2009 09 12
18h04m26s | ISS | Appears 17h59m35s 1.1mag az:235.5° SW horizon |
Culmination 18h04m26s -4.5mag az:148.9° SSE h:73.7° |
distance: 359.1km height above Earth: 345.6km elevation of sun: -3° |
Disappears 18h09m13s -1.0mag az: 62.4° ENE h:0.8° |
2009 09 12
19h39m52s | ISS | Appears 19h35m09s 1.8mag az:272.6° W horizon |
Culmination 19h39m52s -2.3mag az:347.7° NNW h:27.7° |
distance: 687.5km height above Earth: 346.7km elevation of sun: -19° |
Disappears 19h40m42s -2.6mag az: 19.1° NNE h:23.5° |
2009 09 12
19h48m50s | Iridium 15 | Flare from MMA1 (Right antenna) Magnitude= 0.4mag |
Azimuth= 94.4° E altitude= 50.2° in constellation Pegasus |
Flare angle=1.94° |
Flare center line, closest point →MapIt: Longitude=126.506° E Latitude=+45.499° (WGS84) Distance=44.7 km Azimuth=268.6° W |
Satellite above: longitude=134.2° E latitude=+44.9° height above Earth=784.1 km distance to satellite=985.1 km |
Altitude of sun=-20.7° |
2009 09 12
19h49m48s | Iridium 98 | Flare from MMA1 (Right antenna) Magnitude=-3.2mag |
Azimuth= 94.0° E altitude= 48.8° in constellation Pegasus |
Flare angle=0.84° |
Flare center line, closest point →MapIt: Longitude=126.837° E Latitude=+45.505° (WGS84) Distance=18.9 km Azimuth=268.4° W |
Satellite above: longitude=134.3° E latitude=+44.9° height above Earth=753.1 km distance to satellite=963.8 km |
Altitude of sun=-20.8° |
This is a spare satellite or its status is unknown. Brightness estimate may be unreliable and flare time accurate to a few seconds. |
4h15m28s | Iridium 37 | Flare from MMA1 (Right antenna) Magnitude=-1.8mag |
Azimuth= 19.2° NNE altitude= 29.1° in constellation Draco |
Flare angle=1.01° |
Flare center line, closest point →MapIt: Longitude=127.459° E Latitude=+45.529° (WGS84) Distance=29.6 km Azimuth= 85.8° E |
Satellite above: longitude=132.6° E latitude=+54.5° height above Earth=785.2 km distance to satellite=1379.9 km |
Altitude of sun=-9.7°