谢谢,又是一位支持岁差的高手! 可我还是认为这和岁差没有关系。有没有不同观点的高手?
Q: Is it true that, as a result of the precession of the equinoxes, and because the earth's spinning axis remains roughly constant at 23.5 degrees, in about 13,000 years the northern hemisphere will experience the summer solstice in December?
A: One should not expect summer solstice to be in December in 13,000 years, because of the way the length of the year is defined, as the time between one solstice and the next, or one spring equinox and the next. In 13,000 the stars behind the Sun's position at the spring equinox will be quite different, but assuming the same calendar will still be current, the date will still be reckoned as 21 March, or near it. |