本帖最后由 人与自然 于 2013-5-13 01:26 编辑
A photographer waited for three months in freezing temperatures to capture this dazzling display of light above the Rocky Mountains in a set of spectacular photographs.
Ricahrd Gottardo, 29, camped in the -37C mountains throughout the Winter, hoping to photograph the breathtaking Northern Lights.
He captured the natural phenomenon on April 13, just days before he was due to leave the expedition.
Mr Gottardo, from Calgary, Canada, took the pictures in Revelstoke, British Columbia and hired a snowmobile to reach the perfect vantage point.
While he waited for the Lights, which are notoriously difficult to forecast, Mr Gottardo, merged almost 4000 pictures of the sky taken from the mountain range.
29岁的摄影师理查德.哥塔尔多(Ricahrd Gottardo),在北美落基山脉零下37摄氏度的空旷寒冷环境中,花了整整3个月时间,徜徉、徘回在山区孤寂凛冽的岩石草地森林中,跨越了漫长冬季,就为捕捉那精彩的自然美景。皇天不负有心人,终于在2013年4月13日,就在他打算下山的前一天,上天赐予了这个年轻摄影师辛勤工作的礼物,让他得以拍摄到这一组精彩绝伦的摄影照片,这些照片是综合整理了4000多张照片而成。
理查德.哥塔尔多(Ricahrd Gottardo),来自加拿大Calgary(卡尔加里市),这个城市位于东部的Alberta(阿尔伯塔)省,据说是加拿大的第四大城市。这些照片的拍摄地点是加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省雷夫尔斯托克国家公园。
Starry night: the Northern Lights illuminate the sky above Revelstoke, British Columbia. The photograph looks like a CGI construct, but was taken using long exposure techniques 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省雷夫尔斯托克市的灯光与灿烂星空、绿色的北极光
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2323331/Photographer-braves-37C-temperatures-months-capture-star-trails-Rocky-Mountains.html#ixzz2T60TSWvt
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