本帖最后由 qhyphoto 于 2016-4-1 00:15 编辑
Jupiter may be the biggest planet, but it sure seems to get picked on. On March 17, amateur astronomer Gerrit Kernbauer of Mödling, Austria, a small town just south of Vienna, was filming Jupiter through his 7.8-inch (200mm) telescope. 10 days later he returned to process the videos and discovered a bright flash of light at Jupiter's limb.
木星也许是最大的行星,但它有时候也会被小小的欺负一下。 3月17日,居住在奥地利维也纳南部的一个小镇莫德林的业余天文学家格里特Kernbauer,正在通过他7.8英寸(200毫米)望远镜拍摄木星。 10天后,当他重新到处理视频时,发现木星侧面一处明亮的闪光。
使用Kernbauer提供的原始视频叠加之后的撞击画面。采用ALCCD5L-II-C(即QHY5L-II-C)拍摄,注意撞击闪光产生的特别的颜色. 该视频叠加处理由Sebastian Voltmer完成
"I was observing and filming Jupiter with my Skywatcher Newton 200 telescope, writes Kernbauer. "The seeing was not the best, so I hesitated to process the videos. Nevertheless, 10 days later I looked through the videos and I found this strange light spot that appeared for less than one second on the edge of the planetary disc. Thinking back to Shoemaker-Levy 9, my only explanation for this is an asteroid or comet that enters Jupiter's high atmosphere and burned up/explode very fast."
“我正在通过Skywatcher200毫米牛顿望远镜观测(俗称大黑) 观测和拍摄木星,Kernbauer写到。视宁度不是最好的,所以我比较迟疑去叠加视频。然而,10天后我重新观看了录像看,发现在木星边缘出现了一个这个奇怪的光点,闪亮了不到一秒钟时间。回想起苏梅克 - 列维9号彗星,对这个现象我这个唯一的解释就是一颗进入高速木星高层大气烧毁或者爆炸的小行星或彗星“。
The flash certainly looks genuine, plus we know this has happened at Jupiter before. Kernbauer mentions the first-ever confirmed reported comet impact that occurred in July 1994. Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, shattered to pieces from strong tidal forces when it passed extremely close to the planet in 1992, returned two years later to collide with Jupiter—one fragment at a time. 21 separate fragments pelted the planet, leaving big, dark blotches in the cloud tops easily seen in small telescopes at the time.
Not long after Kernbauer got the word out, a second video came to light taken by John McKeon from near Dublin, Ireland using his 11-inch (28 cm) telescope. And get this. Both videos were taken in the same time frame, making it likely they captured a genuine impact.
“这个闪光看起来非常确切和真实,再加上我们知道这已经在木星以前也发生过。” Kernbauer提到了首次被证实的关于彗星撞击木星的报道,即发生在1994年7月苏梅克 - 列维9号彗星彗星撞击事件,当这颗彗星在1992年从行星附近以极其接近的距离经过时,被强大的引力件撕裂成碎片,两年后分裂后的21个碎片以此与木星一碰撞 ,在木星浓厚大气层的云层顶部留下大大小小的黑色斑点。
在Kernbauer发现这个撞击后没多久,在爱尔兰的都柏林的John Mckeon也看到了自己使用11寸(28cm)望远镜拍摄的木星视频中也发现了这个撞击画面。由于这两段视频拍摄于同一时间,证明了了这个的确是一个真实的撞击现象。
采访发现者:您能介绍一下您自己吗?您已经观测了多少年了?您觉得最精彩的是什么 答:我是一个金属工业的CAD技术人员,目前暂时失业中,我31岁,居住在维也纳附近,从上世纪90年代末开始我就观测天文了。我觉得最精彩的观测是1999年8月11的日全食,这次日食我们能够在奥地利观测到这一精彩天象。
当您意识到您的发现时候感觉是什么: 答:在我发现这个之前我对这个视频比较失望,因为视宁度不是太好,这也是为什么我等了好几天才开始分析这个视频。我在使用astrostackker软件打开这个视频以后就发现了这个点,立即想起了苏维克-利维9号彗星。于是我把视频上传到了YouTube上,并且分享给德语天文学会。他们很快确认了这个发现