Message: 1
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2005 21:26:09 -0800 (GMT-08:00)
From: Tim Conrardy <>
Subject: [SJAA-chat] Music for Star Gazing: Comet Machholz
To: Chat list for SJAA <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Hi All
Here is my most recent ambient masterpiece
Star Gazing music to observe the most recent comet of this year and inspiration of this piece:
Cosmic Visitor : Comet Malchholz
12MBs !! This is the longest song I have posted. You might need broadband or a lot of patience..but well worth it.
Lots of different layers in here. A sort of journey piece as Comet Machholz makes it way from Lepas thru the pleiades and up to the double star cluster. A simple piano motif is present and a special sound for the comet that sounds like twinkling chimes ( algorithmicially created) All of this was performed in one day and recorded on a computer using the latest music software plugins.