RA 10:37; Dec -58:38 (Carina)
Distance: 9000 ly
Type: dark
The dark Keyhole Nebula is superimposed on the bright Eta Carina Nebula, NGC 3372.
锁眼星云得此名是由于其奇特的外形——周围旋涡状的气体云具有一似冲孔形成的“洞”通过星云。锁眼星云NGC3324是重叠在船底η星云ngc3372上的一个小星云。船底η星云是全天张角最大星云,甚至比猎户座大星云还要大,由于它位置台靠近南边,不为北半球的观测者所熟悉。船底η自身存在着极大的变化,并且会在150年内变暗——先前是全天最亮的恒星之一,可后来却非用望远镜才能看到它不可。介绍来自:http://astronomy.nju.edu.cn/twkp/nebula/imagepages/nebula_image36.htm 有改动
钥匙洞星云 (The Keyhole Nebula)
黑暗而且多尘埃的钥匙洞星云(Keyhole Nebula) ,是因他的特殊形状而命名的。他正式的编号为NGC3324。钥匙洞星云 是叠在较大的Eta Carina星云(Eta Carina Nebula) 上的小星云。 钥匙洞星云与Eta Carina星云都是由一颗濒临死亡的恒星Eta Carina,在恒星生命期中的最后几百年中,经由猛烈的爆炸所产生的。 由1840年以来的观测记录与探讨,可知Eta Carina 系统正处于极剧变化的年代 。钥匙洞星云是一个包含有大量星际尘埃 的辐射星云 ,距离地球大约9000光年。 这张照片中的星云可在南半球用小型的望远镜来观赏。根据最近的观测发现 钥匙洞星云中具有相当高结构性的分子云。
Explanation: The dark dusty Keyhole Nebula gets its name from its unusual shape. Officially designated NGC 3324, the Keyhole Nebula is a smaller region superposed on the larger Eta Carina Nebula. These nebulae were created by the dying star Eta Carina, which is prone to violent outbursts during its final centuries. Noted and discussed as early as 1840 when a spectacular explosion became visible, the Eta Carina system now appears to be undergoing an unusual period of change. An emission nebula that contains much dust, the Keyhole Nebula is roughly 9,000 light years distant. This photogenic nebula can be seen in the south with even a small telescope. The Keyhole Nebula was recently discovered to contain highly structured clouds of molecular gas.
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap990523.html |