


圈儿圈儿 发表于 2020-8-14 15:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–北京–北京–海淀区 联通


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本帖最后由 圈儿圈儿 于 2020-8-14 15:06 编辑

最近Neowise彗星成为了当之无愧的天文明星。而在前不久,有一位低调的QHY600用户发现了一颗新的彗星。他的名字叫Leonardo Amaral。

而他发现的新彗星已经被正式以他的名字命名:C/2020 O2 (Amaral)


采访者:Davylee, 以下简称D
被采访者:Leonardo Scanfelra Amaral,以下简称L


“大家好,我是Leonardo Scanfelra Amaral,今年35岁。现在我是一名在银行工作的系统分析师,拥有计算机硕士学位。 我现在居住在里约。在距离我家1000公里外的在Bilac-SP,我拥有一个自己的小型天文台。我把它取名为“Campo dos Amaral”。它已经在MPC注册。”

My name is Leonardo Scanfelra Amaral. I'm 35 years old. I am a systems analyst at a bank. I have a degree in Computing and a master's degree in the field. I live in Rio de Janeiro-RJ Brazil. I have a small remote observatory located in Bilac-SP. 1000km away from my home. The name of the observatory is "Observatório Campo dos Amaral". He is registered in the MPC with the code X74.


D: 首先恭喜你发现了新的彗星!可以向我们简单介绍一下发现工作的流程吗?
Congratulations to your finding! Can you briefly introduce the process of your finding this new comet?

大约在三年前我开始为NEOs (Near-Earth Object )做小型的研究项目。我自行开发了程序使自己的整个天文台能够全自动化,这样我就可以远程操作了。在天气允许的情况下,它可以整夜工作。同时我还在使用另一个巴西朋友自己开发的软甲来解析图像,用以寻找彗星、小行星这样的移动目标。迄今为止我已经发现了3颗主带小行星、3颗近地小行星刚刚发现的这颗彗星。



L: Thank you very much. QHY is part of that discovery.
Almost 3 years ago I started a small survey to search for NEOs (Near-Earth Object ). I developed software to automate the entire observatory and thus be able to operate remotely. He operates every night in good weather and all night long. I also use software developed by another Brazilian to analyze images in search of moving objects, such as asteroids and comets. In these 3 years I found some new objects:
3 - Main Belts
3 - NEOs
and now 1 - Comet

In addition, the observatory monitors objects already discovered and also recently discovered objects. Thousands of these objects have already been captured and reported in these 3 years.


D: 当你确认自己“真的发现了一颗彗星”的那一刻,是怎样的心情?
What's your feeling the second when "you're sure that you truly found a new comet?"

L: 最开始我打了一个寒颤……然后就是开心。发现一颗新的彗星就好像出发去一趟钓游然后捕到了你的本命鱼一样。难以言表的心情。
At first I felt a chill in my belly. Then a great feeling of joy. Finding a comet is like going on a fishing trip and catching the fish of your life. An incredible emotion.

D:How's the life of amateur scientific works? Share something about your daily life.

L: 作为一个业余科学家,我必须要在我的天文发现事业和我的日常生活之间进行平衡——工作,家庭,朋友,这些都是我要考虑的东西。从安排搜索日程,到分析所得结果,每天都要花费两到三小时。任务是非常灵活的,我们经常会参与到近期发现天体的界定活动,它让我的工作多了很多乐趣。
I have to reconcile the activities of the observatory with my daily activities (work, family, friends, etc.). It takes an average of 2 to 3 hours to schedule the night's searches and carry out the analysis of the objects found. This task is very dynamic, we are always participating in the definition of new objects found recently. This makes work enjoyable.

D: 你现在使用的设备有哪些?
What devices are you using to capture comets?

L: 目前我使用的设备有:
赤道仪:艾顿CEM60-EC。之后会升级到CEM120EC2 ;
望远镜:GSO 12 "Truss tube f4。之后想用一个更大的,比如C14 + Hyperstar。不过怎么说嘛……经费还是不够hhh。

At this moment I have the following setup:
Camera: QHY600 (installed a few weeks ago)
Mount: Ioptron CEM60-EC (I recently won a prize from the planetary society to change the assembly. I am waiting for an Ioptron CEM120EC2 to arrive)
OTA: GSO 12 "Truss tube f4. (With the replacement of the assembly, it will be possible to use a larger OTA. Maybe a C14 + Hyperstar. But there is still a lack of financial resources to make this exchange.

With this setup I cover a FOV of almost 2 square degrees and I can reach mag 19.6 in 60s of exposure. I cover almost 320 square degrees per night.


D: 你就仅仅在使用QHY600的几周后就发现了新的彗星。能分享一下这段日子的使用体验吗?
You found the comet only weeks after you used QHY600. Could you please tell us your comment of this device?

L: 更换相机对我来说至关重要。我非常感谢QHY对我的支持和帮助。我们需要更多这样的合作。


Changing the camera was essential for making this discovery. I am grateful to QHY for their help in this exchange. We need more companies like that.

The QHY600 proved to be a much more sensitive camera than the old one (QHY16200a). I also had a drastic reduction in the download time of the images, so I can cover a larger area.

The new camera is behaving very well and I am managing to reach a half magnitude deeper in the captured images and cover a 30% larger area. With that the chance of finding new objects has improved a lot.

D: 想对同样希望发现新天体的同好们说些什么吗?
Any advice to those who want to find out asteroids/comets too?

L: 坚守你的梦想。一切皆有可能。努力就有收获。
Believe in your dreams. It's possible. Dedicate yourself a lot and certainly see the fruits of your work reaping.

weiguo1688 发表于 2020-8-14 17:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广东–广州 电信
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