


maoyaowu 发表于 2013-4-20 15:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–湖北–武汉 电信


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本帖最后由 maoyaowu 于 2013-4-20 15:56 编辑

1.      望远镜的接环,附件等消光要做好。
2.      LRGB每个通道的平场文件使用各自通道的滤镜拍摄。
3.       IR只是漫射光中的一部分。
4.      月光明亮的夜晚也可以进行深空拍摄(是么!? 没有试验过拍摄效果,有经验的朋友们讲讲)。
5.       发现CCD上有些小瑕疵(如芯片金属焊接线反光等)要淡定,不要认为是相机有问题。
6.       不要过于苛求,尽力做到最好就行。

Flat Fields andStray Light in Amateur Telescopes
March 8, 2013:12:00 AM
FlatFields and Stray Light in Amateur Telescopes
(The Ugly Truth - Its more Complicated than you ever thought!)
Alan Holmes
A lot of users struggle with flat fields thatdon’t work well, and leave gradients in their images, or hot spots, or otherhard-to-process-out artifacts. As a result they have resorted to twilight flatsand other techniques to get better results. In this paper I will reveal thereal source of the problems, discuss why twilight flats are not very good, andoutline some tips for better results. I believe even those users who think theyhave mastered the flat-fielding technique still have problems they do notrecognize.
To begin – many black surfaces are not
I have constructed a flat field system at homewhere I can use LEDS of different colors to take a really good flat fieldwith our CCD cameras, and telescopes. It is nothing more than multiple LEDS ofdifferent wavelengths, and a large pasteboard box painted black on the inside,with apertures sized to recreate an F/6 system. In Figure One I show flatfields collected using an expensive refractor any of you would be proud to own,using green light and near IR (940 nm) light. There is no vignetting whateverin this system! What looks like vignetting at the edges is actually excesslight in the center of the image that has glinted off the coupling tubes nearthe camera. The donut appearance in the IR is due to these same glints.
FigureOne: Flat Fields with an Expensive Triplet Refractor


The center to edge variation here is about 6%,which would require flat fielding in an astro-image. The problem is lightpollution for most people means that their sky at night is a greenish yellowcolor, but if they took a flat field using a flashlight with an incandescentbulb, which has strong IR, the astro-images would have an inverse donutillumination pattern. There is another concern here. Many astrophotographersare doing photometry with their systems, and quite often compare two stars indifferent parts of the field to make their measurement (differentialphotometry). They would flat field their data assuming the pattern seen in thegreen image was vignetting, which means a sensitivity dropoff at the edges, butit is not. Sensitivity is actually constant to the edge. Figure Two illustratesthis problem.
FigureTwo: Stray Light looks Like Vignetting


This actually occurs with photometry. To properlymap out the sensitivity of the image one must move a star around the field andmeasure its brightness at many places. Or, eliminate the stray light!
The stray light, particularly in the infrared, isusually caused by the manufacturer using black anodized aluminum surfaces inthe telescope. Black anodized surface have about 50% reflectivity at 940nm. Figure Three shows a number of "black" objects at 940 nm, as wellas a white business card. You "see" the problem, literally. Trulyblack surfaces would be as dark as the interior of the nosepiece on the rightside of the image.
FigureThree: "Black" Objects at 940 nm
图三: “黑色”物体IR(940nm)


It is actually easy to see if you have someversion of this problem. Take the camera out of the focuser position, point thecamera at the sky or white surface, and look into the tube. Put your eyewhere the camera was. What you should see is the telescope aperture floating ina dark void. With the high end refractor of Figure One, I saw the patternillustrated in Figure Four.
FigureFour: Looking up the Tube


As you can see, I had lots of glints off thecoupling rings. I made a special camera for taking this image by modifying anST-3200 to have a 6 mm F/12 focal length pinhole lens right in front of it. Itwas revealing, once again literally. Below I show the results for a ChineseNewtonian telescope. You can see the aperture and the secondary spider in themiddle. However, that glow around it is 13% of the total light hitting thefocal plane at 940 nm.
FigureFive: Chinese Newtonian


I know many of you are thinking "Why do I needto worry about this – the sky is dark?" The answer is, it’s not. You arepointing your telescope into a hemisphere of light. It may be dim, but so iswhat you are imaging. In fact, for the high end refractor, the fraction of theskylight that you want to hit the chip is only 1/7300th of the light enteringthe lens, and you want to knock down that unwanted stray light to the 1% level,or almost a million times total.
Now it is appropriate to delve into the sciencebehind this problem. The stray light problem would actually flat field out fineIF the flat field light source were exactly the same spectrum as the night sky.However, this is not the case. In Figure Six I show the relative spectrum ofseveral light sources, measured with an SBIG DSS-7. My night sky from my backyard is also included.
FigureSix: Spectrum of Typical Light Sources


A wavelength of 4500 Angstroms (450 nm) is deepblue, a wavelength of 5500 Angstroms is green, and 6500 Angstroms deep red.However, CCD cameras have sensitivity up to 10000 Angstroms (1000 nm), and thesky has about half its brightness, for a dark site, above 7000 Angstroms. Infact, the older imagers among you will remember the early days of CCD imagingwhen users marveled at the fact that moonlight was not a big problem forimaging. That was partly because it was a small fraction of the total skylight,which included the infrared. By the way, I have also measured the twilightspectrum, and it is a deep blue weighted spectrum, as one might suspect. It isa poor match to the night sky. Also, I have had some users that were flatfielding each color by itself to try to beat the flat field problem, and usingincandescent bulbs turned down low. They were taking blue flat fields withorange light! That would work except most filters have some IR leakage, and whenthe IR content of the light is 100 times the blue, the leakage is as big as thedesired light.
The other important part of this issue is thatdeep sky objects all have very low contrast against the sky background. FigureSeven shows a picture of the Horsehead Nebula captured by Tony Hallas with aluminance filter on a dark night from a good sight. Note that the interestingfeatures require detection of objects at the 1% contrast level, and world classwork like Tony’s reveals features down to 0.2% and less. By the way, thebrightness of areas of an astro-image are easily measured using CCDOPSCrosshair mode.
FigureSeven: Tony Hallas Horsehead, Luminance Filter


TheSolution – Make Those Surfaces Black!
How to solve this problem – paint your interiorsurfaces! I have measured one paint that seems to work well, Rust-oleumSpecialty High Heat Barbeque Flat Black spray paint. Others are no doubt good,but this one I know is flat, and has about 10% reflectivity in the IR. Avoidgarden variety black paints since they may contain a dye, rather than apigment. Many dyes common in the printing industry and elsewhere turn white at700 nm. See the black felt in my previous image for proof. The Barbeque Blackis good since dyes can’t take the heat, and the formulation uses a pigment.Remove the interior surfaces from any optical elements, and paint them well,masking the threads with tape. As an example of how well this can work, seeFigure Eight below. The user was getting the flat fields shown on the right,and was convinced he had a defective camera, and wanted a new STL-11K. Aftermany discussions, he painted the interior of his new focuser (a good brand, bythe way) with flat black paint, and obtained the flat field on the right –problem solved!
FigureEight: Case History – Before and After Painting Interior of Focuser


It is also a good idea to use a light source forflat fields that is somewhat similar in spectral shape to the night sky fromwhere you live. We hope that some company will take it upon themselves to makea hyperspectral flat field source using an array of LEDs with different centerwavelengths to accurately reproduce the night sky spectral shape. SBIG has theequipment to measure the spectrum of the night sky or various light sources.Our DSS-7 has existed for many years, and our new ST-I Prism Spectrograph willbe a valuable accessory enabling such measurements.
It’s Not Always Just Paint!
I may have led the user to believe that with asimple can of spray paint his problems are solved. As with most things in life,it is not quite that simple. I have made some effort to determine the limits ofCCD cameras to detect low contrast objects, and have found that at the 1% levelthe CCD itself has spectral variations of sensitivity across its surface. NoteFigure Nine, revealing bond wire glints. Light reflects off the gold structureand bond wires at the edge of the CCD, then reflects off the CCD cover glass,and produces this effect. Figure Ten shows a Single Shot color ST-8300 image ofa galaxy from a light polluted sight with the contrast pushed, showing furtherevidence of the metallization changing the color of the sky background near theupper and lower images of the image. All of you reading this paper have thisproblem – check your images.
FigureNine: Bond Wire Glints


FigureTen: Single Shot Color ST-8300 Image under Light Polluted Conditions


Sometimes the CCD itself has issues. Many of ourusers are pushing the limits, taking images from places like Tokyo or Beijing,where the contrast of deep sky objects against the night sky is 50 times poorerthan what Tony Hallas deals with. An example of what can happen is shown inFigure Eleven below, a green STL-11K flat on the left, and a red STL-11K flaton the right. Note the cold spot in the center of the CCD in the green imagebecoming a hot spot in the red. A problem like this is hopeless to flat field,even with a hyperspectral flat field source. Unfortunately this chip is notconsidered defective by Kodak (now TrueSense). At the time of this user’sproblem I surveyed a number of STL-11K cameras from our production line anddetermined that this was truly an unusual camera in the magnitude of thiseffect. However, all of them had variations at the 1% level, but not soprominently placed as the center of the CCD!
有时候是CCD自身存在问题。许多用户在不断的接近极限,他们在东京或者北京拍摄,哪里的深空目标与天空背景的对比度要比托尼.哈拉斯应付的恶劣50倍。图十一显示了会发生什么,一张STL-11K拍摄的绿色通道平场,和右边一张STL-11K拍摄的红色通道的平场。注意绿色通道平场中心部分的的冷点,在红色通道平场中变成了热点。像这样的问题在拍摄平场的时候是没有办法回避的,哪怕是使用超级理想的平场光源。很不幸,有这样问题的芯片不会被柯达(现在是TrueSense)认为是有瑕疵的。发现这个问题后,我调查 了产品线上的几台STL-11K,发现,对于这种程度的效果来说这确实是一个不常见的相机。然而,这些问题在程度上有1%的变化,位于CCD的中央也不是那么的引人注目。
FigureEleven: STL-11K Flat Field with Unusual Problem


Most amateurs take color images using the LRGBtechnique, where the L (luminance) image is painted with the color from the RGBimages. There is some debate about whether one should use a clear filter, whichpasses all wavelengths, or a luminance filter, which blocks the infrared. Notethe flat fields below in Figure Twelve, captured using the popular KAF-8300CCD. A green flat is on the left, and looks quite smooth except for a dustglob. The flat field on the right is with an IR LED. Note the polishing markson the right, which are revealed by the greater penetration of IR light intothe silicon, the increased gradient left to right, and the grid structure becomingmore prominent. Both images are displayed at the SAME 10% contrast full scale.This is a good chip!
大多数的业余爱好者使用LRGB方式拍摄彩色照片。一直存在一个讨论:是否应该用放通所有波长光线的C滤镜,或者用带红外截止功能的L滤镜来拍摄L图像。注意图十二,下面的平场使用流行的KAF-8300CCD拍摄。绿色通道的平场在左边,除了几处灰尘痕迹,看上去很平整。右边的平场是用较多IR 光的LED做光源拍摄的。注意右边光滑的亮部,这是较多的IR光线投射到了芯片上,这增加了整张照片从左到右的的亮度变化,照片被明暗分隔成网格状的情况更明显了。两张照片都是全尺寸的10%。芯片没有问题!
FigureTwelve: ST-8300 Flat Fields


By now you may be starting to feel CCD imaging ishopeless. That is far from the case. This last example merely illustrates thelimitation of broad band imaging, and points out the importance of trying tomatch the flat field illumination to the night sky spectrum. For now I wouldrecommend users take their "L" shots with a luminance filter to getmore easily processed results. We here at SBIG are committed to improving whatusers can achieve with their equipment, and it is a continuous process. Tokyoor New York may be where you live! However, the more daylight we can shed onthese mysteries of CCD imaging the more quickly solutions will be developed. Ishould note, though, that telescope suppliers need to pay more attention to bafflingand flat interior coatings in their products. Many are good, but there are somevery bad scopes out there. I will not name names in this paper. However, we mayoffer a short focus ST-I lens accessory soon that lets users make their ownmeasurements.

a125278748 发表于 2013-4-20 15:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建 移动/数据上网公共出口


偶自己翻译的  详情 回复 发表于 2013-4-20 15:48
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| maoyaowu 发表于 2013-4-20 15:48 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–湖北–武汉 电信
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山脚落 发表于 2013-4-20 16:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广西–百色 电信
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使用道具 举报

boneking 发表于 2013-5-20 23:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–陕西–西安 联通
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