在火星上的不同区域找到水,意味着我们可以理解火星的复杂的地质历史,和过去可能存在过的生命,以及未来宇航员潜在的食物来源。许多空间项目都拍摄了这颗红色行星表面的照片,它们中的一些也许隐藏了火星上的水的细微线索,但却被人们忽略了。所以请仔细观察这些照片,让好奇心指引着你,依照科学原理和我们已知的火星表面特点,再加上行星地质学原理,某些微小的线索也许就会给你带来光明。在此天文每日一图(APOD)的工作人员及小海小兔祝大家愚人节(April Fool's Day )快乐! ^^
Water On Mars
Credit & Copyright: Ellen Roper (GCC)
Explanation: Can you help discover water on Mars? Finding water on different regions on Mars has implications for understanding its complex geologic history, the possible existence of past life and the sustenance of potential future astronauts. Many space missions have taken photographs of the surface of the red planet, and some of them might show a subtle clue pointing to water on Mars that has been missed. By close inspection of images, following curiosity, applying scientific principles, applying knowledge about features on the Martian surface, and applying principles of planetary geology, such clues might be brought to light. In the meantime, happy April Fool's Day from the folks at APOD! |