说明: 这些清晰的哈伯太空望远镜特写影像,记录了名为大红斑的古老木星暴风系统。影像同时也呈现了了二个较新的暴风系统的演化,它们分别称为小红斑 (下)及幼红斑,最近也渐渐发展出和大红斑相似的红色色泽。小红斑形成於2006年,而幼红斑则是在今年初才被发现。以大小而言,大红斑几乎是地球直径的两倍。影像中的小红斑由左向右水平运动,并从大红斑的下方通过,但更小的幼红斑则被拉了进去。当它在7月8日拍摄的影像再现身 (箭头指处)时,它的形状扭曲变形而且顏色变得很淡。科学家预期幼红斑会再被拉回去,最后将被併吞成为庞大大红斑的一部份。
When Storms Collide
Credit: NASA, ESA, Amy Simon-Miller (Goddard Space Flight Center), N. Chanover (NMSU), G. Orton (JPL)
Explanation: These detailed Hubble Space Telescope close-ups feature Jupiter's ancient swirling storm system known as the Great Red Spot. They also follow the progress of two newer storm systems that have grown to take on a similar reddish hue: the smaller "Red Spot Jr." (bottom), and smaller still, a "baby red spot". Red Spot Jr. was seen to form in 2006, while the smaller spot was just identified earlier this year. For scale, the Great Red Spot has almost twice the diameter of planet Earth. Moving horizontally from left to right past the Great Red Spot, Red Spot Jr. clearly went below the larger storm, but the smaller spot was pulled in. Emerging on the right, the baby spot's stretched and now paler shape is indicated by the arrow in the frame from July 8. It is expected that the baby red spot will be pulled back and merge, becoming part of the giant storm system.
[ 本帖最后由 Eldghost 于 2008-7-25 21:12 编辑 ] |