skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 19:50

250 carbon f3.4 1992

skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 19:50

300 EM500 1992   镜子

skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 19:51

250 EM500 1993   镜子

skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 19:52

Teegu150 f5.7 1993

skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 19:52

210 f11.5 EM1 1993

skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 19:53

210 carbon f3 NJP 1993

skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 19:54

FS102 f8 EM10 1994

skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 19:54

Mewlon 300: DK design of Cassegrain telescope, high definition on planet, 11x70 finder, OTA weight 25kg
EM-500 Temma with GOTO capability, can be operated by PC, slewingspeed 350x (12V DC), maximum loading 40kg, mount head with pier standweight 130kg

skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 19:56

FS78 f8 EM1 1994

skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 19:57

FS128 f8.1 EM1 1994

skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 19:59

The EM-2S mount is an accurate, precision built German equatorial mountfor loading up to 7kg. It is suitable for a small to medium sizedTakahashi refractor or reflector. R.A. axis is driven by a built-inmotor, with the release of clutch button, manual motion is possible.Another feature is a reticle polar alignment scope in the polar axis,with 5' setting accuracy, scale pattern effective until 2015 with quickreference dial for N/S, this helps to gain an accurate polar alignmentquickly and accurately.

skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 20:00

Tak CN-212 is a two-way telescope. By exchanging the secondary mirrorof a Cassegrain and the diagonal mirror of a Newtonian system, one canenjoy two types of telescope in one set. A Casssegrain has a long focalratio and is a superb planetary and deep-sky scope. An f/3.9 Newtonianoffers a wide field of view, and one can get both in the sametelescope.
The exchange of the secondary mirrors is simple, Takahashirecognized the need for a precise optical system that could be swappedwithout disrupting optical alignment. There is a device that is able torestore the optical axis so perfectly that anyone can do the exchangequickly and easily.
Focal length 2630mm in Cassegrain mode & 820mm in Newtonianmode, Cassegrain secondary 68mm Newtonian secondary 72mm, Standardaccessory: 7x50 6.3 illuminated finder
Tube length 855mm, weight 8.5kg

skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 20:01

This massive EQ mount weighs 630kg, 45cm diameter gear, GOTO capability, maximum loading 150kg, suitable for 5m dome

skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 20:02

FCT-200 is the largest Tak APO flourite refractor at this period. OTAweighs 62kg piggyback with FS-102 & a 11x70 finder. EM-3500 EQmount with loading capacity of 150kg, fastest slewing speed 700xsideral rate, weighs 630kg

skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 20:03

350 f3.6 OTA w/11x70 finder 1997

skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 20:04

FS152 f8 EM200USD 1997

skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 20:05

The BRC-250 uses aspherical surfaces for both the primary and secondarymirrors, and when they are combined with two supplementary lenses,eliminates spherical aberration, coma & astigmatism with a flatfield. It gives a focal ratio of f/5 with a 100mm 5 image circle. Itproduces an amazing 2 micron stellar image at the center of the field.Thus making the BRC-250 the perfect instrument for CCD imaging. The100mm diameter image circle will accomodate the largest commerciallyavailable CCD cameras.

Thanks to 100 image circle, from 35mm to 4x5" format film can becovered. The BRC-250 is temperature compensated by using a space agestate-of-the-art carbon fiber tube which assures precise focus thatwill not change with temperature fluctuations.

The BRC-250 employs the Baker method to flatten the entire field ofview. However, because its primary and secondary mirrors arehyperbolic, production was difficult. Today, Takahashi's uniquetechnique in polishing non-spherical surfaces enables the first massproduction of Baker Ritchey Chretien

Primary mirror: 260mm Hyperbolic with enhanced coatings
Secondary mirror: 120.5mm Hyperbolic with enhanced coatings
Focal length: 1268mm
Image circle: 100mm/5
Main tube: diameter of 280mm (11.02"), length 595mm (23.42") weight 15.6kg (34.32lbs)
Finder: 7x50, 6.3 field of view; with illuminator. 11x70, 4.2 finder is optional
Tube Material: Aluminum
Film formats usable: from 35mm all the way up to 4x5"
Focal Length: 1268mm
High reflectance aluminum protected coating
Obstruction: 0.49
Corrector: 2 lenses all surfaces multicoated
Image circle diameter illuminated on film: 100mm, 60% without vignetting
Photo resolution: 2 micron near centre; 10 micron at the outer edge
Field maximum: 4.5 on film format 4X5"
Tube weight: 15.6kg

skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 20:05

TAK 25cm astrograph Baker Ritchey Chretien design, 2 element fieldflattener resulted in high image sharpness, 2 microns at the centre& <10 microns at 100mm off centre. Large image circle attains116mm when using 4x5" medium format camera. Standard finder 7x50, 11x70finder changeable. OTA weight 19.4kg
EM-500 EQ mount for use from 5~45. Maximum loading 40kg, comes with two 10kg counterweight.
Total system weight 115kg

skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 20:06

FS60C f5.9 OTA 1999

skyczheng 发表于 2009-8-19 20:07

MT300 f6 EM2500 1999
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