楼主 |
发表于 2005-4-7 15:33
来自: 中国–北京–北京 鹏博士BGP
本周五的日食将会是少见的混合——沿着月影(Moon's shadow)轨迹的窄带会出现短暂的日环食或日全食。不幸的是这条日食带只有三十公里宽,从新西兰南部开始刚好截止于委内瑞拉,大部分落在太平洋里。位于月影轨迹起点和终点附近的观测者将看到日环食——即在很短的时间里,月亮的轮廓被一个明亮的光环(Ring of Fire)所包围;位于日食带中部的观测者才可以看到全食(total eclipse)。但也有一个好消息,在地球上很广阔的区域内,包括新西兰和美洲的大部,可以看到日偏食(partial eclipse)——就像月亮把太阳咬掉了一部分。如果你打算观看日食,请务必注意安全(Observing Eclipses Safely),并核对好你所在地点发生日食的时间。那么,这张日食照片是在哪里拍的呢?毫无疑问,它拍摄于2003年11月月影穿越南极洲时。(小海译,小兔校)
Solar Eclipse in View
Credit & Copyright: Fred Bruenjes (moonglow.net)
Explanation: Friday's solar eclipse will be a rare hybrid - briefly appearing as either an annular eclipse or a total eclipse when viewed from along the narrow track of the Moon's shadow. Unfortunately that track, never more than about 30 kilometers wide, lies mostly across the Pacific Ocean, beginning south of New Zealand and just ending in Venezuela. Skywatchers along the beginning and end of the shadow track will see an annular eclipse of the Sun, with the Moon's silhouette briefly surrounded by a bright ring of fire, while observers along the middle of the track will witness a total eclipse phase. But the good news is that over a much broader region of the globe, including New Zealand and much of South and North America, a partial eclipse can be seen as the Moon appears to take a bite out of the Sun. If you want to view the eclipse, take care to do it safely, and check the times for your specific location. So, what location is this solar eclipse view from? The picture above was recorded in November of 2003 from within the track of the Moon's shadow across Antarctica, of course.
详细参数及月影区图示http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/ec ... ig/HSE2005map1b.GIF
各地日食时间http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/ec ... 5-2.html#2005Apr08H
关于本图更多信息http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap031208.html |