January 10, 2008
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has revealed a never-before-seen optical alignment in space: a pair of glowing rings, one nestled inside the other like a bull's eye pattern. The double-ring pattern is caused by the other complex bending of light from two distant galaxies directly behind a foreground massive galaxy, like three beads on a string.
More than just a novelty, this very rare phenomenon can offer insights into dark matter, dark energy, the nature of distant galaxies, and even the curvature of the universe.
The phenomenon, called gravitational lensing, occurs when a massive galaxy in the foreground bends the light rays from a distant galaxy behind it, in much the same way as a magnifying glass would. When both galaxies are exactly lined up, the light forms a circle, called an "Einstein ring," around the foreground galaxy. If another background galaxy lies precisely on the same sightline, a second, larger ring will appear.
Because the odds of seeing such a special alignment are estimated to be one in 10,000, Tommaso says that they "hit the jackpot." The odds of seeing this phenomenon are less than winning two consecutive bets on a single number at Roulette.
星系们以如此稀奇的方式排列的几率大概在0.01%,托马索直呼他们“中了大奖!”。的确,比较起来,期待轮盘赌桌上一个号码的连续两次中彩似乎更为人道些。 |