

MS new 10x50 测试报告,来此知名玩家Holger Merlitz

天虎 发表于 2016-5-10 17:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–云南–昆明 电信


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本帖最后由 天虎 于 2016-5-10 17:23 编辑

一直没有个详细的MS NEW的测试报告,现在有一篇了。Holger Merlitz是国内双筒爱好者熟悉的知名玩家,近日他对我司生产的MS NEW 10X50和 FMT-SX 10X50做了详细的对比测试。这里转载其发表在个人网站上的测试报告。


Review: Fujinon 10x50 FMT-SX2 vs United Optics 10x50 Sky Rover

[size=+1]by Holger Merlitz
If a binocular is to be used predominantly hand held under the night sky,then 10x50 appears to be a good compromise: The 10x magnification is stillmanageable without excessive jitter, and 50mm objectives gather quitea significant amount of light. The exit pupil of 5mm is often sufficientunder the not so dark night skies in the vicinity of towns, and it alsohelps to stop down the eye pupils a little bit. The latter effectoften improves the perception of star images, because the aberrationof our eyes are turning rampant particularly in the peripheral areas of the eye lens.
     Since over a decade, the Fujinon FMT-SX series has gained the reputation of being a classic among the high-performance astro binoculars.It is meanwhile available as an improved (FMT-SX2) variant with superior coatings and a slightly shortened body. On the other hand, the Chinese United Opticsmanufacturer has recently finished a new line of high quality Porro-prism binoculars, which seems to challenge the unique positionof Fujinon's FMT(R) series. With a very similar form factor, but animplementation of magnesium alloy for the housing to reduce theinstrument's weight, and novel, rather complex eyepiece designs,these binoculars are obviously intended to enter the prime divisionof astro binoculars. This review is going to show how far they have come.

Fig. 1: The Fujinon 10x50 FMT-SX2
The FMT-SX2 series of Fujinon consists of a 7x50 formarine applications (also available with compass), the 10x50, 10x70 and 16x70 for astronomical observations.The  8x30 FMTR-SX and a similar 6x30 variant are by nowunfortunately discontinued. "F" stands for field-flattener, a so called Smyth-lensthat is located in front of the image plane. "MT" meansmarine tested, so that the device is waterproof accordingto certain military specifications. The "SX" denotesa coating technology, based on a sophisticated electron-beam depletion method that yields aprecise control over the thickness of each of the several dielectric layers. More recently, the newly introduced"SX2" indicates a further refinement of the coating.The 10x50 FMT-SX2 is currently available for a market pricewhich fluctuates about 900 Euro. Its predecessorhas been reviewed before,    here, and  here (in German language).

Fig. 2: The United Optics 10x50 Sky Rover. Note the thread for M 55 x0.75 objective filters (right)

The United Optics Sky Rover is a new line of binoculars which includes  7x50, 10x50, 12x50, 11x70 and 16x70 devices.Internationally, they are also sold under the label "Luntmagnesium binoculars".These binoculars have magnesium alloy bodies, newly designedeyepieces for improved edge-sharpness, state of the artcoatings and - still unusual - filter threads which takestandard camera filters as well as specially designednebula filters for visual astronomical observations (as faras I know, these filters are currently not yet available).The 10x50 feels very similar to the Fujinon, solid like a tankand precisely machined. Its design follows along traditional paths,with a classic Vulcanite skin, and prism plates that are fixed by(uncovered) screws. The red ring around the objectivehas been used before by certain American (i.e. Japanese) brands to indicate optical instruments of particularly high quality.An adapter is available to fix this binocular onto a standard tripod. I don't know anything about the retail price of the Sky Rover, though I have seen the Lunt currently being offered for 349 US$.  
Fig. 3: The Fujinon and the Sky Rover

The following table summarizes some of the specifications of the two contenders.

Real angleApparent angle
Eye relief
Exit pupil
Close focus

of view (deg)of view (deg)
diam. (mm)
Fujinon 10x50 FMT-SX2
UO 10x50 Sky Rover
(*) Weight of binocular, without strap and covers

Optical performanceAngle of view: Both binoculars offer a wide angle, 6.5 deg. image,which presents an excellent panoramic view of the night sky. Sincethe amount of pincushion distortion in both binoculars is somewhat lower than usual, the apparent angle of view is actually a little below 10x6.5 deg. = 65 deg. I would guess something near 62 deg., but since I have no data about the distortion, I simplyuse the angle condition to calculate 10x6.5.   Image sharpness: Both binoculars offer a perfect sharpnessover most parts of their fields of view. The Fujinon has gainedsome fame for its high degree of field flattening - withinabout 90% of the angle, measured from the center of field, the star images remain almostperfect points, with only the outermost 10% showing a moderateamount of blur. The Sky Rover reaches that performance closely -stars are perfectly imaged within 80% of the field, again with just a moderate blur close to the edges. This is a respectable result for the Sky Rover, though it is still not sufficient to beat its elder brother in his prime discipline.
Image color: Perfectly neutral without any visible colortint. Impressive is the brightness and the contrast of theimages seen through both binoculars. I see no differenceshere, which indicates that the Sky Rover is obviously equipped with a highly efficient coating.   
Rectilinear distortion: Both binoculars display a slight amount ofpincushion distortion, implemented in their optical formula to reduce the globe effect of the panning binocular, which would arise when the distortionwere fully eliminated. The amount of distortion implemented inboth binoculars appears quite similar, and it is well below average,so that the apparent angle of view is actually a little smallerthan that computed using the angle condition. As a benefit, straightlines show just a minimum amount of bending when intersecting theouter areas of the field. Some observers who are sensitive to theglobe effect may be able to detect that phenomenon, in certain situationsin which the binocular is panned.
Stray light: Both binoculars generate a moderate amount ofstray light under difficult light conditions. This doeshappen especially in twilight when the image may suddenly lose contrast as a result of a diffuse stray light enteringthe optical path, causing a "whiteout". In this discipline,there is definitely room left for improvements. I am unable tolocate the origin of that stray light - there are smallside pupils just outside the exit pupils, perhaps as aresult of a prism leak. During daytime, this stray lightis doing no harm, because the observer's eye pupils are too small to touch the side pupils. Under the night sky, the side pupils are usually harmless due to the lack of light,though, during observations near the moon, disturbing reflexes may show up. Quantitatively, both binoculars show a similar susceptibility to such a stray light.
Ghost images: If, at night, a bright object (street lantern, moon) ispositioned into the field, reflections on the air-to-glass surfacestake place, which can lead to multiple 'ghost' images of thelight source. A successful suppression of these ghosts indicatesa high quality of the anti-reflection coating. Not surprisingly,both binoculars are performing perfectly well in this test, and any reflections remain absent. It is always possible, of course, tofind an even stronger light source. I have located a stadium light of extreme intensity, and here I could in fact generateghost images, and they were slightly fainter through the Fujinon,indicating that its coating is still a little more effective than theSky Rover's. This observation is of zero practical relevance, however,because nobody in his right mind would observe stadium lights, andeven the moon is unable to cause any visible ghost images; instead, cratersand valleys are imaged under a perfectly high contrast. Here, theSky Rover actually reaches the high performance level of the Fujinon.
Chromatic aberration (CA): Both binoculars show some colorfringing about the edges of objects, whenever these objects are shifted away from the center of field. This is a lateralchromatic aberration, and it is quite visible especially through the Sky Rover. Obviously, none of these binoculars are equipped with low dispersion (ED) glasses. In daylight observations, these color fringes can turn annoying attimes, but during astronomical observations they are oflittle impact. If bright objects like the moon, or brightplanets such as Venus or Jupiter are shifted near theedge of field, then the color becomes obvious. As longas these objects remain centered, CA remains absent.   
Low light performance: Since both binoculars have thesame exit pupils of 5mm, and equally high transmissions,their low light performances are equally high. The Porroprisms are of considerable size, so that the amount of vignettinginside these binoculars is well below the level usually foundwith their competitors, and those include most of thehigh end manufacturers. One may call the Fujinon and theSky Rover heavy, but the investment into well dimensionedprisms is paying off here. The images remain bright andof high contrast over almost the entire field of view, and are capable of displaying faint and diffuse galaxies like M33 orM51 with an astonishing 'punch'. The Andromeda galaxy,M31, shows a distinct bright nucleus and otherwiseextends over an impressively wide area.

Mechanical constructionThese binoculars are very well built, of solidconstruction and fully waterproof. They are alsoquite heavy. The Sky Rover comes with a Magnesium alloy body (while the Fujinon is made of Aluminum), butthat does reduce the weight only by 50g. The individualeyepiece focuser and the old fashion fold-down eyecups make these binoculars somewhat inconvenientto handle, and the near focus point of 8-10m prohibitsany close up views on insects. As mentioned above,the Sky Rover has filter threads which take camera filters,and that feature can turn useful, depending onexternal conditions. Polarization filters during observations over water, light yellow filters inthe mountains, and special nebula filters during astro-observations may enhance the performance of thatbinocular (the Fujinon has astro filters which can beattached to the eyepieces, but these are foggingup in cold nights and spoiling the generous eye-relief of the instrument). The extra filter threads of theSky Rover, its slightly closer focus point and lower weight may justify togrant it the edge over the Fujinon here.      SummaryThe following table is supposed to summarize the above observations.The best performing binocular gets two points,the other one just a single one. In case bothof them perform equally well, the scores are averaged.

Angle ofImage

Fujinon FMT-SX
Sky Rover

The 'final score' is the sum of the individual scores andis intended to serve as an orientation only.

These two binoculars do not only look alike - they are alsoperforming on approximately similar levels. I see the Fujinon somewhat ahead when it comes to the overalloptical performance -  it thus defends itsreputation of being among the best (if not the best of all)hand held astro binoculars in the price sector below 1000 Euro.  Yet, the Sky Rover is coming too close to be simply placed into a separate, lower league, and during the overwhelming majority of real life astro observations,this binocular delivers practically the same high level of performance that we are used to find with the Fujinon. Needless tosay, this performance is available for less than half of the priceof a Fujinon FMTR-SX2. With its reduced weight (though just bya margin) and its filter threads, the Sky Rover is, in certain aspects, offering more than the Fujinon. What I am unable to judge is the efficiency of its quality control, and hence performance variations among different samples of the Sky Rover. During more than a decade of their existence,Fujinon FMT binoculars have gained the reputation of being highly consistent and reliable performers. Now, United Optics has toprove that they are able to offer a similarly highlevel of quality control, a level that is adequate for a binocular of such a performance (and price tag).  

DisclaimerThe information given in this report reflects the personalimpression and opinion of the author only. I cannot guarantee for the accuracy of any given specification. I have neither been payednor have I been supported in any other way to write this review.  I thank United Optics for providing me the test sample of the Sky Rover.

SKY ROVER精品望远镜系列
联系电话:0871-64605908       联系人:黄先生(QQ:1617209768)
 楼主| 天虎 发表于 2016-5-10 17:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–云南–昆明 电信
其实很巧的是,近期我们会发布MS NEW新的升级款,光学质量会在老的基础上进一步提升。


不早说一天,昨天刚买了lunt10*50,这次光学改进有多大?主要在哪些方面有改进?  发表于 2016-5-15 07:36
能不能搞个中调的,双调实在不方便,除了观星。又爱又恨啊  详情 回复 发表于 2016-5-10 19:03
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zxpkxq 发表于 2016-5-10 19:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–杭州 电信
天虎 发表于 2016-5-10 17:09
其实很巧的是,近期我们会发布MS NEW新的升级款,光学质量会在老的基础上进一步提升。 ...



双调才是王道  详情 回复 发表于 2016-5-10 21:13
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呆萌de校长 发表于 2016-5-10 21:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–天津–天津 电信/IDC机房
zxpkxq 发表于 2016-5-10 19:03

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soulerxu 发表于 2016-5-10 21:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–云南–昆明 电信


我试过,观远景可以,观鸟就不行  详情 回复 发表于 2016-5-11 00:02
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zxpkxq 发表于 2016-5-11 00:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–杭州 电信
soulerxu 发表于 2016-5-10 21:59



没错哦,景深大只是相对而言,频繁观察不同远近的目标双调确实要麻烦些  详情 回复 发表于 2016-5-11 00:51
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深空探测器 发表于 2016-5-11 00:51 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–重庆–重庆 电信
zxpkxq 发表于 2016-5-11 00:02

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奋天一剑 发表于 2016-5-11 14:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–重庆–重庆 电信
就是想MS NEW的新款什么时候出来。
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feynman 发表于 2016-5-27 23:58 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广东–广州 电信


预计是这两周能交点……  详情 回复 发表于 2016-5-30 13:15
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 楼主| 天虎 发表于 2016-5-30 13:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–云南–昆明 电信
feynman 发表于 2016-5-27 23:58



坐等新款  详情 回复 发表于 2016-5-31 02:19
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六分仪的秘密 发表于 2016-5-31 02:19 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 联通
天虎 发表于 2016-5-30 13:15

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s07 发表于 2016-7-7 00:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–四川–甘孜藏族自治州 电信
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 楼主| 天虎 发表于 2017-7-5 13:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–云南–昆明 电信
s07 发表于 2016-7-7 00:08


第一只,更多的可以留意官网 旗云 MS ED系列。

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1401511998 发表于 2017-7-11 12:37 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 电信
看不懂, 不过感觉好用心写的样子。!!
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