天空中的这一个区域包含天蝎座和蛇夫座各一部分,蛇夫座Rho星是一颗三合星,位于图片偏上的蓝色星云中。明亮的红色星(心宿二)位置偏下,大的球状星团 M4 刚好是在心宿二的右侧、较小的球状星团ngc6144则在心宿二的上方。在上方距心宿二稍远一些的亮星是天蝎座 Sigma,它也被星云所包围着。
同时 许多暗星云的轮廓在充满星光的天空背景上也能被看到。第三个球状星团M80可见于蛇夫座Rho的右侧
This region of the sky encompasses portions of the constellations Scorpius and Ophiuchus. Rho Ophiuchus is the triple star embedded in blue nebulosity near the top center. The bright red star just below center, and embedded in orangish nebulosity is Antares. The large globular cluster M4 is just to the right of Antares, and a smaller globular (NGC 6144) is just to the upper right of Antares. Further to the upper right of Antares is the bright star Sigma in Scorpius. It is also surrounded by a nebula. Above Antares, a number of dark nebula can been seen silhouetted against the starry background. A third globular cluster, M80, is to the right of Rho Ophiuchus.
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