope connected, you can control Scope Dec and Pier Flip manually. If you plan to recalibrate for each target, leave Scope Dec at 0.

3。Turn on the Watch Star check box. This will display the guide star continuously during guiding.
4。If your guider has a shutter, click the Options button and select Simple Auto-dark. This will automatically create a dark frame and then dark subtract each image from the camera. If you do not have a shutter select No Calibration for now.
5。Set the exposure time to 0.5 Seconds.
6。Click the Settings button.


2。如果你的镜子连接到了一个观察控制窗口(OBSERVATORYCONTRLWINDOW),那么打开 Auto Scope Dec and Auto Pier Flip. 如果这些被启动了, 那么你必须在移动镜子后重新校对自动导星。如果你没有连接镜子,那么你可以手动控制Scope Dec and Pier Flip 。如果你打算对每一个目标都重新校对,把Scope Dec 设置到0
。钩选 Watch Star,这可以在导星期间,持续显示作为导星的星点。
4。如果你的导星相机有快门 请点开Options按键,并选择Simple Auto-dark。 这将自动创建一个暗场并将此后拍摄的图像减去这个暗场。如果你的导星相机没有快门,那么请选择No Calibration
5。设定曝光时间为0.5 秒
6。点 Settings


7。Click the Defaults button and click Yes to confirm that you want to set all fields to their recommended initial values. (The Manual Calibration and Exposure Settings controls are excluded.) Among these are:
  • The Cal Time controls specify how long MaxIm DL will "hold the button down" (i.e., actuate the telescope guiding motors) during guider calibration. This will determine how far the star moves between calibration steps. Calibration is an essential step to determine how fast the guiding motors move the telescope and thus how much correction to apply for a particular measured position error. (Note: if there is a speed control on your mount, it is recommended to set it between 0.5X and 0.1X for guiding purposes.)  Cal Time is measured in seconds and can be specified independently for each axis.
  • The six check boxes in the Guider Enables group are all turned on, enabling guiding in each axis, and enabling guiding motor operation in each direction.
  • Control Via is set to Guider Relays. This setting informs MaxIm DL how the guiding motors (or in this case simulator) are controlled. If you are using a different device to send commands to the mount, you will need to configure this differently. Please refer to the  [url=mkMSITStore:E:\astro%20tool\MDL\MaxIm-DL.chm::/HIDD_GUIDE.htm]Guide Tab[/url] section for more information.
  • Display Mode is set to Pixels, with Delta should be on. This causes measured guide star positions to be converted to errors from nominal and displayed in units of camera pixels. You can optionally set this to display errors in arc-seconds.

8。 In most cases, you can set Binning to 2 or 3. Binning 1 is only required when you are using a separate guide scope that is a much shorter focal length than the main scope. The guide camera can have 1/10th the resolution of the main camera and still guide very well, since the software can measure the centroid of a star to a tiny fraction of a pixel.
9。Click the Reset button to reset the subframe settings to include the entire guide sensor.
10。Select the Advanced tab of the Guider Settings dialog, click its Defaults button and confirm that you want to set all fields to their recommended initial values. If a filename appears under Offset Tracking, click Clear.
11。Click OK to return to the Guide tab. Once you have these settings configured the way you want them, they will be remembered the next time you start the software.

7 Defaults 键,然后点Yes确认你将所有的初始设定为推荐设置( Manual CalibrationExposure Settings 除外)。 其中:

  • Cal Time 规定了 在导星校对时MDL会按住这个按键多长时间(例如:驱动导星马达多长时间)。 这将决定在两次校对之间星点移动多远。校对是一个重要的步骤,以确定导星马达让望远镜移动多远,同时决定对于一个测量到的误差应该做多大的矫正。( 注:如果在你的赤道仪上有速度控制,建议为导星设置在0.5X到0.1X之间)。Cal Time 使用秒度量的,并可以独立地设置每一个轴。
  • 钩选Guider Enables 下面六个选择,将让X和Y轴方向都启动导星,并让驱动马达在XY方向都移动
  • Control Via 被设置到Guider Relays, 这个设置告诉MDL 如何控制驱动马达(或在模拟马达的情形)。如果你用不同的设备控制赤道仪, 那么需要另外设置,参见其它。
  • Display Mode 被设置成Pixels, 而同时钩选 Delta 。 这个使得把测试道德星点位置转化为误差,并以相机像素值显示出来。你也可以选者成角秒单位显示。

8  大多数情况下,你可以设置Binning  到2或3 。BINNING 1 仅仅用在这样的场合,你使用了一个独立的镜子做导星镜子, 而到星镜子的焦距远远小于主镜。导星相机可以具有主相机1/10 的分辨率,而仍然可以导星很好。因为,这个软件可以测量星点重心到细分一个像素的水平。

9。点击Reset, 复位画幅选择框,以选取整个导星相机成像靶面

10。点击到星设置(Guider Settings) 里面的  Advanced 按键,点击Defaults,并确认拟希望把所有初始设置设为推荐值。如果Offset Tracking下面显示有文件名, 请点 Clear

11。点击OK 回到 Guide 栏。 一旦你设定了这些设置, 下次打开软件的时候,软件会记住得的。


    12。On the Guide Tab, make sure the Expose mode is selected and click Start. A single image will be displayed.
    13  The brightest star will automatically be selected as the guide star. You can optionally pick the guide star by clicking on a star in the image. Do not draw a box around it. Just click on it.
    14  Now switch the mode to Calibrate, and click the Start button again. The camera will take a series of pictures; each time moving the telescope mount (if you are using the simulator, the "mount" and "stars" are of course simulated).
    15 The calibration cycle will take five pictures, moving the star in +X, -X, +Y and -Y directions. Usually X refers to RA and Y to Declination, but depending on the mount wiring this may be different. The star may also move in a different direction, because the camera may not be aligned with North at the top. (The camera simulator has a setting that allows you to adjust how the camera is "rotated".)
    16 Once the calibration cycle is complete, the star should be approximately back where it started. A red line is drawn to trace the path of the star; this should look like an "L". The sides of the "L" need to be long enough to get a good measurement of the star movement. If the movement is too short (less than 20 pixels or so), increase the appropriate Cal Time setting and start the calibration cycle again.
    17 We are now ready to guide. Switch the guider mode to Track. Set the X and Y Aggressiveness settings to 8. Click Start.
    18 The image will shrink to a small subframe. This is done to speed up camera download during guiding. You may wish to zoom in the window to see it better. The star should be in the center, and should remain there during tracking. (If the simulator was set up to emulate guider errors, you will see the star bounce around a bit because the simulated "mount" has very rough tracking. Hopefully in the real world your tracking will be smother!)
19 You can now switch to the Expose tab and start an exposure. By default, a five second pause is inserted before each exposure, to make sure that the guider is tracked in before the next exposure starts. Guiding is not performed during main camera readout (to prevent readout artifacts due to CPU loading, and because some cameras use one shutter for both sensors); if the telescope drifts during readout the delay allows it to be tracked in.

12。在GUID 栏目里, 请确认曝光模式Expose 的选取,然后点击START, 这将得到一张图像。


14.  立即把模式切换到校对Calibrate, 并点击Start。相机将会陆续拍摄一些列图象, 每一次都会移动赤道仪。

15.校对周期中会拍摄5 张图像,分别将星点向 +X,-X,+Y,-Y方向移动。 通常情况下, X指的是RA, 而Y指的是DEC。 但是这也因为赤道仪连接不同而不同。这个星点也可能在不同的方向移动, 因为相机也许没有让顶部冲北而安装在镜子上。(相机模拟器可以让你设置相机的旋转位置)

16。一旦校对完成,这个星点应该大致回到开始的位置。 一条红线会被画下来跟踪星点的移动路径; 这个应该开起来像个L 字符。L的双边要足够的长,一边更好的测量星点的移动。如果星点移动太短(少于20个像素或更少), 请增加合适的  Cal Time , 并重新校对。 

17。准备开始跟踪, 将工作模式设置到 Track ,把X and Y Aggressiveness设置到8 。 点击Start 

18.  此刻,导星图像会缩小成一个小窗口。这是为了增加导星期间图像下载速率。导星的星点会一直稳定地留在这个窗口中。

19.你可以切换到图像采集栏目( Expose )并准备开始拍摄了。 默认情况下, 在每一次曝光拍摄前, 都会 有5 秒的时间来确认导星跟踪。当主相机读出数据的时候,导星是不工作的。 (防止因为CPU的加载产生冲突, 也因为一些相机是主相机和导星相机共用 快门的缘故)。 如果在读出数据的时候,望远镜发生了漂移, 那么 延迟的设置(delay)可以保证跟踪的持续。  

Some guiding tips:

  • If the guider needs more settling time between exposures, go to the Autosave Setup and increase the Delay Between to more than 5 seconds. Alternatively, you can set up a Guider Settling Criterion on the Guide Tab's Options menu.
  • The calibration settings change if you move the telescope in declination. To avoid having to recalibrate for every image, you can use declination compensation. Set the Declination field to the declination of your calibration star before you calibrate. Then reset the Declination value whenever you change guide stars. You can use Auto Scope Dec to retrieve this information from the Observatory Control Window.
  • If you are using a German Equatorial mount, pier flipping will also affect the guider calibration. The Auto Pier Flip will retrieve the necessary information from the Observatory Control Window.
  • If you have a large amount of backlash in your mount, you might want to adjust the Backlash settings. Be careful not to set them too high, or it will make things worse instead of better.
  • If you have [url=mkMSITStore:E:\astro%20tool\MDL\MaxIm-DL.chm::/Backlash_and_Stiction.htm]stiction[/url] on the declination axis of your telescope, you may wish to avoid reversing the corrections in declination. To do this, note the direction of drift and in the Settings turn off the autoguider output that pushes in the direction of the drift. That will prevent the declination axis from ever reversing direction.
  • It is usually best to balance the telescope slightly heavier on the East side, so the main drive gear is lifting the scope. Otherwise any slop in the gears will result in them bouncing back and forth between the teeth, which makes proper guiding impossible. If this is very bad you may need to adjust the gears.
  • If you have trouble getting good results, please refer to the [url=mkMSITStore:E:\astro%20tool\MDL\MaxIm-DL.chm::/Autoguider_Troubleshooting.htm]Autoguider Troubleshooting[/url] section.


  • 如果需要设置更长的曝光间隔时间, 请到Autosave Setup , 并增加Delay Between 到5 秒或更多。此外,你可以在导星(GUIDE)栏目里地OPTION 里,设置Guider Settling Criterion
  • 如果你将镜子在DEC方向移动, 校对设置会改变。为了避免对每一图像作重复的校对,你需要设置DEC补偿。在校对前, 设置一下导星星点的Declination 补偿。 无论你什么时候改变导星的星点, 这个值都会复位。你也可以用Auto Scope Dec 从Observatory Control Window中检索相关信息。
  • 如果你用德式赤道仪,  pier flipping 也会影响导星校对。 Auto Pier Flip 能够从Observatory Control Window.检索到必要的信息。
  • 如果你的系统有太大的空回, 请设置 Backlash 。 小心不要设置太高, 否则会弄巧成拙!
  • 如果你在DEC方向有摩擦, 你希望避免在DEC方向的误差修正不要搞反。 为此目的, 注意漂移的方向,并在Settings里关掉自动导星向漂移方向的输出。 这样可以避免DEC轴不会错向。
  • 通常最好在平衡镜子的时候,让镜子的东边稍微重一点。如此主驱动齿轮会支撑着镜子。 否则, 在齿轮中的任何杂质都会在齿之间前后乱蹦。这将让正常的导星无法进行,如果情况很糟糕的话,你需要调节齿轮。
  • 如果你有任何导星问题,请在列出讨论。

火星语录第一条<天文摄影,感受生命; 风光摄影,感受自然; 人文摄影,感受生活>
行星&月面拍摄/目视:MELOWU-210/ES127+晶华巴罗5X/3X+5只ES目镜+晶华高反天顶+DMK21 618+N31/DELOS/ETHOS
广域装备:Astrotrac tt320x(剪刀脚)+NEX7+FS60CB(纪念版,0.72X减焦)
mandii 发表于 2013-1-16 11:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 Hknet公司
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使用道具 举报

yjcoffee 发表于 2013-1-16 12:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–上海–上海–浦东新区 电信/芳草路中录时空
本帖最后由 yjcoffee 于 2013-1-16 12:26 编辑

用MDL经常碰到一个问题,就是Expose找到星点以后,点Calibrate没有问题,但是一点Track进行跟踪就报Star faded...

我的导星设备是:50F185导星镜 + 一代QHY5直接通过导星接口连接HEQ5,MDL曝光时间设到0.5~1秒还是经常找不到导星(但Expose星点明明没问题),而换用PHD用0.5秒以下曝光时间都可以的

——希望LZ或有经验的来说一下Star faded的问题


Q5 的线有问题了。   详情 回复 发表于 2013-1-16 12:36
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使用道具 举报

885645 发表于 2013-1-16 10:51 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广西 电信/数据上网公共出口

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无毒 发表于 2013-1-16 11:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–金华 电信
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lynn29 发表于 2013-1-16 18:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–杭州 联通
好文章 好技术帖子
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小小俊 发表于 2013-1-16 16:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–上海–上海 电信
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使用道具 举报

搜星星 发表于 2013-1-16 16:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 联通
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使用道具 举报

黄药师 发表于 2013-1-16 14:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–厦门 电信


翻译一下,自己也复习一下功课。大家都看看,以后遇到问题可以讨论而迅速解决  详情 回复 发表于 2013-1-16 15:51
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gki2008 发表于 2013-1-16 14:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–上海–上海 电信/东方有线
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使用道具 举报

rember1002 发表于 2013-1-16 13:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–四川–绵阳 电信
这个算是半汉化版了吧  吼吼  好东西啊  要顶
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柳叶刀 发表于 2013-1-16 12:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–厦门 电信


快快学习吧。我用你的镜子拍摄是一种罪过。 此外, 昨天 GOTO失败的问题。我基本可以肯定是你和黄药师搞归零搞出来的问题。 你自己好好反省  详情 回复 发表于 2013-1-16 13:23
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| smartmars 发表于 2013-1-16 13:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–泉州 电信
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| smartmars 发表于 2013-1-16 12:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–泉州 电信
yjcoffee 发表于 2013-1-16 12:24
用MDL经常碰到一个问题,就是Expose找到星点以后,点Calibrate没有问题,但是一点Track进行跟踪就报Star fa ...

Q5 的线有问题了。 


不一定导星线的问题,这个问题我也遇到过,是Q5的问题,我一般重新拔下Q5的usb线,再不行就重装q5驱动。折腾几下就会好了。  详情 回复 发表于 2013-1-16 13:34
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| smartmars 发表于 2013-1-16 13:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–泉州 电信
柳叶刀 发表于 2013-1-16 12:41


此外, 昨天 GOTO失败的问题。我基本可以肯定是你和黄药师搞归零搞出来的问题。 你自己好好反省
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| smartmars 发表于 2013-1-16 15:51 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–泉州 电信
黄药师 发表于 2013-1-16 14:29

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使用道具 举报

芥未 发表于 2013-1-16 13:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广东–深圳–福田区 电信


刚刚编辑了一下。  详情 回复 发表于 2013-1-16 13:20
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使用道具 举报

yizhiqian 发表于 2013-1-16 13:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–上海–上海 电信
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yizhiqian 发表于 2013-1-16 13:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–上海–上海 电信
smartmars 发表于 2013-1-16 12:36
Q5 的线有问题了。 

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使用道具 举报

果子熊 发表于 2013-1-16 11:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–陕西–西安 电信
支持 不知道可否做成PDF文件 附件下载一下
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