我想用我的clie sj30控制lx90,现在关键是sj30的串口线不好找,谁买过palm的串口线? 沒試過用Palm.我試過用HP 540 Pocket PC(極舊款, 用WinCE) 連上CGE-mount.
新式的PPC很少用串口線了, 似乎ASUS730還可以用上串口線. 不知還有沒有其他PPC可以用串口線? :roll: 如果买不到sj33的串口线,可以买条sj33的usb数据线,拆了usb线,自己焊接串口线,但可能要加串口的电平转换电路。sj33接口的定义如下:
SONY Clie(T、NR、NX、NZ、TG、SJ、SL Series):
管脚 定义注解
1GNDGround For Signal/Power Supply
2USB_D+ Positive USB data signal
3USB_D- Negative USB data signal
4USB_GND Ground For USB
6- -
7DC+B External Power Supply Terminal(Not Charge)
8Charge Charge Terminal(DC 5.2V)
9- -
10 UNREG4.2V-3.4V 100mA
11 HOTSYNC HotSync interrupt Terminal
12 DTR UART Signal ,0-3.3V CMOS Level
13 RXDSignal ,0-3.3V CMOS Level
14 TXDSignal ,0-3.3V CMOS Level
15 CTSSignal ,0-3.3V CMOS Level
16 RTSSignal ,0-3.3V CMOS Level
17 CNTPeripheral Detection
18 GNDGround For Signal/Power Supply 如果买不到sj33的串口线,可以买条sj33的usb数据线,拆了usb线,自己焊接串口线,但可能要加串口的电平转换电路。sj33接口的定义如下:
SONY Clie(T、NR、NX、NZ、TG、SJ、SL Series):
管脚 定义注解
1GNDGround For Signal/Power Supply
2USB_D+ Positive USB data signal
3USB_D- Negative USB data signal
4USB_GND Ground For USB
6- -
7DC+B External Power Supply Terminal(Not Charge)
8Charge Charge Terminal(DC 5.2V)
9- -
10 UNREG4.2V-3.4V 100mA
11 HOTSYNC HotSync interrupt Terminal
12 DTR UART Signal ,0-3.3V CMOS Level
13 RXDSignal ,0-3.3V CMOS Level
14 TXDSignal ,0-3.3V CMOS Level
15 CTSSignal ,0-3.3V CMOS Level
16 RTSSignal ,0-3.3V CMOS Level
17 CNTPeripheral Detection
18 GNDGround For Signal/Power Supply
For the handheld do not just buy a serial Hotsync cable! This might work well with the PC, but not with the telescope. The reason is that many Palm devices have serial ports with digital voltage levels only. They need level converters to bring the signals to proper RS232 levels, and these are usually built into the serial cable. But they need power, and Hotsync cables usually take this power from the PC side (from the RTS signal for example). This makes sense to save the Battery of the handheld. However, when connecting to the telescope we only have three lines. There is no RTS or similar signal where the level converters could take their power. So what you need is a cable that takes the power for the level converter electronics from the PDA side. 信息城啊~~~
-1楼不少做线的~~~ ^^ 信息城啊~~~
-1楼不少做线的~~~ ^^
没有,青岛卖pda的都没几家,更何况这么难找的配件。 :shock:
北京没有朋友吗?找巡天会~~~ ^^ 用palm500运行过该软件,不过没有注册过。也就没接过望远镜 你最好能在本地找一个懂电子的朋友做,参考资料如下:
我自己用的sony s360和palmTT的串口线都是自己做的,但都不需要作电平转换,所以比较简单。