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 楼主| fkm2000 发表于 2007-6-28 11:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江金华
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 楼主| fkm2000 发表于 2007-6-28 11:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江金华
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 楼主| fkm2000 发表于 2007-6-28 11:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江金华
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 楼主| fkm2000 发表于 2007-6-28 11:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江金华
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 楼主| fkm2000 发表于 2007-6-28 11:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江金华
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 楼主| fkm2000 发表于 2007-6-28 11:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江金华
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我爱祖祖 发表于 2007-6-28 11:37 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 山东青岛
IC1848 也叫BABY 星云

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 楼主| fkm2000 发表于 2007-6-28 11:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江金华
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 楼主| fkm2000 发表于 2007-6-28 11:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江金华
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 楼主| fkm2000 发表于 2007-6-28 11:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江金华
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 楼主| fkm2000 发表于 2007-6-28 11:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江金华
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ssry 发表于 2007-6-28 11:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 广东深圳

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 楼主| fkm2000 发表于 2007-6-28 11:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江金华
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 楼主| fkm2000 发表于 2007-6-28 11:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江金华
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gaosong28 发表于 2007-6-28 11:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 吉林长春
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愚夫 发表于 2007-6-28 13:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 广东深圳
Let me guess. If you are a regular visitor to our website, as soon as you saw the thumbnail of this image you said to yourself, "That is a Bob Fera image." If so, you are correct. Bob's images have a characteristic look which is their high quality, fine attention to detail and strong character without ever looking over-processed. What you may not know is that while IC 1848 is often called the Baby Nebula, Bob's wife Janice says it looks more like a pig. You are going to have to click on the image to the right and make your own decision in this matter.
让我猜猜,如果您经常来我们网站,当您一看见这张照片的图标的时候,您会跟自己说:“这一定是Bob Fera拍的照片。”如果是这样,那您就对了。Bob的照片的特征是高质量、细节丰富、特征明显但看上去处理不会过分。您所不知道的是,尽管IC1848被叫做婴儿星云,Bob的太太Janice却说它象头猪。您可以点击图片的右侧然后作出您自己的决定。

What is the secret to the unusual galaxy NGC660? I have heard it described as a barrel galaxy, as a polar ring galaxy and as two colliding galaxy. Whatever the truth of it is, it made a rich target for Ken Crawford, his AstroDon filters and Trifid-2 6303E camera. You are really going to be impressed with all of the fine details Ken captured if you click on the image to the right.
NGC660到底有什么秘密?我听说它被称为桶状星云,一个由两个星系相撞形成的极环星系。不管真相如何,它成为了Ken Craoford和他的AstrDon滤镜及Trifid-2 6303E相机的目标。如果您点击图像的右侧,您将会对Ken捕捉到的图像中的细节产生深刻印象。

I think this is arguably the finest image Jason Ware has taken with a Trifid-2 camera; and he has taken lots of images with that camera. What is special about this image of the Pinwheel Galaxy is the bright regions of hydrogen-alpha that Jason shows in stark contrast to the white and blue surrounding galaxy. There are people out there who thought the RCX-400 was not capable of taking such a fine image. Jason shows just how wrong they are. Click on the image to the right to see what a fine job he did.
我认为这无疑是Jason Ware用Trifid-2相机,他用这个相机拍了很多照片,拍出的最精细的照片。这张照片的特别之处在于风车星系中由氢组成的明亮区域和周围蓝色的星系形成了极其鲜明的对比。有人认为用RCX400不能拍出这样精细的照片。Jason证明了他们有多么错误。点击图片右侧可以看到他做了一件多么细致的工作。

I had never seen this double cluster in Cassiopeia before. But instead of having to spend nights squinting through an eyepiece trying to catch a glimpse of it, Bob Fera has delivered it anyone who has a computer and an Internet connection. And deliver it in fine style he has! Given that there is only 120 minutes of data here, there is a surprising amount of color. If you really want to enjoy the rich red stars that lay up against the bright blues, you will have to click on the image to the right.
我从来没有见过这个仙后座这个双星系,但不需要为了瞄上一眼就化整个晚上从目镜里斜视,Bob Fera把它带给了所有有一台电脑和Internet的人,并且是用他特有的精细风格!即使这里只有120分钟的数据,颜色的数量也是惊人的。如果您想享受在一片明亮的蓝色背景下的丰富的红色星球,点击图片的右侧。

Ken Crawford calls this just "a couple of interesting galaxies." He is right, it is a couple of interesting galaxies—surrounded by tens of smaller, fainter, galaxies. How many can you count? I do not know what is interacting with what, but there is a lot of activity in the small slice of the sky. You are going to have to click on the image to the right to see all of the faint fuzzies in their full glory.
Ken Crawford 把这个叫做“几个有趣的星系”。他是对的,是几个有趣的星系——被几十个更小、更暗的星系包围着。您能数出多少个?我不知道这里有什么热闹,在这一小片天空中有许许多多的活动。您将需要点击图像的右侧才能发现所有的昏暗星系。

Jason Ware took this image of the Pelican Nebula using a Meade 12-inch RCX-400, AstroDon narrowband filters and a Trifid-2 6303E camera. If you go to our Even More Astro-Photos page, you will see the same image taken by Ken Crawford. It is interesting to see how much difference there can be when different astro-photographers take images of the same object. Click on the image to the right to see the full sized image.
Jason Ware 用Meade 12” RCX-400, AstroDon narrowband 滤镜和一部 Trifid-2 6303E 相机拍下了这幅图片。如果您渠道我们的“更多天文照片网页“,您将可以看到Ken Crawford也拍了一张同样的照片。比较一下不同的天文摄影者拍同一个目标竟然可以有这么多不同,真是很有趣。点击图片右侧可看完整尺寸的图片。

What appears to be a scene from X-men, where aliens are just coming out of hyper-space, is really a Ken Crawford image of another area of IC1805, taken with AstroDon narrowband filters and a Trifid-2 camera.
Ken pulled out all of the stops on this image and was rewarded with an Astronomy, Picture of the Day award. Way to go, Ken! Click on the image to the right to find all of the reasons this image is worth gaping at.
看来可以做《X战警》中的一个场景,外星人从超空间刚刚跳出来,Ken Crawford的照片,IC1805的另外一个区域,用AstroDon窄幅滤镜和Trifid-2相机。Ken为此获得了《天文》的每人图片奖。加油,Ken!点击图片右侧发掘这个照片的获奖的原因吧。

There are many images on the Internet of M31, but I think it comes to no one's surprise that if one of them takes your breath away, you find it was captured and processed by Bob Fera. Bob has a touch with with his processing that few can imitate.
I think this image looks like a Death Star chasing a renegade fighter, just about the time you realize that means the Death Star is headed towards you. M31 is a close—and hopefully friendly—neighbor of ours. Click on the image to the right and see what signs of battle you can find.
关于M31,网上有非常多的照片,我认为毫无疑问其中某一张能够令您屏住呼吸。这一张是Bob Fera拍和处理的。Bob的处理技巧几乎无人能及。


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Eldghost 发表于 2007-6-28 13:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 辽宁沈阳

回复 #17 愚夫 的帖子

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愚夫 发表于 2007-6-28 13:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 广东深圳
Ken Crawford calls this image "the Everest of Nebulae", which is a high-resolution image using AstroDon narrowband filters of one part of IC1805, the Heart Nebula. I really like this image, which looks like a fire racing across the plains to burn up Mount Everest, which is already glowing deep red. It is hard to know what to say about the detail and the depth that Ken captured in this image, except to say that I am really glad he did it with a Trifid-2 6303-based camera! Click on the image to the right to see everything this image has to offer.
Ken Crawford 把这张照片成为“永恒的星云“,用AstroDon窄幅滤镜拍摄的IC1895心脏星云局部的高解像度照片。我真的非常喜欢这幅照片,看上去就像为了点燃珠穆朗玛峰的火炬接力,已经变得红热了。真不知道该怎样描述Ken拍摄的细节和深度,只能说用Trifid-2 6303能够拍成这样实在太好了!点击图片右侧可以看到这张照片的全部。

You have probably seen many great images of the globular cluster M13, but I wonder if you have ever seen one with such rich colors as this one Bob Fera took? I look at the blues and the yellows of the cluster and the orange and the blue stars in the foreground that frame this image and I see all sorts of colors I have not noticed before. Click on the image to the right to see what a great image with excellent composition that Bob has put together.
您也许已经见过许多非常棒的M13的照片了,但我还是觉得是否真的见过象这张Bob Ferad的照片一样色彩丰富的?我看着这些蓝色,黄色的星系,前景上橙色和蓝色的星星,构成这幅照片的结构——我见过了以前所没有注意到的所有的颜色。点击图片右侧可以看到Bob把这张照片组合的多么地好!

Ken Crawford may have pushed this image of the Abell 2666 cluster hard, but there is a lot of detail he wants to show. As with his other images of Abell clusters, you can spend a long time finding all of the faint galaxies in this image. Ken says his favorite is the small galaxy to the lower right that has a tidal tail. You will have a hard time finding an image that shows as much of that tail as Ken is able to show. Click on the image to the right and feast on all of the many details this image contains.
Ken Crawford可能处理这张Abell 2666星系有些硬了,他希望能够显示的细节太多了。跟他其他的Abell星系照片相比,你可以在这一张中多花些时间找到所有的昏暗星系。Ken说他最喜欢右侧下方那些带着尾巴的小星系。想找一张比Ken所显示的细节更多的照片,可不是一件容易的事情。点击图片右侧享受这张图片的所有细节吧。

Though Bob Fera just calls this a test image, I think he has done a nice job with the North American and Pelican Nebulas. What Bob was testing was a Stellarvue SV4 refractor telescope with a Televue 0.8x reducer/flattener and a Trifid-2 camera. The image may not be his best, but it is well worth looking at in full resolution by clicking on the image to the right.

尽管Bob Fera只把这个成为一张“测试片“,我想他已经把北美星云和塘鹅星云拍得非常好了。Bob在测试的是Stellaryes SV4折返望远镜带Televue0.8x滤镜和Trifid-2相机。这张也许不是他最好的照片,但仍然值得点击图片右侧看看全尺寸的效果。


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愚夫 发表于 2007-6-28 13:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 广东深圳
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