关于本人这面zambuto品牌主镜为何没有附上 Carl 的检测报告,我专门邮件问了卖家和Carl Zambuto本人,以下是回信原文:
Re: seek for zambuto 254 F6.51 's infomation
发件人:stedystate <stedystate@aol.com>
时 间:2013年2月24日(星期天) 中午1:01 (UTC-08:00 温哥华、洛杉玑、西雅图时间)
"老汉林/zq" <381540952@qq.com>
We do not provide measurement information from a five zone foucault test on our mirrors. The paperwork you have is the documentation, along with the paper that comes with it. Test reports in this industry (amateur optics) prove nothing, and for many reasons which I won't take the time to go into in any detail, but the main reasons are three- one, no one agrees on what standards should be used. Two, fictitious reports abound and exist even today, which causes unfair competition, and three, the method we use which is a zonal longitudinal aberration test cannot produce any kind of agreed set of numbers that the industry can agree on. To understand what you have, we have outlined what we make in every mirror. It is called the Seven Criteria.
Thank you for inquiring, and we sincerely hope you are satisfied with your optic.
Carl Zambuto
老外效率真高啊,没过几小时,鼎鼎大名的 Carl Zambuto 就回复了我(想想国内的办事效率{:soso_e131:}),有他头像的那张纸就是合格证明了,对于业余主镜不提供检测报告的,但遵循七个标准。他还提到一种所谓的 “带状纵向畸变试验” 。