At the Cassiopeia/Perseus border is a pair of pairs that make a nice contrast. IC1805 and IC1848 are areas of H-alpha nebulosity in Cassiopeia, while the Double Cluster (NGC869 and NGC884) are across the border in Perseus.
在仙后和英仙座的交界处有两对天体形成了鲜明的对比。 IC1805和IC1848是仙后座H-alpha区域中的星云。
而双星团(NGC869 and NGC884)在英仙座的边缘
Date/Time: 20 Oct. 2006
Location: Vanishing Point Observatory (OCA Anza Site)
Scope: Borg 125EDF2.8 @ f/3.3
Mount: Losmandy G11
Guider: Borg 45ED / SBIG STV
Film: Medium format Kodak E200, +2 push
Exposure: 5x20 min.