《中国国家天文》2017年系列活动之 音乐家与你分享天文摄影与图像处理
主办: 《中国国家天文》杂志 谢瑞麟基金会
星空漫游天文科学俱乐部 广州市括苍天文科技推广有限公司 主讲嘉宾 比森特‧佩里斯‧拜绍利,西班牙巴伦西亚大学的阿拉斯德洛索尔莫斯天文台天文学家,钢琴表演家。他将基础音乐理论带入天文摄影范畴,并应用于天文图像处理。同时,把图像处理过程中的心得,应用于设计全新钢琴概念理论。他以纯艺术手法进行天文摄影,亦不忘以科学为其基础。他的图像处理哲学已成为著名天文图像软件PixInsight之灵感来源。 在过去十三年,他一直是PixInsight的核心团队成员之一,对超动态合成(HDR)多尺度转换算法做出显著贡献,并致力于卡拉阿托天文台ALHAMBRA巡天硏究项目。 在此次讲座中,嘉宾将为我们解释如何在天文摄影的颜色平衡理论中开辟新天地,以及引进多尺度图像处理技术发觉前所未有的影像细节。 全程英文,免费入场,自由入座
Music,Astrophotography and Image Processing Vicent Peris Baixauli received hiseducation in Spain as a musician in piano performance. He has taken thebasic music theory into the field of astrophotography to explain the galacticphenomena and apply those concepts in image processing to make the phenomenavisible as they truly look like in nature. In return, he applies what helearns from the image processing to devise new technical piano concepts. He is doing astrophotography purely as an artbut with an understanding of the science underneath. He will explain inthis lecture how he achieved breakthroughs in the theory of colour balancing inastroimaging and introduces multiscale image processing techniques to bring outthe hidden details that we have never thought visible. His imageprocessing philosophy has been a main source of inspirations in the developmentof many tools in PixInsight, the gold standard in astroimage processingsoftware. Vicent started astronomy as his hobby atthe age of seven. He is currently the full-time astrophotographer ofObservatorio de Aras de los Olmos in Spain, which is part of the University ofValencia. He has been a member of the core development team of PixInsightplatform for the last 13 years. His most notable projects contributing toPixInsight are HDR Multiscale Transform Algorithm and ALHAMBRA survey with a3.5 meter telescope at Calar Alto Observatory. His work has extended toassist the Spanish National Police Department in their forensic imaginganalysis. He travels extensively around the world as a PixInsightofficial instructor. 【广州】 地点: 广州市荔湾区芳村鹤洞路176号2号楼102室星空漫游天文科学俱乐部 日期:2017年9月19日(星期二) 时间: 18:00-21:00 费用:免费 停车:免费 地铁:广佛线C出口顺车流方向走50米,即可见到鹤洞路176号大门 座位:50个,先到先得,后到者可站着旁听。 人数:50人,额满截止。 要求:15岁或以上
主讲语言:英文 翻译语言:国语
报名方式 识别以下二维码,并留言:9月19日讲座+报名人姓名+手机号,即报名成功。
星空漫游天文科普俱乐部 括苍天文广东分公司 办公时间:10:00-18:00(周三例休)
办公电话:020-81179433、13924231977 办公地址:广州市荔湾区芳村鹤洞路176号2号楼102室(广州复印机厂旧址) 官方微信:13924231977 qq群:199793460 关于我们
星空漫游天文科学俱乐部 广州市括苍科技推广有限公司
业务范围 定制活动: 长期为企业、单位、机关、学校等团体策划、执行、举办各项户外活动、拓展、定向越野、专业天文摄影等业务
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