


圈儿圈儿 发表于 2018-6-18 10:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–黑龙江–大庆 电信/油田宽带


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在过去半年多的时间里,我们已经淡忘了这台QHY168M,令人惊喜的是Terry Hancock没有忘记, 终于迎来了久违的first light!经过近年来的实践和一些第三方评测,证明黑白改机在环境适应性、成像质量和效率等方面依然有着不俗的表现,ChipMod会继续提供更好的改机服务,同时感谢QHYCCD的支持。

作者Terry Hancock  来源:GrandMesa天文台GrandMesaObservatory.com


由于恰逢满月,这是一个合乎逻辑的测试目标。这是我第一次使用这个新的QHY168M Mono 单色CMOS相机,也是我第一次在12“RC”上使用Optec Gemini的Focusing Rotator。我很快会对这个调焦器做一个介绍,但不用说,它确实是一个很好的调焦器。

QHY168M本质上是一个已经被转换为Mono的QHY168C彩色相机,并被送到GrandMesa天文台进行测试。我对目前的结果印象非常深刻,它使用了1600万像素的索尼IMX071 APS-C格式传感器,分辨率4952x3288,有4.8um x 4.8um像素。对于过滤轮,我使用的是QHYCFW2-M,配置36mm无框Optolong滤镜。因为相机是基于QHY168C的,它没有单色相机常规接滤镜轮的4引脚插口,连接是通过一个USB,用Ascom RS232驱动直接连接PC,在最初使用RS232驱动程序时我遇到了一些问题,但是最新的驱动程序运行良好,除了在TheSkyX中使用,我相信QHYCCD和Bisque正在努力解决这个问题。

QHY168M相机的灵敏度给我留下了深刻的印象,在第一次测试中,我选择了gain 4和offset 30,数据用偏置、暗、平场进行校准,经过预处理并结合到Pixinsight中,在Photoshop CC中进行后期处理。

地点:科罗拉多州Purdy Mesa的GrandMesaobservatory.com。
大小:4952 x 3288像素
像素尺寸:4.88um x 4.88um
Gain 4, Offset 30
15 x 120秒LRGB 1x1
主镜:AstroTech 12" RC @ F6.0, 1800mm FL,Astro-Physics 27TVPH .75减焦镜
调焦器: Optec Gemini Focusing Rotator
赤道仪:Paramount ME German Equatorial Mount

控制软件:Maxim DL



QHY168C采用apsc格式,1600万像素,14位CMOS传感器,索尼IMX071。尼康D5100相机也使用了这个传感器。它具有最低增益为3.2e读噪声,单位增益为2.3e读噪声(系统增益= 1e/ADU)。QHY168C也有一个很好的动态范围,接近14档。
QHY168 无论曝光时间有多长,都具有零放大器辉光。



GrandMesa天文台诞生于这样一种理念,即在当今科技和互联时代,暗夜的天空应该是人人都能轻易体验的。从想要进行远程天体摄影的摄影天爱到想尝试一些基础研究工作的学校团体,在GMO,我们的目标是提供真正广泛的服务所需的设施和专业知识。此外,由于我们是一个非盈利教育机构,所有收入将用于运营费用,以及我们的推广和教育工作。团队的志愿者还包括Isaac Garfinkle,Nancy McGuire,Lora  Siminoe Wynn,Robert Vice,Tom Masterson,Peyton Utt,董事会成员包括John Mansur,Vicki Mansur,Terry Hancock,Dr. Jared Workman,Quinton Shear,Quinton Shear,创始人为John & Vicki Mansur。他们都是对天文工作有着很大热情的教授、博士、学生、企业家等天文爱好者。



Terry Hancock简介
Terry Hancock是著名的天文摄影大师和天文教育工作者,他的天文照片已由NASA出版,并在《Astronomy》、《Sky at Night》、《Sky & Telescope》、《Astronomy Now》、《National Geographic》、《The Daily Mail》、雅虎、Space.com等许多著名的网络出版物上刊登。2016年,他工作退休后搬到了科罗拉多州,在那里他监督了GrandMesa天文台的建设,并将其投入运营,现在负责日常运营。


The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules M13
This is the latest data set I have processed fromGrandMesaObservatory.com

As the moon was almost full it was a logical target for this test. This is
the first time I have used this new QHY168M Mono CMOS camera and also the first time I have used the Optec Gemini Focusing Rotator on the 12" RC.
I'll be doing a review on the Gemini shortly but needless to say it really is a great focuser.
The QHY168M is essentially a QHY168C One Shot Color camera that has been converted to Mono and sent to Grand Mesa Observatory for testing. I'm very impressed with the results so far and It uses a 16 Megapixel, Sony IMX071 APS-C Format sensor 4952x3288 with 4.8um x 4.8um pixels. For the Filter Wheel I am using the QHYCFW2-M with 36mm un mounted Optolong Filters.
Because the camera is a converted OSC it does not have the regular 4 pin
filter wheel connection, instead the connection is made via a single USB
cable directly to the PC using an Ascom RS232 driver, I had some problems
initially with the RS232 driver however the latest driver works very well
except if trying to use in TheSkX. I believe QHYCCD and Bisque are working hard to resolve the driver issues with TheSkyX. I am very impressed with the sensitivity of the camera and for this first test I selected a gain of 4 and offset of 30, the data was calibrated with Bias, Dark and Flat Frames, Pre Processed and combined in Pixinsight, Post Processing in Photoshop CC.
Total Integration Time 2 Hours
Technical Information
Location: GrandMesaobservatory.com, Purdy Mesa, Colorado
Captured May 24th 2018
QHY168M Monochrome COLDMOS cooled to -20C
Size: 4952 x 3288 pixels
Pixel Size: 4.88um x 4.88um
Gain 4, Offset 30
Darks, Bias and Flat Calibration
15 x 120 sec LRGB 1x1
Optics: AstroTech 12" RC @ F6.0, 1800mm FL with Astro-Physics 27TVPH .75
Focuser: Optec Gemini Focusing Rotator
Paramount ME German Equatorial Mount
Image Acquisition Maxim DL
Pre Processing Pixinsight
Post Processing CC

#QHY #QHY168M #Universetoday #Sky#Astronomy #Astrophotography #Astroimaging#Cosmos

This is a Monochrome Version of the very popular QHY168C
16 Megapixel APS-C Format Cooled CMOS Color Camera
High Performance
The QHY168C uses an APS-C format, 16 Megapixel, 14-bit CMOS sensor, the Sony IMX071. This sensor is also used in the Nikon D5100 camera. It has 3.2e- read noise at lowest gain and 2.3e- read noise at unity gain (system gain = 1e/ADU). The QHY168C also has a nice dynamic range close to 14 stops.
True RAW Image Output
While the QHY168C has the same CMOS sensor as the D5100, unlike the consumer camera the QHY168C offers True RAW Image output. In the DSLR implementation there is a RAW image output, but typically it is not completely RAW. Some evidence of noise reduction and hot pixel removal is still visible on close inspection. However, the QHY168C offers TRUE RAW IMAGE OUTPUT and produces an image comprised of the original signal only, thereby maintaining the maximum flexibility for post-acquisition astronomical image processing programs.
Unique Thermal Noise Reduction Technology
In addition to efficient 2-stage thermoelectric cooling, QHYCCD employs a unique thermal noise control technology to reduce CMOS sensor noise to a very low value without affecting the integrity of the raw image. This proprietary technology can be found to improve noise performance across the whole 165/168/247/367 product line, producing much better noise reduction than any competing camera model.
Zero Amplifier Glow
QHY168C has zero amplifier glow no matter how long the exposure time.
Anti-Dew Technology
QHYCCD has more than 10 years of experience designing cooled cameras. The QHY168C receives the benefit of that decade of design work by featuring full anti-dew technology for both CCD sensor cover glass and the sensor chamber optical window. The QHY168C has an electric heating board for the chamber window to prevent the formation of dew and the sensor itself is kept dry with our silicon gel tube socket design for control of humidity within the sensor chamber.
AR+AR Optical Window
In order to avoid halos around bright stars the QHY168C has a AR+AR coated optical window rather than the common IR cut window for Single-Shot Color cameras. This permits full access to the red wavelength of H-alpha and SII without attenuation by the window coating. For RGB color balance, without passing the near IR wavelengths above 700nm, a separate removable 2-inch UV/IR filter with the desirable passband characteristics is placed in a custom filter holder in front of the camera.

ppsky82615 发表于 2018-6-20 16:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–云南–昆明 电信
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