Subaru Deep Field
Technical Data
Optics Pentax 105SDHF refractor (D=105mm, F6.7)0.77x focal reducer (F5.1)
Camera Pentax 67
Tracking Takahashi NJP mount, 6cm/F12 guide scope, manual guiding
Film Fujichrome Provia 400F (push 1)
Time 2003/12/18, 2004/2/16,70 minute exposure x2
Location Mauna Kea, ~3500m
Note Subaru is the Japanese name of M45, the Pleiades. This word is also used by a Japanese car company and the 8-m optical telescope of Japan.
This is a mosaic picture of two images. Flat fielding is done using my own program written in IDL. Distortion correction and initial color match is done in Registar. Final color correction and mosaic is done in PhotoShop.
Wei-Hao Wang,IfA,University of Hawaii