正如我们所见,M74是一个几乎正面朝向我们的旋涡星系,它位于双鱼座方向,距离我们约3000万光年。上面这幅合成图中的红色斑点是由钱德拉(Chandra)X射线天文台绘制的超亮X射线源(ULXs)。超亮X射线源得名于它们居然比通常的X射线双星(x-ray binary stars)要亮上10到1000倍,这些X射线双星中隐藏着中子星或恒星质量的黑洞(stellar mass black hole)。观测表明,这些超亮X射线源的X射线光变周期大约为2小时左右,因此,天文学家们推测超亮X射线源应该是中等质量的黑洞(约为10000个太阳质量)。这些黑洞还是比潜伏在大的旋涡星系中的百万个太阳质量的大黑洞要小得多了。这些中等质量的黑洞是怎么会在那里呢?一种很有趣的想法是,它们是被旋涡星系M74所吞并的一些小星系的核。(小兔小海合译,小海校)
ULXs in M74
Credit: X-ray; J. Liu (U.Mich.) et al., CXC, NASA - Optical; T. Boroson (NOAO), AURA, NOAO, NSF
Explanation: In visual appearance, M74 is a nearly perfect face-on spiral galaxy, about 30 million light-years away toward the constellation Pisces. The red blotches seen in this composite view are ultraluminous x-ray sources (ULXs) mapped by the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The ULXs are so called because they actually do radiate 10 to 1,000 times more x-ray power than "ordinary" x-ray binary stars, which harbor a neutron star or stellar mass black hole. In fact, watching these ULXs change their x-ray brightness over periods of 2 hours or so, astronomers conclude that ULXs could well be intermediate mass black holes -- black holes with masses 10,000 times or so greater than the Sun, but still much less than the million solar mass black holes which lurk in the centers of large spiral galaxies. How did these intermediate mass black holes get there? One intriguing suggestion is that they are left over from the cores of much smaller galaxies that are merging with spiral galaxy M74. |