寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-12-24 11:22

Tycho's Supernova Remnant:
Chandra's View of Tycho's Supernova Remnant


This Chandra image reveals fascinating details of the turbulent debris created by a supernova explosion that was observed by the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe in the year 1572. The colors show different X-ray energies, with red, green, and blue representing low, medium and high energies, respectively. The image is cut off at the bottom because the southernmost region of the remnant fell outside the field of view of the detector.


A shock wave produced by the expanding debris is outlined by the strikingly sharp blue circular arcs of twenty million degree Celsius gas seen on the outer rim. The stellar debris, which has a temperature of about ten million degrees and is visible only in X-rays, shows up as mottled yellow, green and red fingers of gas.


Tycho's supernova remnant presents several interesting contrasts with the Cassiopeia A (Cas A) supernova remnant. The debris for Tycho is distributed in clumps rather than knots as in Cas A, and its outer shock wave can be seen in smooth and continuous arcs rather than being fragmented, as in Cas A.

与仙后座A(Cas A)相比,第谷超新星遗迹有着几个有趣的不同之处。第谷遗迹中的残片呈团块状分布,而非Cas A中的扭结,而其外侧的激波也不象Cas A那样破碎,而是呈现出光滑连续的圆弧。

Also, no central point source is detected in Tycho, in contrast to Cas A. The absence of a central point source is consistent with other evidence that Tycho is a Type Ia supernova, which is thought to signal the detonation and destruction of a white dwarf star. Theory predicts that a white dwarf star will explode when infalling matter from a companion star increases the mass of the white dwarf beyond a critical mass limit, known as the Chandrasekhar limit.

此外,与Cas A不同的是,第谷遗迹也没有中央点源。中央点源的缺席与其他证据一致,表明第谷遗迹源于Ia型超新星爆发。人们认为此类超新星是白矮星爆炸毁灭的标志。理论预言,当来自伴星的物质让白矮星的质量增加到了临界质量极限即钱德拉塞卡极限时,白矮星就会爆发。


[ 本帖最后由 寻找拉玛 于 2007-12-24 11:49 编辑 ]

寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-12-24 11:28

DEM L71: Supernova Origin Revealed

DEM L71:揭示超新星的起源


NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory image (left panel) of the supernova remnant DEM L71 reveals a hot inner cloud (aqua) of glowing iron and silicon surrounded by an outer blast wave. This outer blast wave is also visible at optical wavelengths (right panel). Data from the Chandra observation show that the central ten-million-degree Celsius cloud is the remains of a supernova explosion that destroyed a white dwarf star.

NASA的钱德拉X射线天文台拍摄的超新星遗迹DEM L71 的照片(左图)展现了内区热云(浅绿色),是炽热的铁与硅,包在外围激波中。外圈激波在可见光波段(右图)仍旧可见。来自钱德拉的观测数据表明,中心温度达上千万摄氏度的云湍团是超新星爆发的残余,爆发摧毁了一颗白矮星。

DEM L71 presents a textbook example of the double-shock structure expected to develop when a star explodes and ejects matter at high speeds into the surrounding interstellar gas. The expanding ejecta drive an outward-moving shock wave that races ahead of the ejecta into the interstellar gas (bright outer rim). The pressure behind this shock wave drives an inward-moving shock wave that heats the ejecta, seen as the aqua cloud.

DEM L71是双激波结构的标准范例,人们认为其产生于恒星爆发并以高速向周围星际气体抛射物质的时候。膨胀的抛出物驱动着外行激波,领先于抛出物冲入星际气体(明亮的外缘)。激波后的压力驱使内行激波加热物质,也就是图中浅绿色的云团。

The clear separation of the shocked matter and the heated ejecta in the Chandra image allowed astronomers to determine the mass and composition of the ejecta. The computed ejected mass was found to be comparable to the mass of the Sun. This and the X-ray spectrum, which exhibits a high concentration of iron atoms relative to oxygen and silicon, convincingly show that the ejecta are the remains of an exploded white dwarf star. The size and temperature of the remnant indicate that it is several thousand years old.


Astronomers have identified two major types of supernovas: Type II, in which a massive star explodes; and Type Ia, in which a white dwarf star explodes because it has pulled too much material from a nearby companion star onto itself. If the mass of the white dwarf becomes greater than about 1.4 times the mass of the Sun, it becomes unstable and is blown apart in a thermonuclear explosion. This was the case in DEM L71.

天文学家主要将超新星划分为两大类:II型,也就是大质量恒星的爆发;还有Ia型,也就是吸积过多邻近伴星物质的白矮星发生的爆炸。如果白矮星的质量超过了太阳的1.4倍,它会变得不稳定,并在热核爆炸中碎裂。这就是DEM L71的情况。

One of the major goals of the study of supernova remnants is to determine the type of supernova explosion. The identification of DEM L71 as the remnant of an exploded white dwarf, or Type Ia supernova, represents a major step forward in understanding more about the ways in which stars explode.

研究超新星遗迹的一大目标是确定超新星爆发的种类。将DEM L71辨认为白矮星爆发(或说Ia型超新星)的产物,标志着又在了解恒星爆发方式的道路上前进了一大步。



[ 本帖最后由 寻找拉玛 于 2007-12-24 18:22 编辑 ]

寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-12-24 11:37

Glowing Remnant from a Star-Shattering Explosion


This "true color" Chandra image of N132D shows the beautiful, complex remnant of an explosion of a massive star in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a nearby galaxy about 160,000 light years from Earth. The colors represent different ranges of X-rays, with red, green, and blue representing, low, medium, and higher X-ray energies respectively.


Supernova remnants comprise debris of a stellar explosion and any matter in the vicinity that is affected by the expanding debris. In the case of N132D, the horseshoe shape of the remnant is thought to be due to shock waves from the collision of the supernova ejecta with cool giant gas clouds. As the shock waves move through the gas they heat it to millions of degrees, producing the glowing X-ray shell.



[ 本帖最后由 寻找拉玛 于 2007-12-24 18:23 编辑 ]

praisecn 发表于 2007-12-24 11:38


寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-12-24 11:49

Celestial Illumination: The X-Ray Glow From An Exploded Star

来源: http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2003/n63a/index.html


Chandra has imaged the glowing shell created by the destruction of a massive star. X-rays from Chandra (blue), combined with optical (green) and radio (red) data, reveal new details in the supernova remnant known as N63A, located in the nearby galaxy of the Large Magellanic Cloud.


The X-ray glow is from material heated to about ten million degrees Celsius by a shock wave generated by the supernova explosion. The age of the remnant is estimated to be in the range of 2,000 to 5,000 years.


Optical and radio light are brightest in the central region of the remnant, which appears as a triangular-shaped "hole" in the X-ray image. The hole is produced by absorption of X-rays in a dense cloud of cooler gas and dust on the side of the remnant nearest the Earth. A comparison of the X-ray image with the radio and optical images suggests that the shock wave is engulfing this massive cloud, so we see only the edge nearest the Earth. Collisions such as this are thought to trigger the formation of new generations of stars.


The fluffy crescent-shaped X-ray features that appear around the edge of the remnant are thought to be fragments of high-speed matter shot out from the star when it exploded, like shrapnel from a bomb. In the only other supernova remnant (the Vela supernova remnant) where such features have been observed, the crescent shapes are clearly produced by ejecta fragments. An alternative explanation is that they were produced when the shock wave swept over less-massive clouds located several light years away from the site of the explosion.



Inverted Chandra X-ray Image of N63A

Chandra's image of N63A shows material heated to about ten million degrees Celsius by a shock wave generated by the supernova explosion. This image has been inverted to better show the fluffy crescent-shaped X-ray features that appear around the edge of the remnant. The features are thought to be fragments of high-speed matter shot out from the star when it exploded, like shrapnel from a bomb.
Scale: Image is 112 arcsec per side



Chandra X-ray Image of N63A
Chandra's image of N63A shows material heated to about ten million degrees Celsius by a shock wave generated by the supernova explosion. The fluffy crescent-shaped X-ray features that appear around the edge of the remnant are thought to be fragments of high-speed matter shot out from the star when it exploded, like shrapnel from a bomb.
Scale: Image is 112 arcsec per side
(Credit: NASA/CXC/Rutgers/J.Warren et al.)

钱德拉拍摄的N63A X射线照片
版权:NASA/CXC/Rutgers/J.Warren et al.


Chandra 3-Color X-ray Image of N63A
Chandra's image of N63A shows material heated to about ten million degrees Celsius by a shock wave generated by the supernova explosion. The fluffy crescent-shaped X-ray features that appear around the edge of the remnant are thought to be fragments of high-speed matter shot out from the star when it exploded, like shrapnel from a bomb. The colors red, green and blue in the image correspond to low, medium and high-energy X-rays, respectively.
Scale: Image is 112 arcsec per side
(Credit: NASA/CXC/Rutgers/J.Warren et al.)

版权:NASA/CXC/Rutgers/J.Warren et al.


HST Optical Image of N63A
This visible-light image of supernova remnant N63A was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) on August 10, 1997. The optical light is brightest in the central region of the remnant, which appears as a triangular-shaped "hole" in the X-ray data. The field of view is the same as the Chandra image.
Scale: Image is 112 arcsec per side
(Credit: NASA/STScI/U. Ill/Y.Chu)

版权:NASA/STScI/U. Ill/Y.Chu


[ 本帖最后由 寻找拉玛 于 2007-12-24 11:55 编辑 ]

寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-12-24 12:01

Cassiopeia A:
Chandra's Celestial Fireworks



In August of 1999, NASA released an image of Cassiopeia A, a supernova remnant revealed in never-before-seen X-ray detail. The "Cas A" image, as it has come to be known, shows remarkable structure in the debris of a gigantic stellar explosion, as well as an enigmatic source in the center, which could be a rapidly spinning neutron star or black hole. The Chandra X-ray Observatory image of Cas A ushered in a new era of X-ray astronomy. This image was produced from the archives to celebrate the anniversary of Chandra’s first light. The low, medium, and higher X-ray energies of the Chandra data are shown as red, green, and blue respectively.

1999年8月,NASA公布了仙后座A的照片。这是一个超新星遗迹,照片揭示出了前所未有的X射线细节。这张业已为人所知的Cas A照片展现了产生于剧烈恒星爆发的碎片那非凡的结构,此外还有中心的神秘辐射源,它可能是个快速旋转的中子星或黑洞。钱德拉X射线天文台拍摄的Cas A图象引领了X射线天文学的新时代。该图是为庆祝钱德拉的首次飞行周年纪念而利用档案数据制作的。钱德拉数据中的低、中、高能X射线分别以红、绿、蓝色表示。


寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-12-24 12:05

Cassiopeia A in Many Colors



This stunning picture of the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A (Cas A) is a composite of images taken by three of NASA's Great Observatories. Infrared data from the Spitzer Space Telescope are colored red; optical data from the Hubble Space Telescope are yellow; and X-ray data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory are green and blue.

仙后座A超新星遗迹(Cas A)的震撼图象是NASA的三架大天文台照片的合成。来自斯必泽太空望远镜的红外数据以红色表示,哈勃太空望远镜的可见光数据用黄色表示,而钱德拉X射线天文台的X射线数据用绿色和蓝色表示。

Cas A is the 300-year-old remnant created by the supernova explosion of a massive star. Each Great Observatory image highlights different characteristics of the remnant. Spitzer reveals warm dust in the outer shell with temperatures of about 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit), and Hubble sees the delicate filamentary structures of warmer gases about 10,000 degrees Celsius. Chandra shows hot gases at about 10 million degrees Celsius. This hot gas was created when ejected material from the supernova smashed into surrounding gas and dust at speeds of about ten million miles per hour.


A comparison of the infrared and X-ray images of Cas A should enable astronomers to better understand how relatively cool dust grains can coexist in the superhot gas that produces the X-rays. It should also help to determine whether most of the dust in the supernova remnant came from the massive star before it exploded, or from the rapidly expanding supernova ejecta.

比较Cas A的红外与X射线图片,天文学家可以更好地了解相对较冷的颗粒如何与产生X射线的热气体共生。这还可以帮助人们确定,超新星遗迹中的大部分尘埃究竟源于爆发前的大质量恒星,还是来自迅速膨胀的超新星抛出物。

The turquoise dot at the center of the shell may be a neutron star created during the supernova. Blue Chandra data were acquired using broadband X-rays (low through high energies); green Chandra data correspond only to intermediate energy X-rays; yellow Hubble data were taken using a 900 nanometer-wavelength filter, and red Spitzer data are from the telescope's 24-micron detector.



寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-12-24 12:11

未完待续::luguo:: ::luguo::

Alone狼 发表于 2007-12-24 12:39


寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-12-25 21:21

Cassiopeia A:
Deepest Image of Exploded Star Uncovers Bipolar Jets



This spectacular image of the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A is the most detailed image ever made of the remains of an exploded star. The one-million-second image shows a bright outer ring (green) ten light years in diameter that marks the location of a shock wave generated by the supernova explosion. A large jet-like structure that protrudes beyond the shock wave can be seen in the upper left. In the accompanying image, specially processed to highlight silicon ions, a counter-jet can be seen on the lower right.


Surprisingly, the X-ray spectra show that the jet and counter-jet are rich in silicon atoms and relatively poor in iron atoms. This indicates that the jets formed soon after the initial explosion of the star; otherwise, the jets should have contained large quantities of iron from the star's central regions

The bright blue fingers located near the shock wave on the lower left are composed almost purely of iron gas. This iron was produced in the central, hottest regions of the star and somehow ejected in a direction almost perpendicular to the jets.


The bright source at the center of the image is presumed to be a neutron star created during the supernova. Unlike the rapidly rotating neutron stars in the Crab Nebula and Vela supernova remnants that are surrounded by dynamic magnetized clouds of electrons called pulsar wind nebulas, this neutron star is quiet, faint, and so far shows no evidence for pulsed radiation.


A working hypothesis is that the explosion that created Cassiopeia A produced high-speed jets similar to but less energetic than the hypernova jets thought to produce gamma-ray bursts. During the explosion, the neutron star may have developed an extremely strong magnetic field that helped to accelerate the jets. This strong magnetic field later stifled any pulsar wind activity, so the neutron star today resembles other strong-field neutron stars (a.k.a. "magnetars") in lacking a pulsar wind nebula.



寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-12-25 21:28

Kepler's Supernova Remnant:
NASA's Great Observatories Provide a Detailed View of Kepler's Supernova Remnant


NASA's three Great Observatories -- the Hubble Space Telescope, the Spitzer Space Telescope, and the Chandra X-ray Observatory -- joined forces to probe the expanding remains of a supernova. Now known as Kepler's supernova remnant, this object was first seen 400 years ago by sky watchers, including famous astronomer Johannes Kepler.


The combined image unveils a bubble-shaped shroud of gas and dust that is 14 light years wide and is expanding at 4 million miles per hour (2,000 kilometers per second). Observations from each telescope highlight distinct features of the supernova remnant, a fast-moving shell of iron-rich material from the exploded star, surrounded by an expanding shock wave that is sweeping up interstellar gas and dust.


Each color in this image represents a different region of the electromagnetic spectrum, from X-rays to infrared light. These diverse colors are shown in the panel of photographs below the composite image. The X-ray and infrared data cannot be seen with the human eye. By color-coding those data and combining them with Hubble's visible-light view, astronomers are presenting a more complete picture of the supernova remnant.


Visible-light images from the Hubble telescope (colored yellow) reveal where the supernova shock wave is slamming into the densest regions of surrounding gas.


The bright glowing knots are dense clumps from instabilities that form behind the shock wave. The Hubble data also show thin filaments of gas that look like rippled sheets seen edge-on. These filaments reveal where the shock wave is encountering lower-density, more uniform interstellar material.


The Spitzer telescope shows microscopic dust particles (colored red) that have been heated by the supernova shock wave. The dust re-radiates the shock wave's energy as infrared light. The Spitzer data are brightest in the regions surrounding those seen in detail by the Hubble telescope.


The Chandra X-ray data show regions of very hot gas, and extremely high energy particles.


The hottest gas (higher-energy X-rays, colored blue) is located primarily in the regions directly behind the shock front. These regions also show up in the Hubble observations, and also align with the faint rim of glowing material seen in the Spitzer data. The X-rays from the region on the lower left (blue) may be dominated by extremely high energy electrons that were produced by the shock wave and are radiating at radio through X-ray wavelengths as they spiral in the intensified magnetic field behind the shock front. Cooler X-ray gas (lower-energy X-rays, colored green) resides in a thick interior shell and marks the location of heated material expelled from the exploded star.


The remnant of Kepler's supernova, the last such object seen to explode in our Milky Way galaxy (with the possible exception of the Cassiopeia A supernova, for which ambiguous sightings were reported around 1680), is located about 13,000 light years away in the constellation Ophiuchus.




寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-12-25 21:36

Kepler's Supernova Remnant:












zheng123 发表于 2007-12-25 22:28

红旗半卷 发表于 2007-12-25 23:04


蝶舞天涯 发表于 2007-12-26 10:45


江涛 发表于 2007-12-26 13:17

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