WEB CAMERASFOR ASTRONOMY IMAGING Web-cameras come in all shapes and sizes but not all are suitable for astronomy imaging purposes. The table below lists some specification details for the more common cameras which have been available recently and attempts to rate them for this work - where opinions have been expressed by QCUIAG members. Note - this is a very rough classification, based on personal opinions. Where a camera has been modified for long exposure capability to Steve Chamber's design, this is recorded in the table and is linked to the modifier's web-pages (where available). The information for the cameras has been gathered from their manufacturers' web-sites and from comments made on the QCUIAG forum, so the accuracy cannot be guaranteed by me. Unfortunately, much of the information which would be useful to us, like CCD type, light sensitivityetc. is not available for all cameras. Furthermore; specifications and models change frequently so most of these cameras are already no longer made but some can still be obtained either from retailers or 'pre-used' off the web .However, prices and availability cannot be quoted here due to the wide variations between different countries. It's generally agreed by those who have tried them, that CMOS based web cameras are not yet sensitive enough for astronomy use other than for imaging the moon and brightest planets, but, this may be changing. If you have any information to help fill in the blanks, or if your favorite web camera has been missed off, please e-mail me with the data and its source to this address http://homepage.ntlworld.com/molyned/images/mypost.gif or via the QCUIAG mail list atqcuiag@yahoogroups.com Thanks to those who have sent me details - very helpful. See this page for photos of these cameras andof the Sony ICX098 and Sharp LZ24BPCCDs. Seethis page for a list of miscellaneous web cameras, none of which, as far as I know, havebeen modified for long-exposure work - if you have modified one and have details on a web-page, let me know.David Molyneaux 14 February 2008 UPDATED - New Trust and VGear cameras added ManufacturerModel No.NameSensor TypeSensitivitySensor ModelSensor Spec.Modified to SC Spec ?Rating for Astro workO/S3COM371800 (disc.)Home ConnectCCD<1 luxSharp LZ2313H5512 X 492 pixel 9.6x7.5umIF BLUE, HAS LINK TO SITE.W98,ME,MACDrivers - http://www.3com.com/products/en_US/result.jsp?selected=6&sort=effdt&order=desc&sku=003718-00.AmeCU98AVcamCCD<1 luxSony ICX098AKVGAYES & YESW98 UP-"-CF2000Vcam (firewire)CCD<5 luxSonyVGA..W98 UP also MACDrivers - http://www.ame-group.com/download.htm (no downloads for Mac)ComproPS39 - parallel port, PS39U- USBCCDSEE 3COMCreative -.WebcamCMOS?.352 x 288...-"- VideoBlasterWebcam 3CMOSYES AS TRUST -"-Pro Ex WebcamCCD6 luxSharpVGAYESW98 UP-"-300PC CamCCD10 luxSharp LZ24BPVGAYES..-"-600PC CamCCD10 lux.XGA...-"-NX ULTRAWebcamCCDSony ICX098?VGAYESW98 UP-"- LIVE ULTRAWebcamCCD?? VGAW98 UPDrivers - http://www.americas.creative.com/support/welcome.asp?rd=download.D - Link350NETQAM PRO 350+CCD?SharpVGAYESIBMXVP610PC Camera Pro1/4"CCD?Sanyo LC99160VGAWIN98,Me,2K,XP-"-XVP600PC Camera Pro Max1/4"CCD??VGA..WIN98,Me,2K,XPDrivers - http://www.cameratechsupport.com/ibm/ NB - Discontinuation noticeUnibrainDIGCAM-RTL MACCAM-RTL Fire-i Web Cameras (firewire)CCD<1 luxSony ICX098AKVGAWINME,2K,XP also MAC versionMore infoat http://www.unibrain.com/support/tech_specs/fire-i_camera/tech_specs.htmNeed to log in.IntelCS430Pro Video PCCCD25 luxSharp LZ24BPVGA 659 X 494 pixel 5.6x5.6umYESBW98,Me,2000-"-CS330Home PC CameraCCD20 lux??YESW98 ME 2K XP-"-.Easy PCCMOS?.....Drivers - http://support.intel.com/sites/support/index.htm.iREZ.Kritter USB1/4"CCD1 luxSonyVGA ..}MAC }WIN98GM 051395StealthFire webcam1/4" CCD??VGANo, but see hereFirewire 6 pins Win98 upMAC OS9 upDrivers not needed for Win XP or Mac OS/X 10.2 - Plug & play .Others from http://www.globalmedia.com/.KodakDVC325Digital Video CameraCCD?.VGA YES.WIN95,98Drivers and update for Win Me, 2000, XP -not knownLogitech.QuickCam 30001/4"CCD.Sony ICX098AKsee belowYESAAAWIN98 UP, MACNOTE- various internal boards & components used-not all suitable for the mod as the 3000. Not possible to identify from outside the case. QuickcamPro40001/4"CCDVARIOUS - Sony ICX098BQ, Sharp LZ24BP, ETCVGA YES Mod as 3000 see note.DEPENDS ON WHICH CCDWIN98 UP MAC OS9-"- . QuickcamPro5000 USB 2.0CMOSRightlight(R)4T technology ?? VGA WIN 2K XP ONLY-"-Note-Orbit MP is1.3MpixCMOSQuickCam Sphere / OrbitCCD??VGAWIN 2K UP MAC-"-.QuickCam WebCMOS2.1luxST VV6410352 x 288 pixel 7.5 x 6.9um..}WIN98 UP-"-.QuickCam ExpressCMOS.NOT SENSITIVE ENOUGH FOR ASTRO USE...}WIN98 UP-"-.Quickcam VC BlackCCD170mV/luxSharp LZ2547352 x 288 pixel 8.2 x3.8umYES.WIN VERSIONS ?-"-.Quickcam Fusion USB 2.0CMOS?4T technology ?quite sensitive to light.1280 x 960 pixel. .WIN 2K XP ONLYConnectixObsolete
Quickcam B/WCCD.T.I. TC255P336 x 243 pixel10x10umThis started it all !.Drivers (a few) - http://www.quickcam.com/html/index2.htmlOrange Micro70HTL101iBOT Firewire1/4"CCD.Sony ICX098AKVGA 659 X494YES.WIN98 UP MAC70HTL100iBOT Firewire Pro1/4"CCDSony ICX098AKVGA 659 X 494YESWIN98 UP MAC70USB90050/1iBOT2 USB21/3"CMOS<2.5 luxOV7620VGAWIN98SE UP NO MACDrivers - http://www.orangemicro.com/softwareupdates.htmlPhilipsPCA 635 VC?CCD10 lux.512 x 582 pixel?.W95,98,NT4-"-PCA 645 VC?CCD30 luxSharp LZ2423BY.YES.WIN98, LINUX-"-PCA 646 VC?CCD30 luxSharp LZ2423BY.YES.WIN98, LINUX..........-"-PCVC 655KVesta FunCMOS15 luxNOT SENSITIVE ENOUGH FOR ASTRO USE...WIN98,Me-"-PCVC 675KVesta1/4"CCD<1 luxSony ICX098AKVGA 659 x 494 pixel 5.6x5.6umYESAAAALL WIN MAC-"-PCVC 680KVesta ProCCD<1 luxSony ICX098AKYESAAAAALL WIN MAC,LINUX-"-PCVC 690KVesta ScanCCD<1 luxSony ICX098AKYESAAAA- NOT MAC..........-"-PCVC 720KToucam XSCMOS10 luxNOT SENSITIVE ENOUGH FOR ASTRO USE...ALL WIN-"-PCVC 730KToucam FunCMOS10 luxNOT SENSITIVE ENOUGH FOR ASTRO USE...} ALL WIN +-"-PCVC 740KToucam Pro1/4"CCD<1 luxSony ICX098BQVGA 659 x 494 pixel 5.6x5.6umYESAAAAAALL WIN + MAC,LINUX-"-PCVC 750KToucam Pro 3DCCD<2 luxSony ICX098BQsame as 740 ?.ALL WIN- NOT MAC-"-PCVC 840KToucam Pro II - 740 IN NEW CASECCD<1 luxSony ICX098BQVGAYESas 740AAAAAALL WIN, Linux ,USB -"-SPC 900NCCCD<1 luxSony ICX098BQVGAYES AAAAAALL WIN Linux Drivers for the above -http://www.p4c.philips.com/cgi-bin/dcbint/cpproduct_selector.pl?slg=ENG&grp=PC_PRODUCTS_GR and for Linux - http://www.saillard.org/linux/pwc/Trust.Spacec@m 200CMOS<2.5 luxOV7620VGA 664 x 492 pixel 7.6x7.6umYESB.WB 5400CMOS??1280 X 1024Win 2K XPDrivers - http://www.trust.com/computer/VGearTalkcamTracerCCD<1 lux1/4" Believed Sony ICX098BQVGAclaimed resolutioninterpolatedWin 2K XPDrivers - http://vgear.com/VideologicHomeC@mCCD2 luxSharp LZ24BPVGAYESALL WIN USBDrivers - ?.PHOTOS OF THESE WEB-CAMERAS >MORE WEB-CAMERAS >Last edited on 14 February 2008 Want to learn how to use Web-cams for astronomical imaging ? - go here to the Quickcam and Unconventional Imaging Astronomy Group pages.
[ 本帖最后由 gwshang 于 2008-4-24 19:45 编辑 ] 研读中! 好专业的资料, 感谢楼主分享! 感谢!看来可以放心买了!::070821_04.jpg:: 最近看了看国外的天文论坛中关于SPC900NC的资料,英语不好.很费劲.看了个大概吧,
低端CCD摄像头,SPC900NC替代840K,是毫无疑问的. 大概的意思是:
下表列出了一些最近常见的摄像头的详细参数,注意-这是一个非常粗略的分类,个人的意见。摄像头修改为长时间曝光能力,史蒂夫的设计,这是我记录在表中的网页(如果可用) 。摄像头的信息在制造商的网站和所作评论的qcuiag论坛,所以准确性我不能保证。幸运的是,大部分的资料,将是对我们有益, CCD型,对光线敏感等,并非适用于所有摄像头。此外;规格和模式经常变动,因此,大部分的这些摄像头已经不再,但有些仍然可从零售商或以前评论过的网页中找到,不过,由于国与国的差异,价格和供货情况不能引用在这里。摄像头很普遍,很多人都曾经尝试他们用于摄影,但基于CMOS的摄像头尚未具备足够的敏感用在天文上,不过可以使用在月球和最明亮的行星上,不过,这可能会有所改变。如果您有任何资讯,以协助填补空白,或如果您所喜爱的网络摄像头,请以电子邮件通知我与数据及其来源,到这个地址或通过qcuiag邮件列表在qcuiag@yahoogroups.com
感谢那些已寄给我详细资料的人,非常的有帮助。如果您有详细资料,让我知道。朱molyneaux 2008年2月14日更新
有没有便宜点的,300快一下的摄像头适合天文的? 高手翻译一下啊。凑凑凑凑凑凑凑凑不错
学习了,但是不知道这些在国内那里有买的??要是谁给个连接就好了 Rating for Astro work適合天文攝影的等級
不知道列表是不是完整 l另外發現此網站所列沒有測試的webcam,大家可以參考
D.F.Molyneaux 14 February 2008 MANUFACTURER NAME MODEL TYPE SENS IMAGE CONNECT ADS PYRO Web Cam 1394 CCD Firewire Products discontinued Turbo2 WebCam usbx2020 CMOS 1 lux VGA USB2 Drivers - http://www.adstech.com/support/support.asp AEW Network Korea C2000 . Alaris Quickvideo DVC1 CCD 508 x 492 PARALLEL WeeCam Pro VGA USB AME Optimedia VCam CU98A Promoted to Page 1 make ccd & cmos cams lots of models also parallel port. VCam CU99A CCD VGA USB Apple iSight CCD VGA Firewire Drivers - http://www.apple.com/isight/download/ Creative Webcam PLUS CMOS VGA USB Webcam GO ES CMOS VGA USB WebCam NX CMOS 352 X 288 USB WebCam NX Pro CMOS VGA USB Drivers - see page 1 DEXXA Webcam CMOS 352 x 288 USB D-Link DSB-C110 CMOS 8 lux 352 x 288 USB DSB-C310 CMOS VGA USB 1 Drivers- http://www.dlink.com/products/category.asp?cid=58&sec=1 Ezonics EZ Cam Pro CCD VGA USB EZ Cam III CMOS 352 x 288 USB Drivers - http://www.shopezonics.com/Articles.asp?ID=108 Genius Offer a number of cameras - all CMOS USB Drivers - http://www.geniusnet.com.tw/download/Driverlist.aspx IBM (made by Xirlink) Net Camera XVP620 CMOS VGA USB See also page1 Net Camera Pro XVP630 CCD VGA USB PC Camera XVP300 CMOS 352 X 288 USB Drivers - see page 1 Kensington Videocam 67016 SuperVGA CMOS 800x600 Hyundai chip USB Labtec USB Webcam CMOS 352 X 288 USB Drivers - http://www.labtec.com/index.cfm/service/splash/AMR/EN,crid=68 LG LPC U30 510 x 492 USB LPC U35 CCD VGA USB LPC UM10 CMOS USB Drivers - ? Lifeview FlyCAM USB100 CMOS 352 x 288 USB FlyCAM USB300 CMOS 20 lux VGA USB Logitech Clicksmart 310 CMOS USB Clicksmart 510 CCD VGA USB Quickcam Zoom CMOS VGA USB Drivers - see page 1 Philips Toucam II PCVC 820K CMOS 10 lux 352 x 288 USB
Toucam Fun II PCVC 830K CMOS 5 lux VGA USB New SPC 200NC & SPC 300NC CMOS 10 lux 352 x 288 USB New SPC 600 NC & SPC 700NC CMOS 5 lux 640 x 480 USB Drivers - see page 1 Primax ICam 640Pro VE401A CCD VGA USB Samsung Anycam MPC-C10 CCD 4 lux 692 x 504 USB Sinvision O'Rite i-CamPlus MC350 CCD 5 lux VGA USB Drivers-? TRENDware TV-PC350 CCD VGA USB Drivers - http://www.trendware.com/asp/download_manager/list_subcategory.asp?SUBTYPE_ID=307 Vista Imaging Vicam 2 Models made also for 3com & Compro CCD USB & //PRT Drivers - see 3com on page 1- vicam6858 Xirlink (now VEO) VEO Connect both . VEO Stingray CMOS 352 x 288 USB Drivers - http://www.veo.com/support-webcam.asp Zoom Zoomcam 1595 CMOS USB Zoomcam 1598 VGA USB Drivers - http://www.zoom.com/techsupport/camera/camusb_supfiles.shtmlLast updated - 14 February 2008 呵呵不错 谢谢了! 好多都是找不到的,找得到的也不便宜,是的我话一定选QHY的。