zn2019 发表于 2012-6-18 10:41


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赫芬顿邮报新闻标题:赫芬顿邮报评论“神九成功发射” 译者:罪人国家:美国新闻链接:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/16/liu-yang-first-chinese-woman-space_n_1602215.html?ref=topbar
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Brian25Conservative without all the Jesus194 Fans15 hours ago ( 8:38 AM)A new way for them to deal with women who break the one child law.这是中国用来惩治违反计划生育的女人的新招数。
Goaheadmakemyday21 Fans15 hours ago ( 8:40 AM)Under the Bush Obama era we are now watching China become the leader in space.在经历了布什和奥巴马时代后,我们现在眼睁睁地看着中国成为航天业的领袖。
tkns1058 Fans15 hours ago ( 9:04 AM)pretty soon they will outsource our science program too. Republicans have already banned science and claim intelligent design is science-so no problem for them. Dems are just like a deer in the headlights-frozen silly. Maybe we will go back to being like our ancestors in the middle ages. Sara Palin already believes in witchcraft and sought protection from it from a witchdoctor, err pastor. She was this close to being VP.用不了多久我们就会把科技项目也都外包给中国,共和党已经开始禁止科研了,而且把智能设计也归入了科研范畴,好吧,这都没问题。科研系统就好像惊弓之鸟一般,在战战兢兢中步履维艰。我们干脆回到中世纪得了,萨拉帕林已经迷上了巫术,认为可以靠巫医或者牧师之类的保护她,而就是这么个人,她有可能成为我们的副总统。
Goaheadmakemyday21 Fans15 hours ago ( 9:26 AM)I was told in 2008 if I voted for McCain we would have and idiot for the VP, I did vote for McCain and they were right, we have an idiot VP.这里犯错了……08年有人告诉我,如果给麦凯恩投票,我们就会有个白痴副总统(指当时麦凯恩的竞选搭档,竞选期间丑态百出佩林大妈)。我还是给麦凯恩投了票,结果我们果然有了个白痴副总统(指拜登)
tkns1058 Fans14 hours ago (10:39 AM)Aah, that speaks volumes about you.哈哈,我们都懂的。
Goaheadmakemyday21 Fans1 hour ago (11:06 PM)Wait, are you telling me you think Joe Biden is smart?等等,你想说乔拜登很聪明么?
HUFFPOST SUPER USERjabbacivSo it goes.430 Fans
15 hours ago ( 9:07 AM)It's not just Bush and Obama, it's the fact that we can't convince regular people that there's any benefit to be had from space greater than any immediate day to day benefit we could see from the use of the money. It's national shortsightedness.这不能怪布什和奥巴马,事实上是我们普通人根本没有认识到太空研究能为我们带来多大的回报,我们只知道把钱花在每天都能看得到收益的即时投资上。这是整个国家的短视行为。
Goaheadmakemyday21 Fans15 hours ago ( 9:30 AM)I agree, but it is just sad.America once was a leader.Now we have the Baby Boomers running the show and its just sad.是事实,却很悲哀,曾几何时,美国当过领袖。而如今,那帮“困难时期出生的人”在掌权,太悲剧了。
SpockMilky Way Pedestrian339 Fans14 hours ago ( 9:49 AM)We're not a country of big dreamers anymore. We have a crumbling infrastructure that one party thinks is too expensive to fix and the other party is too afraid of its own shadow to do whats right.我们再也不是那个抱着伟大梦想的国家了,我们的国家遍布着陈旧的基础设施,然而两党内一个因为嫌贵而懒得去修,另一个则是活在恐惧的阴影中而不敢尝试。
Lynette237 Fans14 hours ago (10:46 AM)Yup, and in education, technology, science, engineering, infrastructure, exports blah de blah blah. Too many to name...是滴,不光是基础设施,还有教育、科技、科学、工程、基建、出口等等等等,太多了。
Cori527Gay democrat agnostic vegetarian!1055 Fans15 hours ago ( 8:40 AM)"Liu Yang Becomes First Chinese Woman In Space"

Wow, China, how very 1978 of you!“刘洋成为了中国首位飞上太空的女人”喔噢,中国,整整晚了30年啊!!!
Chiefy17242011Cyber-Nat, Cyber-Democrat172 Fans15 hours ago ( 9:01 AM)Remind me about the American indigenous space program ?有人能告诉我美国最近有什么太空项目么?
ProtocolorHave maths, will travel.504 Fans5 hours ago ( 9:33 AM)LOL! Ride's ride into space took place in 1983... twenty YEARS after the Russians sent the first woman and the first civilian into space. In other words, "Wow, America, how very 1963 of you!"哈哈,莱德在1983年首次完成太空行走,比俄罗斯把女宇航员送到太空整整晚了20年,我们是不是也可以这么讽刺美国人,“喔噢,美国,整整晚了20年啊!”
Cori527Gay democrat agnostic vegetarian!1055 Fans5 hours ago (10:00 AM)LOL I bet you're a lot of fun at parties!哈哈,我打赌你在派对的时候肯定是笑话王。
ProtocolorHave maths, will travel.505 Fans15 hours ago ( 9:12 AM)1978? What are you talking about? The first woman in space was Valentina Tereshkova back in 1963. What does 1978 have to do with anything?1978?你们说啥呢?第一个去到太空的女人是瓦莲京娜.捷列什科娃,她在1963年完成了太空行走,这里和1978年一毛钱关系都没有。
Cori527Gay democrat agnostic vegetarian!1055 Fans14 hours ago ( 9:42 AM)1978 was the first American woman in space.1978是美国把首位女宇航员送上太空的日子。
BoobuzuelaSatire identical to actual Republican positions698 Fans14 hours ago ( 9:44 AM)Now THERE'S a household name if I ever heard one.

Maybe if she'd burned her bra in space she'd be half as famous as Gloria Steinhem.看来又要出现一个我从没听说过的“家喻户晓”的名字了。要是她在太空里把胸罩给烧了,那她就能赶上格洛丽亚.斯坦赫恩一半的知名度了。
HUFFPOST SUPER USERP Markham72140 Fans15 hours ago ( 8:42 AM)Good for her. They ought to send the woman they beat up and gave an abortion to also, to make up for being idiots.对她来说是好事,他们还应该把那个被他们痛扁并且强制流产的女人也送上去,作为他们对其施暴的补偿。
HUFFPOST SUPER USERDennis NJ41 Fans14 hours ago ( 9:41 AM)And how many people did the US kill in Iraq and Afghanistan?那美国在伊拉克和阿富汗杀了那么多人怎么说呢?
HUFFPOST SUPER USERP Markham72140 Fans14 hours ago (10:12 AM)That is apples to oranges. I'm talking about China beating up one of their own and forcing an abortion, perhaps you didn't see that story though.两码事,我说的是中国发生的暴打本国孕妇并强迫其流产的事件,也许你还不知道呢把。
HUFFPOST SUPER USERDennis NJ41 Fans5 hours ago (10:41 AM)I did read the story, China admitted they made a mistake and apologized. I find your reference to one of their own very interesting as if killing other nationalities is ok.我知道这事,中国事后也承认了错误并且致歉了。我倒是发现你似乎更关心别人的家事,而对我们屠戮他国人民生命的事无动于衷。


trojwl179 Fans24 hours ago ( 8:57 AM)Hey China, we have a whole bunch of right-wingers that we'd like to send with her.

Granted, they aren't very bright, but if you tell them what they want to hear, they will absolutely and vehemently protest against their own best interests for just another sip of kool-aid.嘿,中国,我们这里一直巴巴的望着盼着送一大票右翼分子上太空呢。尽管他们都不算聪明,不过只要你说点他们爱听的,我保证他们绝对会连自己的亲奶奶是谁都忘了,死心塌地的跟着你。
bayonet divisionChoose this day whom you will serve.432 Fans23 hours ago ( 9:56 AM)You might want to think that through; you'll be left largely without a military defense and it will be hard to earn those entitlement checks with half the nation serving our chinese debt masters.你想得倒挺好,不过要是没有军事上的优势,你就会被彻底抛弃,到时候连福利津贴都别想拿到,最后整个国家的一半人都得为我们的中国债主打工。
trojwl179 Fans22 hours ago (10:44 AM)I was referring to planet Earth.

Not sure about yours.我说的是地球上的事,看不明白你说的是什么.
Nukegaywhales7 Fans24 hours ago ( 8:58 AM)Did somebody in space need a massage...or their shirts washed & ironed?太空上有人给按摩么?他们的衬衫有人干洗外加熨平么?
Silverfern420 Fans23 hours ago ( 9:16 AM)Feeling a little insecure so have to lash out with stereotypes?朋友你是突然感到没有安全感,开始胡言乱语了?
HUFFPOST SUPER USERJulie Zhou229 Fans23 hours ago ( 9:20 AM)Jealous? Watch out when you spit against the wind.嫉妒?说这话之前先打打草稿。。。
ProtocolorHave maths, will travel.504 Fans6 hours ago ( 9:26 AM)Naw, it was Americans on the ISS who needed someone to do their calculus problems.不,只有国际空间站上的美国佬才需要别人帮忙打理那些琐事。
BoobuzuelaSatire identical to actual Republican positions698 Fans6 hours ago ( 9:44 AM)Let's just hope there's a happy ending to their space program, and not the "silence" we got from the USSR every time some of their boyz didn't make it home alive.真心希望这次太空任务能圆满完成,可别像以前的苏联那样,每次都“安静”收尾,他们中的一些伙计都没有能够活着回家。
Killjoy26 Fans24 hours ago ( 8:58 AM)While at the same time cutting their 7 months old child from their stomachs. Very forward moving.就在不久之前刚听说他们把7月大孩子直接剖出来,转眼就上太空了,跨度有点大!
HUFFPOST SUPER USERDennis NJ41 Fans23 hours ago ( 9:39 AM)They admitted it was a mistake and apologized.他们承认错误并且道歉了。
HUFFPOST SUPER USERLisa SpomerKrasnoff1279 Fans18 hours ago ( 2:55 PM)Big whoop de do! An apology. Like George Zimmerman gave Trayvon Martin's parents.

Forced abortion and forced birth are two sides of the same coin!

Sorry if this Chinese PR doesn't impress me. And I LOVE science!哦,好一个道歉哦,就像是齐默曼对马丁家人的道歉(警察齐默曼开枪误杀黑人少年马丁,在美国引起了不小的轰动。)?强制流产和计划生育就是一块硬币上的两个面而已。不好意思,中国的这次危机公关并没有打动我。不过我还是很爱科学的。
Killjoy26 Fans12 hours ago ( 8:18 PM)ohh! Well everything is just peachy then, except for the murdered child who don't have a voice to say your forgiving.哦,一个道歉就能皆大欢喜了?除非那个被杀的孩子亲口说他已经原谅凶手了。
HUFFPOST SUPER USERRyan Tippensrepublican.432 Fans24 hours ago ( 9:00 AM)hopefully china will carry our guys up for us since the shuttle program ended.真心希望中国能帮忙送我们的宇航员上太空,因为俺们的航天飞机已经不飞了。。。
twodamngoonDoes a bear wear a funny hat? Wait, what did I say163 Fans24 hours ago ( 9:00 AM)Man, I remember when we had a space program. Of course, I also recall things like new roads, airports, dams, all just memories now. What changed?
Oh yeah, the wealthy are entitled to everything, BUT paying taxes like they used too.哥们儿,我记得我们以前有过太空项目,当然,我还记得有说要建新的公路,机场、水坝什么的,不过好像最后都不了了之了。。。哦对了,富人们还是可以为所欲为的,不过说到缴税,他们还是有自己的“老一套”。
HUFFPOST SUPER USERDave PriceWe need to reverse this Fascist Corporatism903 Fans
24 hours ago ( 9:01 AM)Gratz China! Maybe Americans will wake up to the fact the REAL leaders, the 1%, are taking America the wrong way. That as we get lost in the battle of left or right, the 1% own both Obama or Romney and just put on a fake show for us. All Americans can do is cry, we are number one in Military and Prisons! Yes, we are number 1 in things Satan would love but our God would be so against. As we struggle for our very souls, as we work harder and harder towards the goals of the " Great Deciever" and away from GOD, we also loose the Blessings from God.恭喜中国,或许某天美国人民开始觉醒,发现那领导着美国的1%人口正在把美国往沟里带。我们在左翼与右翼的内耗中衰败,包括奥巴马和罗姆尼在内的那1%人口一直在我们面前演戏糊弄。所有的美国人除了哭喊别无他法,我们军事第一,关押犯人也是第一!我们拿第一的项目能讨撒旦的欢心,却违背了上帝。我们为了内心深处的灵魂而不断努力,最后换来的却是“大骗子”的名号,上帝与我们渐行渐远,他不会再眷顾我们了。
ProtocolorHave maths, will travel.505 Fans24 hours ago ( 9:04 AM)Great work, China! Here's wishing the taikonauts a safe and successful mission!干得好,中国!现在就是希望太空人能成功完成任务并且安全返回。
Banjo Mike36 Fans24 hours ago ( 9:04 AM)Man! They're getting really creative with their late-term abortions of females!!哥们儿!他们在处置怀孕晚期的超生妇方面,花样越来越多了。
vintage3000100 Fans23 hours ago ( 9:33 AM)I should not laugh at that but....我不该笑的,不过还是。。。噗
Lynette237 Fans22 hours ago (10:50 AM)Funny they talk about space exploration, and we counter with talk about abortions...GOP men are seriously concerned about abortions. I know a quick fix, try having a baby.搞笑,他们在关注太空探索,而我们却盯着流产问题,共和党们就那么喜欢“关心”流产么?我知道一个好办法,赶紧怀一个宝宝。
Ms Anne Thrope10 Fans23 hours ago ( 9:05 AM)Maybe it would have been a better idea if we had let China participate in the ISS program.当初要是让中国加入国际空间站计划就好了。
BoobuzuelaSatire identical to actual Republican positions698 Fans23 hours ago ( 9:42 AM)Might as well. Loral already gave them enough of our rocket guidance secrets to improve their ICBM accuracy by a factor of 10X. Thanks a lot Bernie Swartz and Bill Clinton.让中国加入还会有别的“可能”,劳拉公司当时已经把我们的火箭制导机密泄露给了中国人,他们因为得到了10X的参数,而提高了洲际导弹的精确度。这得感谢比尔克林顿和伯尼斯沃茨。
HUFFPOST SUPER USERGeauterreWriter, Author, Commentator and Humorist.247 Fans
23 hours ago ( 9:05 AM)Congratulations are in order. Now all we have to hope for is they won't run over a friendly alien with a rocket ship.首先表示恭喜,然后我得祈祷他们可别把火箭打到路过的“友好的外星人”飞船上。
HUFFPOST SUPER USERjabbacivSo it goes.430 Fans
23 hours ago ( 9:06 AM)Yes, I realize it's ground the US has already gone over, but it's still pretty impressive.哦,我发现这个好像是美国早就做过的事了,不过还是让人印象深刻。
daultman463181 Fans23 hours ago ( 9:36 AM)Yes they are only the third nation to do this. But we were doing this 40 years ago. When this China is ahead of us nonsense i wish people would really look at the truth about that. A natiion with 5 times the people and 1/3 the economy of the US.是的,他们是第三个做到的国家,不过我们早在40年前就做到了。所以希望那些鼓吹中国领先的人能擦亮眼睛看清楚,那话实在毫无根据。他们只不过是一个在人口上5倍于我们,在经济上只占我们1/3的国家而已。
ProtocolorHave maths, will travel.505 Fans23 hours ago (10:03 AM)"we were doing this 40 years ago"

Even then "we" were #2. More to the point, "we" can't do it now. Making a big deal about Apollo nowadays is like some old washed-up has-been talking about how great he was in the good ol` days. It's a little bit embarrassing.“我们40年前就做到了。”即便那时的“我们”,也只是“老二”而已,更惨的是,“我们”现在已经做不到了。现在我们已经无法进行阿波罗计划这种大规模的事情了,每提起这个,就好像不断在提“当年勇”的“好汉”一样,真是有点尴尬。
daultman463181 Fans13 hours ago (10:45 AM)Boy some of you guys really look for anything to slam America don`t you my friend. That the Chinese have learned to put people in space is great but something the US and Russia has done since the 60`s is where you don`t get it. What exactly do you mean we can`t do it now? What are we going to learn by putting more people in an orbit? Are you really trying to say they are ahead of us now? And i thought you were a smart person.孩子们,看来你们不把美国贬到死是不罢休了对吧。中国能把人送到太空确实了不起,不过这都是美俄上世纪60年代玩剩下的了,你还不明白么?你们说我们现在做不到了是什么意思?我们现在还没事儿送人上太空有个蛋意思?能得到什么新的技术么?你真觉得他们比我们领先么?哎,亏我还以为你是个聪明人呢。
ProtocolorHave maths, will travel.505 Fans9 hours ago ( 2:50 PM)I am pointing out that your efforts to slam China are pretty weak. YOU'RE the one coming to this discussion trying to rain on China's parade, when in realty what China has accomplished is truly amazing.
"What exactly do you mean we can`t do it now?"
The United States does not now have manned space flight capabilities. If Russia decides to stop selling rides on their Soyuz spacecraft to Americans, then there will be no way for Americans to get to the International Space Station.
"What are we going to learn by putting more people in an orbit?"
A great deal, actually. That is why America is funding a big part of the ISS.我只是想说你对中国的贬低缺乏力度,虽然你加入讨论是为了煞中国的威风,不过中国达到的成就真心让人惊讶。“你们说我们现在做不到了是什么意思?”解释给你听:美国现在已经不具备载人航天飞行的能力了,如果俄罗斯决定不再向美国出售联盟号飞船上的座位,那美国就没有办法再带人上国际空间站了。“我们现在还没事儿送人上太空有个蛋意思?能得到什么新的技术么?”我告诉你:能得到很多,事实上,这就是为何美国在国际空间站上还占着大头的原因。
daultman463181 Fans8 hours ago ( 3:25 PM)My friend i think it is great that China is now in space. But you guys always seem to find way to dig America when talking about other nations. The Chinese are where we were 30 years ago. That is my only point about that my friend.我的朋友,中国上太空是好事,不过也别老是为了别的国家而埋汰美国啊。中国做的只是我们30年前做过的。我想说的就这些,朋友。
ProtocolorHave maths, will travel.505 Fans8 hours ago ( 3:51 PM)You are wrong. The Chinese now have an affordable and sustainable human rated launcher and spacecraft. The United States did not have that thirty years ago and does not have that now.You are, then, pointless.你错了,中国现在可以负担得起同时还能重复利用自己的载人火箭和飞船,美国在30年前就没有具备这个能力,现在更是。你的观点立不住脚。
6 hours ago ( 5:06 PM)No my friend we did. Remember those things call space shuttles??Because the Chinese reuse their spacecraft while we didn`t makes them ahead of us now? What have they really done that we haven`t my friend?不,我的朋友,我们当时有那个能力。还记得我们曾经称其为太空梭么?难道就因为中国人可以重复利用自己的太空飞船就代表他们比我们领先了?说点正经的,说点他们有而我们没有的,行么朋友?
ProtocolorHave maths, will travel.505 Fans5 hours ago ( 6:31 PM)What happened to the shuttles? They were retired. Why? Because they were neither sustainable nor affordable.Face reality. All of America's space efforts have ultimately been cancelled because they were unaffordable. The only projects that were maintained through their projected lifespans were the Hubble ST and some of the deep space probes like Voyager.后来那些太空梭怎么样了呢?都退休了,知道为什么不?因为government既无法重复利用它们,也负担不起不断制造新的,面对现实吧。美国在太空事业上做出的所有努力都付诸东流,因为我们负担不起。现在唯一还能使用的就是哈勃望远镜以及某些外太空航天探测器,比如“航行者号”。
HUFFPOST SUPER USERDennis NJ41 Fans23 hours ago ( 9:38 AM)Bet you they go to Mars before we do.我打赌他们比我们先上火星。
a san juan0 Fans22 hours ago (10:10 AM)LOL yes they will. It's called the tortoise and the hare. the russians and USA got out first, then run out of money. The slower more methodical utterly dedicated tortoise China will win the race.哈哈,一定得,这就叫龟兔赛跑,美俄一开始领先,可跑一半没钱了,而一步一个脚印的乌龟慢慢地爬,稳扎稳打,最后赢得胜利。
HUFFPOST SUPER USERDennis NJ41 Fans13 hours ago (10:44 AM)It's like the drunk guy at the bar always talking about how he was the star quarterback in high school but hasn't done anything since.就好像那些在酒吧买醉的酒鬼一样,吹嘘着自己在高中时代是明星四分卫,可从那以后再也没有雄起过

zn2019 发表于 2012-6-18 10:43


龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com2012年06月16日 ⁄ 印度人看中国 ⁄ 暂无评论 ⁄ 被围观 261+ 龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com
6月16日,神舟9号飞船在酒泉发射成功,顺利进入预定轨道。神舟9号肩负着中国首次载人空间交会对接的重大任务,代表着中国正一步一个脚印地实现自己的太空 梦。在国内媒体纷纷将焦点对准“神九”的同时,海外媒体也在密切关注着此次发射。 出征太空的中国首位女航天员刘洋,成为外媒最为关注的焦点,激发了中国人的一股“民族自豪感”。正是由于刘的存在,这次太空任务也吸引了中国国民更多关 注,再一次在世人面前展现了中国人的智慧和勇气。“神舟九号”载人飞船成功发射,“蛟龙”号载人深潜器勇闯全球最深海沟。中国“上天下海”两大科研任务均 迎来高潮。
龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com
原文标题:China puts its first woman astronaut into space

JIUQUAN (CHINA): China put its first woman into orbit on Saturday, one of three astronauts to attempt a critical space docking in the latest challenge for the country's ambitious space programme.
A Long March rocket blasted off in the early evening from the remote Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in the northwestern Gobi Desert, carrying with it the Shenzhou 9 spacecraft and the three astronauts, including 33-year-old female fighter pilot Liu Yang.
This is China's fourth manned space mission since 2003 when astronaut Yang Liwei became the country's first person in orbit, and comes as the United States has curtailed manned launches over budget concerns and changing priorities.
The launch was carried live on state television, and until moments before blast-off, a camera showed the three astronauts in the cabin occasionally waving. A red placard with the Chinese symbol for good fortune hung behind them.
Within days, the astronauts will try to dock with the orbiting Tiangong (Heavenly Palace) 1 module launched last September, part of a 13-day mission crucial to China's ambition to put a space station in orbit around 2020.
"I believe that we can achieve this goal, because we already have the basic technological capability," Zhou Jianping, the chief designer of China's manned space engineering project, told reporters before the launch.
A successful manned docking mission for China would be the latest show of the country's growing capabilities in space, to match its expanding military and diplomatic clout.
Still, Beijing is playing catch up with the United States and Russia, which, along with other countries, jointly operate the International Space Station some 240 miles (390 km) above Earth.
Rendezvous and docking techniques such as those which China is only testing now were mastered by the United States and the former Soviet Union decades ago, and the 10.5 metre-long Tiangong 1 is a trial module, not a full-fledged space station.
Linking with the unmanned module will be an important hurdle in China's efforts to acquire the technological and logistical skills needed to run a full space lab that can house astronauts for long stretches.
Fears of a space arms race with the United States and other powers mounted after China blew up one of its own weather satellites with a ground-based missile in January 2007, though China has insisted its programme is peaceful.
"China's manned space programme has never been for military purposes. It is mainly to research how mankind can go into space, use space peacefully," He Yu, the general commander of China's manned spacecraft project, said before the launch.
The United States will not test a new rocket to take people into space until 2017, and Russia has said manned missions are no longer a priority.
But NASA has begun investing in US firms to provide commercial spaceflight services and is spending about $3 billion a year on a new rocket and capsule to send astronauts to the moon, asteroids and eventually to Mars.
Chinese scientists have talked of the possibility of sending a man to the moon after 2020, the final step in a three-stage moon plan, which includes the deployment of a moon rover in 2013 and the retrieval of lunar soil and stone samples around 2017.
China's space programme has come a long way since late leader Mao Zedong, founder of communist China in 1949, lamented that the country could not even launch a potato into space.


Mirror (Earth near moon) 1 hr ago
No comment from out of billion.you guys must be feeling down D:
Agree (9)Disagree (1)Recommend (3)
十亿人没有做出什么评论。你们这些家伙肯定感到失落 D:

Mehr (New Delhi)
Hindu-Chini Bhai Bhai.......
Agree (0)Disagree (9)Recommend (0)

bala srinivasan (saginaw.mi.USA) 1 hr ago
No doubt this is a fantastic demonstration of CHINA's global stature which should be given due respect&recognition.However as its asian southern neighbor INDIA needs to think &act swiftly&effectively without alarm but objectively to the consequences&repurcussions of CHINA's space conquest.
Agree (8)Disagree (2)Recommend (2)

Prof Ramesh (Gurgaon)
First Asian country to send a woman astronaut to space.
Agree (6)Disagree (2)Recommend (3)

ranjit (Angul)
Commendable achievement by the Communist Country! But India should not compete CHINA, rather should be absorbed exploring the strength of the nation using other viable resources.
Agree (4)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)

thinktank (mumbai)
Apart from sending spy satellites and indulging in cyber hacking on a large scale, the latest step of sending a female astronaut in the space clearly shows the rate at which China is establishing its supremacy in the space. Though applauding this step, India must be cautious of China's increasing space-dominance.
Agree (3)Disagree (8)Recommend (0)

John (Madras) 1 hr ago
Well done China, you are everything we are not. India please continue masturbating.
Agree (15)Disagree (3)Recommend (6)

Karthik Balu (Tumkur)
Every Chinese would be proud of his country, China is one of the best in achieving technological marvels.. They have proved it yet again, Success of a country depends on the government, China's taxing policy is the main reason behind its success.... Congrats China!
Agree (8)Disagree (2)Recommend (3)

Anthony (Melbourne) 1 hr ago
Another example of China thinking ahead 50 years while the US struggles to pay for its past and cannot afford to remain in space and India realises that China is ahead in all respects while India is burdened with its caste system and corruption and the gap separating India and China widens every day since Independence when India had a head start and was ahead in many respects.
Agree (6)Disagree (2)Recommend (3)

Soma Visal (Chennai)
China flies higher than India is for sure.
Agree (7)Disagree (1)Recommend (2)

Singh (Punjab) replies to Soma Visal 1 min ago
You are talking only about India, i will say whole world. Their leadership is deicated to the nation to the bone. No wonder they are rising on all fronts.


原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com

Rajkumar Murugan (Sivakasi)
Great. Hats off to China.
Agree (4)Disagree (0)Recommend (3)

Ravichandran Rajamannar (Blore)
I am a patriotic Indian and understand democracy and communism in theory but our Indian experience seems to be opposite. Is it because of our politicians quality or chinese politburo guys are good dictators. We may not know all dirty secrets of China due to gag on its citizens and media BUT I still envy China's progress.
Agree (5)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)

vishwanath patel (varanasi)
China has advanced in every field. Al around development of China shows the system is working well there. Leadership is good. The nation is first in the eyes of the Chinese. They must be feeling proud for being a chinese. Here in India when a party asks,'garv se kaho ham Hindu hain' then one who loves the country is worried. When a sizable portion of Muslims still does not seem to be perfectly with nationhool of this country, then one is worried. When we Indians are only Indians then none can stop us going ahead..
Agree (5)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)

sandygenie (Bangalore)
First space station will also be a 'Made in china ' product.
Agree (2)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)

kapoor (Delhi)
The whole world should collaborate in this kind of thing. Otherwise, separately, every space-faring country will need to waste resources learning stuff that the USA and Russia are already expert in doing. USA should take the lead and invite China, Russia, EU, South Korea, Japan and India to join them in reviving the defunct NASA. Yes, India too. We are actually the master of small launches. We are the most cost-effective. Women should definitely be in the forefront of space exploration. They are smaller and lighter and their intuition for correct decisions is stronger.
Agree (1)Disagree (2)Recommend (0)

anil sharma (mumbai)
great irony at one end china is sending woman to space on the other end country like saudi are not allowing women to even drive their car
Agree (9)Disagree (1)Recommend (3)

Delhi Wala (Delhi) 40 mins ago
They send a woman into space, and here we have Mamatas, Mayawatis, Jayas, Rabris and Sonias dragging this country into dark ages.
Agree (12)Disagree (1)Recommend (1)

Shek Gh (Mumbai)
This seems to be good effort to demonstrate china's technological advancement. But raises doubt that, what China seeks to prove by sending manned space crafts, is it it wants to compete against USA or something else..!!!
Agree (2)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)

blessings ashis (New Delhi)
China's Success inspires us to work harder and make India a better place to live.
Agree (3)Disagree (1)Recommend (1)
原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com

Sandeep Gupta (Gurgaon)
China is marching towards to become the super power , where as Indian politicains are dragging us back
Agree (4)Disagree (2)Recommend (2)

Ravichandran Rajamannar (Blore)
I happened to meet a Top Chinese Manager who invited iron ore exporters to a 5-Star Hotel in Bhubaneswar 2 years back. He said he cannot understand 5 star hotel and slums next to each other and China's infra is way better. My Indian friends didnot like this blunt comment. I said I agree with him totally but current patriotism of Chinese will last only as long as Chinese juggernaut grows at good pace while Indians will always remain patriotic. Do you agree with my view?
Agree (2)Disagree (2)Recommend (1)

shishir (Noida)
it should be inspiration for indian scientists and continue the healthy competition.

Manu Mohan (kochi)
China is a real model for the developing countries...corruption is almost nonexistent even though it is easier to do that than in India...nobody can question the government........really awesome. a real model for our bloody politicians.
Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)

shailesh singh (Delhi)
do they don't have any politician who can drag their legs in backwards???? how they are growing very fast???

pgangadharan pulingat (kanhangad)
An ambitious technological space expedition of our nearest neighbouring country.



mrxexon (USA)
Space programs are expensive. They are beyond the ability of countries with populations that still know hunger.There was a lot of complaints about ours in the 60's and 70's. But looking back, it is a source of national pride and one of our finest eras as a nation. I hope China will eventually become a part of the international space community so that we may all go into space together as a single voice. Because there is something inside of all that needs to explore our surroundings.
Agree (5)Disagree (1)Recommend (1)

Rohan Suley (Mumbai)
Simply Amazing , Though Its Not India and Its China , But Its commendable that a Woman is put into Orbit . China is a inspirational developing country anbd India should also get inspired from the dragon in certain aspects
Agree (5)Disagree (0)Recommend (2)

ashis (kolkata) 1 hr ago
Congratulations to those who live on the other side of the Himalayas. China was a world leader is innovative technology. We shall be happy to see if she regains the status again. Wish safe return of all the astronauts including the cute young lady. The only objection remains with the naming of the craft - Long March. Long March was a disaster to both the marchers and the humankind.
Agree (6)Disagree (1)Recommend (3)

Sabyasachi Kar (Cotonou, Benin)
India is not far behind. China being under dictatorship, easy to implement Govt policies. In India you can not build a road, thousand people will obstruct due to land etc. Every developmental project will be opposed by opposition parties. China, even control their currency exchange rate in a way that is unknown to democratic India. But the growth and achievement of China is due to strong commitment of the Govt/Party and no soft attitude towards people/workers.
Agree (4)Disagree (7)Recommend (1)

indian citizen (Mumbai) 1 hr ago
Well done People's Republic of China and congratulations for sending your first woman astronaut into space. We in India look at your achievements with a lot of pride and wish we too could do the same. We Indians ought to take inspiration from the PRC rather than criticize them at every opportunity. Wish you all the best in future.
Agree (10)Disagree (0)Recommend (6)
原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com

anku6 (New Delhi)
Congrats China! Exactly 10 years from now, under the PM'ship of Mr.Modi, India will launch its own Rocket/Orbiter and the second Indian in space. The first was Rakesh Sharma who went on Russian rocket.
Agree (8)Disagree (4)Recommend (5)

Steven (Plano, TX) replies to anku6 29 mins ago
Modi will first launch rocket attack on minorities before he takes India into orbit. I really do not believe India will survive Modi's premiership. It will disintegrate into smaller more manageable and prosperous countries.
Agree (3)Disagree (3)Recommend (1)


Muniyandi Thevar (Kakinada, AP) replies to anku6 52 mins ago
In 10 years of Modi's rule, you might be either dead or leave India as Asylum Seeker in China. Nothing else goog can come from Modi. Poor Fella. Feed yourself and your family properly. Let's first try to put female safely on Indian roads first and then think about Space.
Agree (5)Disagree (5)Recommend (2)


Huntsman (Planet Earth)
Highly commendable accomplishment. We Indians should take few lessons from the Chinese for their focus, dedication and efforts in developing technologies and resources. Politics is all together a different issue for discussion. Congrats China!
Agree (6)Disagree (0)Recommend (4)

Marco Hsiao (Asia)
Congratulation! Asia is moving to strong and prosperity; in the future India and China both will be brilliant.
Agree (3)Disagree (0)Recommend (2)

Thou Lee (Singapore) 23 mins ago
India-China cooperation is needed to bring more balance in the world. The perception in China is that India is conspiring with USA to thwart China's progress. India should show good intentions and resolve territorial and water disputes with China. Arunanchal Pradesh and Ladakh should be settled amicably. Only beneficiary of India-China conflict is USA and bankrupt Europe.
Agree (4)Disagree (1)Recommend (3)

Om (Zhoushan) 19 mins ago
Congrats, Great China........you are a truly developed country....
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Proud to be Indian (reddit) 17 mins ago
The atheists of China are putting women into space. While the Hindus-Muslims-Christians-Sikhs Indians are busy raeping, harassing and burning women.
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hrishidesai (Mumbai)
Whatever said and done, how much ever I hate China for it's anti-India stance I yet feel its a very good feat by them.

Hari Haran (Kollam)
Antony may buy 3 CHANDRAYAN from America by hearing this !
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Manu Mohan (kochi) replies to Hari Haran
r u an Indian or Chinese???? ....India have the potential to do everything that the Chinese do.
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Toga (Gandustan) replies to Manu Mohan
Nope.... not with this kind of social background.


Brown American (USA)
In 2010 China demonstrated technology to shoot down a high orbit satellite. It send down a chill in USA and India. Two countries in the world who strategically and ideologically think that they have to undermine China, stop its progress, do not let it become a super power. And yes of course Japan thinks the same way. Japan has historical enmity towards China, however Japan is a waning economic power. There is growing concern in China that India is siding with USA to stir trouble in Tibet and in Xinjian province. This perception must be corrected. It is very ominous for South Asia. China-India partnership is needed to keep USA in check.
Agree (7)Disagree (3)Recommend (2)

Donald (Seattle, WA) replies to Brown American 1 hr ago
India is too enamored with "White" USA and Europe. Hindu_Indians enjoyed British rule for 200 years. India also has not forgotten the drubbing they got from China in 1962.
Agree (3)Disagree (2)Recommend (1)


anup srivastava (Delhi)
Good Job. But make sure your rockets are not like your Chinese toys.
Agree (2)Disagree (9)Recommend (1)
原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com

Toga (Gandustan) replies to anup srivastava
Or the indian rocket.


Lalit S. Jamwal (JAMMU) 46 mins ago
This is a political stunt rather than a technological achievement. Both the USSR and USA did this in the 1970s. The Long March 2F rocket (a crude launcher has no cryogenic engines r) launched the Shenzhou 9 spacecraft, a crewed mission to dock with the orbiting Tiangong 1 laboratory module. A critical analysis of this will reveal that this is a publicity stunt (mostly political) rather than a technological feat. It is well known that the backward Chinese bought 1960 and early 70 space hardware from Russia and are using this to prove that they are a great space power. Russians were glad to get rid of their old surplus hardware. Such feats were done by the USSR in the 60s and 70s.
Also since Communist Chinese and the Jews are strong allies the Chinese were next aided by Israeli technicians with software and docking hardware. In reality the Chinese space programme is rather primitive and they have no cryogenic technology. Also the Chinese moon probe Chang'e 2 was a total failure and the Chinese displayed U.S. origin images to justify their claims. In reality the Chinese space program is not only way behind that of Russia and the U.S.A. but also behind the European Union, Japan and India. One must however be careful as the U.S. Jewish based media does much direct or subtle propaganda for the Communist Chinese. China has no nuclear propelled submarines or even a functional aircraft-carrier. Ten of these ancient capsules were obtained by China from the Russians: File:Shenzhou5-3.JPG
Agree (2)Disagree (10)Recommend (0)

Proud Indian (Chennai) replies to Lalit S. Jamwal 22 mins ago
I thought, Israel is our friend. Why they are helping China?


Facts (Mumbai) replies to Lalit S. Jamwal 26 mins ago
U are stupid
Agree (1)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)


Dr. Rahul Sharma (Panipat) replies to Lalit S. Jamwal 29 mins ago
Yes only the Jews, Bangladeshis and Pakistanis think this some short of a technological step. It is like buying an old bus and driving it amongst horse-driven carts and thus feeling thrilled.
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Proud Indian (Chennai) replies to Dr. Rahul Sharma 17 mins ago
Why Jews are NOT helping us?. They are enemies of Muslims and hence our true friends.


Gaurav (India)
At last, China has put a woman in space. I guess that was the only place left untouched by a Chinese woman!
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Mahesh Ved (Mumbai)
India Beat China here.Our Kalpana Chawla was the First ASIAN woman to go in to SPACE.

God (Space) replies to Mahesh Ved 2 mins ago
She was sent by America. And she held an American passport. It's not the same. We must give credit where it is due.


pradeep_sundaresan (Dubai)
Congrats Liu Yang! When will a Chinese woman become its first dictator?

FACTS (Mumbai)
No matter what China achieves, some Indians only have one answer: "India is a FREE country & a democracy, we can say whatever we want" --- which is great news to the rest of the world, as long as Indians can not do whatever they want, who cares if they can say whatever they want or not!

Luk (Boston) replies to FACTS 1 hr ago
Actually have two common answers: the first one is what you mentioned - India is a Free country, the second answer is whatever China achieved, that must come from copy or steal That kind of attitude is a really problem for Indian


Prof. Bhabhani Nagchoudhury (Delhi) replies to Luk 40 mins ago
Military powers in order: Russia, USA, India, China-Israel (combined), Britain, France, etc.


Dr. G.S. Pandey (Gorakhpur) replies to FACTS 1 hr ago
Chinese may not be Aryans (we are) but they are not stupid. If they evolve into a democracy they will develop otherwise they are doomed. Most Chinese are running out of Mainland China and working in the West on odd jobs or even collecting cans, or doing the oldest profession in the West. Yes the Jews are backing them. The space launch is doing something which should have been done in the 1970s at this technological level. Surely European Union, Japan and India are ahead of China they decided not to take a primitive path in space.


原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com

FACTS replies to Dr. G.S. Pandey 1 hr ago
Surely European Union, Japan and India ===> should be "EU, Japan, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, ... Africa, Pakistan and India"


Yagnesh C. Trivedi, Ph. D. (Jacksonville, Florida) 2 hrs ago
In 1986, a close friend of mine at Polytechnic Institute of New York University(named Polytechnic University at that time), Brooklyn, New York, Chi-Ren Liu, who was from Taiwan, had commented that 21st century belongs to Asia. I see his words coming true in 21st century with the rise of China and India as leaders in technology, sports, economy and all other fields. This news confirms the trend that Asia is leading the world in 21st century, which Asia did for thousands of years in the past and lost the edge to Europe and America in the last few centuries. Good news for the people of Asia. Congratulations to all Asians for this achievement in advances in science and technology.
Agree (2)Disagree (2)Recommend (1)

Madan Lal Dua (Ambala) 2 hrs ago
The year is 1970 in China, this is what USSR did in 1970. India, European Union and Japan are much ahead of the Chinese in space. Old USSR capsules and locking mechanism etc from Israeli-Jewish technicians did the propaganda job for Chinese. No technological advancement.
Agree (1)Disagree (8)Recommend (0)

Kei (NY) replies to Madan Lal Dua 1 hr ago
LOL....China is in 1970 and just sent her first woman to space. India is in 2012, but still haven't been able to do so, Madman...
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Proudindian (Bangalore) replies to Madan Lal Dua 1 hr ago
Yes, India is ahead of China. Indians are the people behind the US space programme, the innovations are all Indian. US scientists are now coming to India to train under Indians. Russian and Jewish spies are everywhere in India trying to steal Indian technology. Indian ingenuity is all hidden and Indians never boast. The world will know the truth one day when shinig India show all.
Agree (1)Disagree (3)Recommend (1)


chandu (pune) 2 hrs ago
I am sure some day even india will also place an indian in space using its own spacecraft. but for that indans have to come out of foolish astrology and admire and appreciate astronomy.

Indian (Delhi) replies to chandu 1 hr ago
India can use transcendental levitation and go into space. This is pollution free, cost free and all Indian technology. Up up and away India. We are better than the Chinese who steal everything from India.
Agree (1)Disagree (2)Recommend (0)


原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com

Rocky Bayya (New Delhi, India")
great news for chinese women when is INDIA sending its first space woman

Diva (Mumbai) replies to Rocky Bayya 56 mins ago
India only send her women to bollywood.


Kei (NY) 3 hrs ago
I love to see how Indians react to Chinese achievements, jealousy and denial!!! Appreciate it, at least they are doing it if not you.
Agree (4)Disagree (1)Recommend (1)

Anil Gupta (Vadodara) replies to Kei 3 hrs ago
At least India is a FREE country & a democracy - we can say what we want.China has invented NOTHING. What can you buy in NY that Chinese have invented? Zilch. Just copies of other peoples things. You do as your politicians dictate ; like brainless zombies. That's why you have escaped to NY - If China was so good why did you leave? Go back today.
Agree (1)Disagree (7)Recommend (1)


Truth (EARTH) 3 hrs ago
Agree (6)Disagree (1)Recommend (3)

Proud Indian (Chennai) replies to Truth 3 hrs ago
We invented zero:)
Agree (5)Disagree (2)Recommend (1)


Fakemathematician (Italy) replies to Proud Indian 53 mins ago
......and you have zero.


zero (zero) replies to Proud Indian 1 hr ago
Zero was invented independently by Babylonians and Mayans before India.
Agree (2)Disagree (1)Recommend (1)


Jahangir (India) 4 hrs ago
300 million Indians are relieving themselves in open air as there are no toilets in rural India or toilets built only on paper. Instead of wasting taxpayers money on these useless space missions,the money should be used for building toilets and providing drinking water with strict monitoring.
Agree (11)Disagree (1)Recommend (3)

Tarkeshwar Singh (USA) replies to Jahangir 3 hrs ago
This is one of the biggest shame that the government has not rushed to build toilets in rural India yet. Hon'ble Ramesh should act on it immediately by building toilets for every family in rural areas of the country. This will prevent sicknesses originating from feces in open field and save lots of hospital costs and less suffering by people.
Agree (3)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)

government没有急着在印度农村修建厕所是其中一个最大的耻辱。Honble Ramesh应该立即行动,为农村地区的每个家庭修建厕所。这样可以避免田野里的粪便引起的疾病,可以节省大量的医院成本,人们的损失就更小。

Analis-t (Italy)
so can we expect to watch a chinese p*rn shot in zero gravity??
Agree (1)Disagree (5)Recommend (1)

mooslime (reddit) 5 hrs ago
India should send Sonia, Mamata, Mayawati and Jayalalitha to space. It's OK if they never return.
Agree (8)Disagree (1)Recommend (2)Offensive

FACTS (Mumbau) replies to mooslime 5 hrs ago
why not just bury them to avoid space junk
Agree (4)Disagree (0)Recommend (2)


badegg (US) 1 hr ago
I think this is a fake event fabricated by Chinese gov as usual. It is too good to be true for a country that is lagging behind India in economy, technology and education. Especially China doesn't have a modern and democratic political system as India.
Agree (0)Disagree (16)Recommend (0)

arda92 (Germany)
Amazing how many people do not want to believe that this news was true. See, you can be anything online, but you choose to be ignorant idiots. All those China bashing is actually 15% caring about human rights in China and 85% "Hate China because of nonsense rivalry and nationlism". How about go to your next university and educating yourself.
Agree (9)Disagree (1)Recommend (4)

Gurjit Singh (Moon) 6 mins ago
This is just elementary work. Indians will land on the Moon by 2016 with our PSLV-c19 super rocket. Chinese won't get there for 30 years.

Patrick Soans (Mumbai) 21 mins ago
China is far behind us. Our astronaut Rakesh Sharma had gone to space many years ago. We have been doing space research sitting on the ground for thousands of years and discovered the planets, stars, constellations, blackholes etc. much before people elsewhere started wearing clothes.
Agree (2)Disagree (2)Recommend (2)

Sean (Singapore) 1 hr ago
Coming to India's GIANT Leap: Latest news reports from across India have indicated that Indians have taken their biggest leap in hygiene as a couple of them are starting to use toilet paper instead of rubbing their black hands directly on their faeces. Congratulations India., In a couple hundred years, we may start considering u people as humans and maybe even shake ur hands. JAI HO !! lol
Agree (4)Disagree (2)Recommend (2)

zn2019 发表于 2012-6-18 10:47


Они ставят эксперимент: сколько китайцев поместится в корабле длямежгалактического перелёта ))


А потом, когда получится совершать долгие вылеты, - сколько космонавтоввернётся.


возвращаться не надо. пусть там живут :)




Да, молодцы. Идут с отставанием в 40-50 лет от СССР и США) Скоро зонд кЛуне отправят, видимо))


Грязный Луи
Китайский автоматический зонд создал полную карту Луны, а теперь летит кастероиду. Назовите мне хоть один российский аппарат, который покинул орбитуЗемли? Таких нет.


Беременный хипстер
Сейчас преодолевать такой путь легче - уровень развития электроники и связиза 50 лет существенно изменился.


За пару десятилетий, с посторонней помощью Китай прошел путь, который США иСССР прошли за 15 лет без посторонней помощи 40 лет назад. Так более корректно.Это конечно не отменяет их достижений, учитывая что 40 лет назад они воробьевели.


Валентине Терешковой за полёт космический......первое, что приходитна ум.

突然想到了“瓦伦蒂娜 捷列什科娃在太空中飞行......” (世界上第一位进入太空的前苏联女宇航员)

Грязный Луи
Она хоть няка, а Лю Я, прошу прощения, выглядит какробот-коммунист.


Ну она и так коммунист))


Грязный Луи
Не люблю коммуняк, да и вообще всякие идеологии. Поэтому и не желаю имуспеха в этой миссии.


да у тебя самого идеология. ненависти.


Грязный Луи
к кому, интересно?


"Не люблю коммуняк, да и вообще всякие идеологии." - к этим вот.


Грязный Луи
"Не люблю" и "ненавижу" синонимы? С каких это пор?


Знаете же, как говорят, от нелюбви до ненависти два шага через любовь!


Фердинанд Ойцер
"Китай отправил на орбиту первую тайконавтку"
Значит КНР может изготовлять не только дешёвый ширпотреб...



А вот увидим - вернутся или нет.


Фердинанд Ойцер
а что легче отправить пилотируемый аппарат в космос или вернуть его наЗемлю?


И вернутся и все будет у них хорошо


пианист Сердюк
"тайконавтка" - это и есть китайский космический ширпотреб.


Фердинанд Ойцер
тоесть скоро на орбите Земли будут сотни тысяч "тайконавтков"


пианист Сердюк
Да, конечно. И не только на орбите Земли. И летать они будут хаотично,натыкаясь друг на друга и матерясь на чистом китайском языке.


Фердинанд Ойцер
вроде аттракциона «Луна-парк»


пианист Сердюк
Или "китайские космические горки".


Представительб-гоизбранного народа
"Шэньчжоу" - копия союза, причем не самая лучшая. Китайцы толькокопировать могут, ничего не создавая нового.


Копировать любой может,но они при копировании не соблюдают технологиюсоздания материалов,а это гораздо важнее,чем просто копипаст.


Россия не копирует (торгует ресурсами). СССР копировал очень много.


Копирует, но увы уже не в тех масштабах.


Они всегда начинают с копирования, а затем создаютсобственные разработки, впрочем как и СССР.


в СССР так было не со всеми технологиями, а только с особо приоритетными


молодцы! желаю успешного полёта и мягкой посадки китайским товарищам!


Китай -не друг, не оскорбляйте! В друзьях у России по большей части ээ.. изгои.


Кто ж вам виноват, что против вас приходится черт-те с кем дружить.


Эскадрилья конных водолазов
Страшная, как моя жизнь. Пущай летит, и как можно дальше.


Молодцы например.

Какие-то странные аргументы, типа, СССР это ужедавно сделал. Ну сделал и сделал, что теперь китайцам поэтому не запускатьникого?


аргументы завистивидимо )


Прогресс остановить сложно. Жаль, что Россия постепенно теряет лидерство ив этой отрасли. А китайцы -молодцы. Успехов им и мягкой посадки.


Теперь главное, чтоб вернулись назад целыми, а не по кусочкам...


Молодцы,че уж там..тут дело не в том кто кого обгоняет,а в том у кого начто силенок хватит..подозреваю что Россия дошла до своего финиша вкосмонавтике-поглядим где Китай остановится...


Харут и Марут
Ужасные новости
Сегодняшний старт китайского космического корабля закончился полнымпровалом.
Погибло 3 космонавта и 2.000кочегаров!




Две новости - плохая и хорошая.
Плохая новость - китайцы на Луне.
Хорошая - они все там.




Блин, теперь китайцы начнут размножаться в космосе заполонят всю вселенную.


хорошо если хоть они


M fighting
браво, Китай.


类星 发表于 2012-6-18 11:39


OKEY 发表于 2012-6-18 11:55


无星不是夜 发表于 2012-6-18 12:29

dalu_99 发表于 2012-6-18 12:57


steveyzh 发表于 2012-6-18 13:25


linzesen 发表于 2012-6-18 13:31


zn2019 发表于 2012-6-18 13:46

类星 发表于 2012-6-18 11:39 static/image/common/back.gif
评论有点意思,跟我们国内的什么微博啊,3G啊的评论好多了,国内的评论很多都是对骂,毫无道理可讲 ...

其实其他国家有很多恶毒的诅咒、无聊的谩骂 我没有转过来,反正兼听则明吧

zn2019 发表于 2012-6-18 13:47

无星不是夜 发表于 2012-6-18 12:29 static/image/common/back.gif
真是有好评有差评啊,无论如何,这是中国强盛的标志,让他们说去吧 ...

无论别人说什么 都我又发阻挡我们的脚步

zn2019 发表于 2012-6-18 13:48

steveyzh 发表于 2012-6-18 13:25 static/image/common/back.gif


zn2019 发表于 2012-6-18 13:49

linzesen 发表于 2012-6-18 13:31 static/image/common/back.gif


zn2019 发表于 2012-6-18 13:50

dalu_99 发表于 2012-6-18 12:57 static/image/common/back.gif


zn2019 发表于 2012-6-18 13:50

OKEY 发表于 2012-6-18 11:55 static/image/common/back.gif

只要一直在进步 就是好的

类星 发表于 2012-6-18 14:14

zn2019 发表于 2012-6-18 13:46 static/image/common/back.gif
其实其他国家有很多恶毒的诅咒、无聊的谩骂 我没有转过来,反正兼听则明吧 ...


zn2019 发表于 2012-6-18 14:37

类星 发表于 2012-6-18 14:14 static/image/common/back.gif


slt2483 发表于 2012-6-18 15:25


zn2019 发表于 2012-6-18 16:01

slt2483 发表于 2012-6-18 15:25 static/image/common/back.gif
我很好奇他们竟敢随意评论自己国家的领导人而没有删帖的!!!!这就是差距啊。。。。。。。 ...


cccp123 发表于 2012-6-18 16:10

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