本帖最后由 人与自然 于 2014-3-18 11:13 编辑
43岁的生态摄影师Paul Quagliana,抓拍了蚂蚁这一组喷射酸液体的精彩瞬间。
Anti-social behaviour: Woodland ants (pictured) are able to fire acid into the air to ward off predators. The insects work together to jointly squirt foul-smelling liquid when they sense at threat over head - such as a hungry bird 蚂蚁集体喷出的酸性毒性液体,甚至可以击溃来犯的小鸟
Little squirts: In order to trigger the insect's reaction, the photographer gave the ant's nest a tap, which prompted the insects to squirt the acid in the air from their tiny abdomens (pictured)
The ants' aggressive behaviour was captured by Paul Quagliana, 43, a wildlife photographer, who found a colony of the ants on a log in Wareham Forest, Dorset. He carefully provoked them to see how they worked together to squirt streams of smelly acid upwards (pictured left and right) Woodland ants (pictured) are the largest native ant species of the UK and are known to be aggressively territorial. They often attack and remove other ant species from the area 这种林地蚂蚁是英国最大的本土物种,以进攻性和强悍保卫自己领土而著称
As a defense mechanism the ants squirt formic acid which smells a bit like salt and vinegar crisps or fish and chips, the photographer explained when he captured the creatures in action in Dorset |