


948221078 发表于 2009-5-30 17:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–福建–福州 中移铁通


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文:International Meteor Organization  

反太阳源流星雨辐射点大而弥散,赤经宽度30度,赤纬宽度15度,因辐射点中心在黄道对日照以东12度而得名反太阳源。严格来说它不是一个真正的流星雨,但是它在天空里相当一个区域辐射出不确定的流星数,如果活动微弱,小流星群将有他们的辐射。2006年,试图定义这个特殊的流星雨,但通常不能和目视观测的结果相符。国际流星组织过去十年的摄象观测揭示了其中原因,因为即使用仪器也不可能有效地从这么多流星雨背景辐射中定义这个特殊的流星群辐射。因此,现在我们相信最简单的办法是让对观测者把反太阳源流星从这些流星雨中区别出来。目前我们认为7-8月摩羯座α流星雨 (CAP)特别是南宝瓶δ流星雨(SDA) (因为它们的参数和反太阳源流星雨的平均轨道有很大区别)应该保持和反太阳源流星雨的区别来进行目视观测,所以它们应当在流星雨历表中保留,但是时间和大量观测会告诉我们,依旧在今年稍后时间,即从从九月下旬到十一月下旬,当两个金牛座流星雨处在活跃期(南金牛和北金牛)他们的活动强度意味着反太阳源流星雨是不活动的,。为了帮助观测者们这里已经列出了反太阳源流星雨在不同时间的辐射点中心位置,和相应时间里其他流星群的辐射点位置(详见国际流星组织2009年流星雨历表)
kson 发表于 2009-5-30 17:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广东–佛山 联通
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 楼主| 948221078 发表于 2009-5-31 12:21 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–泉州 中移铁通
Antihelion Source

The Antihelion Source (ANT) is a large, roughly oval area with a size of 30° in right ascension and 15° in declination, centred about 12° east of the solar opposition point on the ecliptic, hence its name. It is not a true shower at all, but is rather a region of sky in which a number of variably, if weakly, active minor showers have their radiants. Until 2006, attempts were made to define specific showers within this complex, but this often proved very difficult for visual observers to achieve. IMO video results from the last decade have shown why, because even instrumentally, it was impossible to usefully define distinct radiants for many of the showers here! Consequently, we currently believe it is best for observers to simply identify meteors from these showers as coming from the ANT alone. At present, we think the July-August α-Capricornids (CAP), and particularly the Southern δ-Aquariids (SDA; because their stream parameters are rather different from the average ANT orbits), should remain discretely observable visually from the ANT, so they have been retained in the Working List, but time and plenty of observations will tell, as ever. Later in the year, the strength of the twin Taurid showers (STA and NTA) means the ANT should be considered inactive while the Taurids are underway, from late September to late November. To assist observers, a set of charts showing the location for the ANT and any other nearby shower radiants is included here, to compliment the numerical positions of Table 6, while comments on the ANT's location and likely activity are given in the quarterly summary notes.
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126com 发表于 2009-6-4 18:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–厦门 电信
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yaoting 发表于 2009-6-5 08:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–南平 电信
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pana_cn 发表于 2009-6-5 13:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–陕西–西安 中移铁通
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故园旧梦 发表于 2009-6-5 13:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–河北–廊坊 CNNIC会员联通节点
恩 虽然看不懂 但还是要顶 拿来研究学习
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