WEB CAMERASFOR ASTRONOMY IMAGING Web-cameras come in all shapes and sizes but not all are suitable for astronomy imaging purposes. The table below lists some specification details for the more common cameras which have been available recently and attempts to rate them for this work - where opinions have been expressed by QCUIAG members. Note - this is a very rough classification, based on personal opinions. Where a camera has been modified for long exposure capability to Steve Chamber's design, this is recorded in the table and is linked to the modifier's web-pages (where available). The information for the cameras has been gathered from their manufacturers' web-sites and from comments made on the QCUIAG forum, so the accuracy cannot be guaranteed by me. Unfortunately, much of the information which would be useful to us, like CCD type, light sensitivity etc. is not available for all cameras. Furthermore; specifications and models change frequently so most of these cameras are already no longer made but some can still be obtained either from retailers or 'pre-used' off the web .However, prices and availability cannot be quoted here due to the wide variations between different countries. It's generally agreed by those who have tried them, that CMOS based web cameras are not yet sensitive enough for astronomy use other than for imaging the moon and brightest planets, but, this may be changing. If you have any information to help fill in the blanks, or if your favorite web camera has been missed off, please e-mail me with the data and its source to this address or via the QCUIAG mail list at [email=qcuiag@yahoogroups.com]qcuiag@yahoogroups.com [/email]Thanks to those who have sent me details - very helpful. See this page for photos of these cameras and of the Sony ICX098 and Sharp LZ24BP CCDs. See this page for a list of miscellaneous web cameras, none of which, as far as I know, have been modified for long-exposure work - if you have modified one and have details on a web-page, let me know. David Molyneaux 14 February 2008 UPDATED - New Trust and VGear cameras added Manufacturer | Model No. | Name | Sensor Type | Sensitivity | Sensor Model | Sensor Spec. | Modified to SC Spec ? | Rating for Astro work | O/S | 3COM | 371800 (disc.) | Home Connect | CCD | <1 lux | Sharp LZ2313H5 | 512 X 492 pixel 9.6x7.5um | IF BLUE, HAS LINK TO SITE | . | W98,ME,MAC | | . | Ame | CU98A | Vcam | CCD | <1 lux | Sony ICX098AK | VGA | YES & YES | | W98 UP | -"- | CF2000 | Vcam (firewire) | CCD | <5 lux | Sony | VGA | . | . | W98 UP also MAC | | Compro | | PS39 - parallel port, PS39U- USB | CCD | | SEE 3COM | | | | | Creative - | . | Webcam | CMOS | ? | . | 352 x 288 | . | . | . | -"- | VideoBlaster | Webcam 3 | CMOS | | | | YES AS TRUST | | | -"- | | Pro Ex Webcam | CCD | 6 lux | Sharp | VGA | | | W98 UP | -"- | 300 | PC Cam | CCD | 10 lux | | VGA | | . | . | -"- | 600 | PC Cam | CCD | 10 lux | . | XGA | . | . | . | -"- | NX ULTRA | Webcam | CCD | | Sony ICX098? | VGA | YES | | W98 UP | -"- | LIVE ULTRA | Webcam | CCD | ? | ? | VGA | | | W98 UP | Drivers - http://www.americas.creative.com/support/welcome.asp?rd=download | . | D - Link | 350 | NETQAM PRO 350+ | CCD | ? | Sharp | VGA | | | | IBM | XVP610 | PC Camera Pro | 1/4"CCD | ? | Sanyo LC99160 | VGA | | | WIN98,Me,2K,XP | -"- | XVP600 | PC Camera Pro Max | 1/4"CCD | ? | ? | VGA | . | . | WIN98,Me,2K,XP | Drivers - http://www.cameratechsupport.com/ibm/ NB - Discontinuation notice | Unibrain | DIGCAM-RTL MACCAM-RTL | Fire-i Web Cameras (firewire) | CCD | <1 lux | Sony ICX098AK | VGA | | | WINME,2K,XP also MAC version | More info at http://www.unibrain.com/support/tech_specs/fire-i_camera/tech_specs.htm Need to log in. | | Intel | CS430 | Pro Video PC | CCD | 25 lux | | VGA 659 X 494 pixel 5.6x5.6um | | B | W98,Me,2000 | -"- | CS330 | Home PC Camera | CCD | 20 lux | ? | ? | YES | | W98 ME 2K XP | -"- | . | Easy PC | CMOS | ? | . | . | . | . | . | | . | iREZ | . | Kritter USB | 1/4"CCD | 1 lux | Sony | VGA | . | . | }MAC }WIN98 | | GM 051395 | StealthFire webcam | 1/4" CCD | ? | ? | VGA | | | Firewire 6 pins Win98 up MAC OS9 up | | . | Kodak | DVC325 | Digital Video Camera | CCD | ? | . | VGA | | . | WIN95,98 | Drivers and update for Win Me, 2000, XP - not known | | Logitech | . | QuickCam 3000 | 1/4"CCD | . | Sony ICX098AK | see below | | AAA | WIN98 UP, MAC | NOTE- various internal boards & components used-not all suitable for the mod as the 3000. Not possible to identify from outside the case. | QuickcamPro4000 | 1/4"CCD | | VARIOUS - Sony ICX098BQ, Sharp LZ24BP, ETC | VGA | YES Mod as 3000 see note. | DEPENDS ON WHICH CCD | WIN98 UP MAC OS9 | -"- | . | QuickcamPro5000 USB 2.0 | CMOS | | Rightlight(R) 4T technology ?? | VGA | | | WIN 2K XP ONLY | -"- | Note-Orbit MP is1.3MpixCMOS | QuickCam Sphere / Orbit | CCD | ? | ? | VGA | | | WIN 2K UP MAC | -"- | . | QuickCam Web | CMOS | 2.1lux | ST VV6410 | 352 x 288 pixel 7.5 x 6.9um | . | . | }WIN98 UP | -"- | . | QuickCam Express | CMOS | . | NOT SENSITIVE ENOUGH FOR ASTRO USE | . | . | . | }WIN98 UP | -"- | . | Quickcam VC Black | CCD | 170mV/lux | Sharp LZ2547 | 352 x 288 pixel 8.2 x3.8um | | . | WIN VERSIONS ? | -"- | . | Quickcam Fusion USB 2.0 | CMOS | ? | 4T technology ? quite sensitive to light. | 1280 x 960 pixel | . | . | WIN 2K XP ONLY | Connectix | Obsolete
| Quickcam B/W | CCD | . | T.I. TC255P | 336 x 243 pixel 10x10um | This started it all ! | . | | Orange Micro | 70HTL101 | iBOT Firewire | 1/4"CCD | . | Sony ICX098AK | VGA 659 X494 | | . | WIN98 UP MAC | | 70HTL100 | iBOT Firewire Pro | 1/4"CCD | | Sony ICX098AK | VGA 659 X 494 | | | WIN98 UP MAC | | 70USB90050/1 | iBOT2 USB2 | 1/3"CMOS | <2.5 lux | OV7620 | VGA | | | WIN98SE UP NO MAC | Drivers - http://www.orangemicro.com/softwareupdates.html | | Philips | PCA 635 VC | ? | CCD | 10 lux | . | 512 x 582 pixel | ? | . | W95,98,NT4 | -"- | PCA 645 VC | ? | CCD | 30 lux | Sharp LZ2423BY | . | | . | WIN98, LINUX | -"- | PCA 646 VC | ? | CCD | 30 lux | Sharp LZ2423BY | . | | . | WIN98, LINUX | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | -"- | PCVC 655K | Vesta Fun | CMOS | 15 lux | NOT SENSITIVE ENOUGH FOR ASTRO USE | . | . | . | WIN98,Me | -"- | PCVC 675K | Vesta | 1/4"CCD | <1 lux | | VGA 659 x 494 pixel 5.6x5.6um | | AAA | ALL WIN MAC | -"- | PCVC 680K | Vesta Pro | CCD | <1 lux | Sony ICX098AK | | AAAA | ALL WIN MAC,LINUX | -"- | PCVC 690K | Vesta Scan | CCD | <1 lux | Sony ICX098AK | | AAAA | - NOT MAC | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | -"- | PCVC 720K | Toucam XS | CMOS | 10 lux | NOT SENSITIVE ENOUGH FOR ASTRO USE | . | . | . | ALL WIN | -"- | PCVC 730K | Toucam Fun | CMOS | 10 lux | NOT SENSITIVE ENOUGH FOR ASTRO USE | . | . | . | } ALL WIN + | -"- | PCVC 740K | Toucam Pro | 1/4"CCD | <1 lux | | VGA 659 x 494 pixel 5.6x5.6um | | AAAAA | ALL WIN + MAC,LINUX | -"- | PCVC 750K | Toucam Pro 3D | CCD | <2 lux | Sony ICX098BQ | same as 740 ? | . | ALL WIN- NOT MAC | -"- | PCVC 840K | Toucam Pro II - 740 IN NEW CASE | CCD | <1 lux | Sony ICX098BQ | VGA | as 740 | AAAAA | ALL WIN, Linux ,USB | -"- | SPC 900NC | | CCD | <1 lux | Sony ICX098BQ | VGA | | AAAAA | ALL WIN Linux | Drivers for the above - http://www.p4c.philips.com/cgi-bin/dcbint/cpproduct_selector.pl?slg=ENG&grp=PC_PRODUCTS_GR | Trust | . | Spacec@m 200 | CMOS | <2.5 lux | | VGA 664 x 492 pixel 7.6x7.6um | | B | . | | WB 5400 | | CMOS | ? | ? | 1280 X 1024 | | | Win 2K XP | Drivers - [url=http://www.trust.com/computer/]http://www.trust.com/computer/[/url] | | VGear | | TalkcamTracer | CCD | <1 lux | 1/4" Believed Sony ICX098BQ | VGA | claimed resolution interpolated | | Win 2K XP | Drivers - http://vgear.com/ | Videologic | | HomeC@m | CCD | 2 lux | Sharp LZ24BP | VGA | YES | | ALL WIN USB | Drivers - ? | . |
Last edited on 14 February 2008 Want to learn how to use Web-cams for astronomical imaging ? - go here to the Quickcam and Unconventional Imaging Astronomy Group pages.
[ 本帖最后由 gwshang 于 2008-4-24 19:45 编辑 ] |