[quote:e961e5ab93="15x70"][quote:e961e5ab93="nngs"]我也不了解你们说的这人. 但经常看到他参与论坛的各种讨论, 人也很随和.
这一次的事件我只是从那个锁了的被编辑了的楼中有所感受而已. 我想他卖的东西的参数都是真的, 定价也合理(我不懂, 但似乎几位高手也认为他没有过分), 唯一的错误就是用了一张宇航局的月球照片, 说是自己拍的. 从表面上看, 是诚信问题. 但这似乎不能被定义为为欺骗新手的骗局, 因为他没有OVER PRICE. 为什么要在别的论坛抄成是欺骗新手呢? 而且在论坛开始处理调查后, 还一再发布说对方是个骗子, 诚信问题, 一辈子不能翻身?
如果说爱面子, 被人指出问题后, 强词夺理, 伤了一些朋友, 到是个合理的评价, 但说什么这人诚信出了问题, 我觉得太过了吧![/quote]
So, what is your criteria on banning or not banning one's account? Oops! I shouldn't question the integrity of you, nor other admins. Change the words a bit, what is the definition of "sharper"?[/quote]
What is my criteria on banning accounts?
sorry, I am not the persons who have the right to do this. If you think i'm not qualified or have a "integrity" problem, then go ahead to complain, and even spread it to all forums you know over the internet.
On this case, I just expressed my personal point. |