本帖最后由 宇隆-天文滤镜 于 2016-10-12 13:34 编辑
Barnard 150, Dark Nebula
Camera:16200 CCD
Optolong parfocal RGB filters,
10″ f/3.6 ASA astrograph
Paramount MX,
QHY5 guide camera
All pre-processing and processing in PixInsight.
Acquired from my SkyShed in Guelph. Nearly full moon, no cloud, average transparency and average seeing.
18x10m R, 18x10m G and 18x10m B unbinned frames (total=9hr).
By Ron Brecher(CA)
NGC6960, Western Veil Nebula
Camera:16200 CCD
Optolong parfocal RGB filters,
10″ f/3.6 ASA astrograph
Paramount MX,
QHY5 guide camera
All pre-processing and processing in PixInsight.
Acquired from my SkyShed in Guelph. Nearly full moon, no cloud, average transparency and average seeing.
8x10m R, G and B; 9x20m Ha and O3 unbinned frames (total=10hr)..
M27, The Dumbbell Nebula
Camera:16200 CCD
Optolong parfocal RGB filters,Optolong Ha 7nm,OIII 6.5nm
10″ f/3.6 ASA astrograph
Paramount MX,
QHY5 guide camera
All pre-processing and processing in PixInsight.
Acquired from my SkyShed in Guelph. Nearly full moon, no cloud, average transparency and average seeing
12x10m R, G and B; 10x20m Ha and 9x20m O3 unbinned frames (total=12hr20m).
The Double Cluster
Camera:16200 CCD
Optolong parfocal RGB filters
10″ f/3.6 ASA astrograph
Paramount MX,
QHY5 guide camera
All pre-processing and processing in PixInsight.
Acquired from my SkyShed in Guelph. Nearly full moon, no cloud, average transparency and average seeing
28x10m R, 20x10m G and 21x10m B unbinned frames (total=11hr 30m). By Ron Brecher
Supergiant Star Gamma Cygni - Central Cygnus
by Leonardo Orazi in Italy
Takahashi FSQ-106EDXIII - F3.6
Moravian G3-16200
Optolong 2" parfocal RGB Filters
RGB 50:80:75 Sagittarius Trio by Leonardo Orazi in Italy
Optolong 2" parfocal LRGB Filter LRGB 165:75:70:80 Takahashi FSQ-106EDXIII - F5
Moravian G3-16200
Optolong 2" parfocal RGB
RGB 18:18:30
by Leonardo Orazi in Italy
FilterTakahashi FSQ-106EDXIII - F5
Moravian G3-16200
Optolong 2" parfocal LRGB
LRGB 190:90:90:90
by Leonardo Orazi in Italy
主镜:Sky-Rover 70sa
相机: QHY9s-M + QHY滤镜轮 + 宇隆LRGB 滤镜
导星:50/190 + QHY5L-ll-C
曝光: 4.2 小时
L 5min x 30
R 5min x 10
G 5min x 5
B 5min x 5
By @熊浩宇
关于Optolong parfocal LRGB的产品信息: