7月4日下午1点52分左右,人类首次“炮轰”彗星成功。目前美国南加州喷气推进实验室的科学家正在紧密观测中。“我们正中了我们想要撞击的位置”助理研究员Don Yeomans说。通过飞跃器拍摄的一张图片显示撞击后,在彗星的下部有一个亮点,那正是撞击发生的位置,有大量撞击产生的烟雾状残骸由此抛入太空。科学家希望等残骸烟雾散尽后,深入探测冰冻的彗核内部,彗核内部有从太阳系早期遗留下来的冰和岩石。据悉,有超过10000人聚集在夏威夷的Waikiki海滩通过巨型电影屏幕观看撞击过程。
This spectacular image of comet Tempel 1 was taken 67 seconds after it obliterated Deep Impact's impactor spacecraft. The image was taken by the high-resolution camera on the mission's flyby craft. Scattered light from the collision saturated the camera's detector, creating the bright splash seen here. Linear spokes of light radiate away from the impact site, while reflected sunlight illuminates most of the comet surface. The image reveals topographic features, including ridges, scalloped edges and possibly impact craters formed long ago.
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UMD |