

[天文观测] 天文望远镜观察摄影山林山鸟---林月笙香港天文台

 楼主| mandii 发表于 2011-6-9 12:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 Hknet公司
本帖最后由 mandii 于 2011-6-9 12:48 编辑


大瘋起嘻: 2011-06-08 11:35:29

MANDII : 2011-06-08 15:37:14

大瘋起嘻:2011-06-08 16:01:43
應該是說DSI 的設計是拿來拍天空的, 一般相機是設計來拍地景的

MANDII : 2011-06-08 22:53:29


因为我的确也是有用心拍的。这些作品,都不好看 !真的拍不好的。 这跟你们这里的比较一下,我这连”摄影“都不算是的。只可是的是,我一直以来也没有真的想作摄影,我只是想拍拍东西那样就好了,拍拍简单的天体,风景,在乎的是‘如何底成本地去经常用器材工具’,不在乎“器材和照片的质素”。这是我从开始到现在的“想法和态度”。久而久之,这样不求变不求进步的思维和态度,我现在倒有抱点怀疑,“是”与“非”也分不清了。不过再怎么说,想得到,说得到,未必就做得到,或者也未必就会去做。



大瘋起嘻:2011-06-08 23:59:19



MANDII :今天 12:05:51

没有影响我心情的啦,大家想说便说而已。 Smiley

大瘋起嘻: 今天 12:47:54


我個人也不會太去計算成本, 大致上我的設備都是中低階


因為我的樂趣並不是在用最好, 拍最好的, 而是在嘗試

所以我現在大部份都拿著攝星板來拍, 最近又想要改一些結構能夠自由追蹤

我喜歡想法跟別人不一樣, 哈哈! 一陣子一定讓大家嚇一跳
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 楼主| mandii 发表于 2011-6-11 20:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 电讯盈科有限公司

Reverie : 06/11/11 12:54 AM from Somewhere far far away

That guy is very "famous" among China, Taiwan, Hong Kong... stargazers. You and other members will "custom" to him.
Basically he is using forums (from China to Hong Kong, from Hong Kong to USA) to post his personal stuffs and sometime he is not intended to talk with other people.

MANDII : 06/11/11 06:48 AM

Thank you .
Ha ha , It seems you are going a long way to come here , to talk to me . so what do you really want to say with me now ??I am intented to hear from you now . And if you have nothing to say more , pls bring back your "stuff " away from here .
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 楼主| mandii 发表于 2011-6-11 22:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 电讯盈科有限公司
Reverie : 06/11/11 09:22 AM from Somewhere far far away

Hey, you copied my post to other forums for what? See if the members care? Wanna gain "support" from them?

By the way, I would like to reply you by posting this, and I think you can read it.

Clean skies to you. Good luck, good health, good night.

MANDII : 06/11/11 10:06 AM

I was used to share all information in my own threads between forunms . Any person says things in my thread , will be shown in other areas . This become a habbit for nearly 1 or 2 years of time .
I post this to other several forunms including what you said the China forunm, not to gain any support !
This time you are saying bad things to me , it affacts my name indeed !
so why I populate this bad things to all other areas ?!
Reason is : I am telling you bad guys, I don't care what you say bad things to me !
Good and bad things in all my threads , was , is and will be shared ! As same as usual !

I don't care any support , people always read my threads , that is pretty enough for me .
What you listed the Hong Kong thread here , I cannot understand what you want to say actually .
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 楼主| mandii 发表于 2011-6-12 21:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 电讯盈科有限公司
Reverie : 06/11/11 01:12 PM from Somewhere far far away

It seems to me (and probably some other members share the same thought) that you have been sharing your own hobby (though harmless) at the wrong board, that is why members express their own feelings. It is natural.

Oh, I forgot that, in Chinese society it is wrong to point out something or just to express one's feeling, as most people consider it an extremely aggressive action and that is no different to "declare war" to somebody. My bad, sorry for wasting your time and making you angry.

Please keep on sharing.

blb : 06/11/11 02:51 PM from Piedmont NC
I for one would like to see astronomical photo's or nothing at all. These are horrible, blurry over exposed images, if your looking for comments. Anyway, I thought this was an astronomical forum. I suggest that on one should look at this junck.

scott m : 06/12/11 06:02 AM from Hatfield Pa

MANDII : 06/12/11 09:17 AM
Well , I come again this forunm just now tonight ...
and found that you this guy still keep on saying something bad to polute my thread ,right ?
I am not understand what is your actual intention to do so .
You know me and I don't know you .
Get out from here !
Who are you do you think yourself is !
I don't reply you anymore . Small potato and small person .

MANDII : 06/12/11 09:23 AM

May I know what astronomy is ?
I use telescope to take these pictures .
And I use Mount to take these images .
I even use the RA and DEC scales on the mount , to record down the visual location of each objects .

All instrument I use , is the astronomy instrument .
so Why it is not astronomy ?

You talk about the picture quality now .
I use simple 4" newtonian telscope plus the simple mobile phone this time , Can you take inages better than me , by using similar level of instrument ?? If so , pls show me .
No actual thing to see , only talking , is no good .
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 楼主| mandii 发表于 2011-6-12 23:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 电讯盈科有限公司

This is a message not sending to the above any persons .
It's a message to all people that may read this thread in future .

This is a general observing forunm in Cloudy Nights.
I am a HongKongnese Mr.MANDII , who come here to share my experience and result in using telescope to do observing job .
And in this thread ,all the observing targets , are the territorial plants ,or birds .
I am using astronomical instrument to take these pictures .
And I am using English words to write the observing report.

I am a member in cloudy nights !
I have the right to do this kind of normal observing report !
I will definitely continue to do this kind of report in the comming future , probably 20 years of time I can say !
Excpet that cloudy nights delete this thread , I have nothing to say .And I don't mind cloudy night do so ! But cloudy night have to give me a resonable reason .
Because this is an open and fair place .

I welcome anybody come and visit my this thread .

And thank you .

Best Reagrads ,
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 楼主| mandii 发表于 2011-6-13 10:22 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 Hknet公司

My thread is deleted unreasonably !

MANDII : 06/12/11 10:21 PM

I come this general forunm this morning and discovered that my thread is not here anymore !
The name of my thread is "Hill Plants Observation with position coordiante , under telescope "
Last night after I posted my last message on the thread and bed to sleep , I didn't know what else has been happened in the thread , and it was deleted so surprisingly as I feel now !
In my last writing in that thread , I had said Cloudy Nights can deleted my this threads , I will not say anything ! But condition is Cloudy Night need to give me a resonable reason , because I believe that this is an open and fair place . I believe this is a place with civilization , not a place with babarian.

Cloudy night did give me a REASON in private message this morning ,
At first , I thanks for the moderator for this proper action or feedback ,with explaination at least .
But I do not think this reason is FULLY reasonable and GOOD enough .
I DO NOT AGREE to say that my thread is out of the covering topic in this general observing forunm !

The PM message I received is :
" Your thread has been removed as this forum pertains to ASTRONOMICAL observing only. Thank you and have a great day.
Chris "

My that thread collects all my Plant and Birds photos and all my reports in activities of using the telescope , for nearly two years of time ! Such a consistence JOB , is not EASY !
It represents my continoues passion in using the telescope .
And now , it is deleted , just because of 1 or 2 persons had bad comments on my photo .
This 1 or 2 person , cannot represent ALL ! Cannot represent the MAJORITY in this forunm !
My thread had totally around 2500 or nearly 3000 views so far !
It has a high view indeed ! At least not too bad .
If my thread is really no good , I think nobody will come to have a look .
But the fact is that my view is not bad !
The fact is : Some people keep on to look at this thread ! Otherwise , the view number will not be increased steadily .

My thread is deleted under an opened PUBLIC area !
Now ! I request to recover it ! under PUBLIC area ! I do not accept any private message !
I request a fair discussion on this event because I have my right to request so !
Any person can join this discussion !
If that is reaonable , I accept it without saying anything .
But if that is not resoanable , I surely defence !
This is a serious action indeed ! I need to say something !

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 楼主| mandii 发表于 2011-6-13 14:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 Hknet公司
本帖最后由 mandii 于 2011-6-13 21:12 编辑

E_Look : 06/12/11 10:30 PM from near New York

Maybe you should repost your thread in the Off-Topic forum. I suspect it won't get deleted there.

MANDII : 06/12/11 11:44 PM
Thank you for your kind feeback E_look , from New York City .I am busy on my work today , this thread will be kept for some time , collecting some other comments . I really don't mind any bad comments from people .

So at Finally , I may ask moderator to help me recover it , if he is willing to accpet my request . Because I am not familar in using the forunm function .

Reverie :06/12/11 11:58 PM from Somewhere far far away
MANDII, stop copying the replies to other forums, members of other forums don't care and don't want to know what is happening here. You are annoying the others, don't you know?

And that's why you are being ignored by Hong Kong stargazers, you will be accepted by them if you change your behavior.

MANDII : 06/13/11 12:55 AM

Well .. .Again you this guy come to destroy my name !
Just by your own personal feeling on what I had did in my job .
STOP talking in any of my threads ! Who are you now ?

How do you know people don't like my thread ??
How many people don't like my thread ?
How many people tell you they don't like my thread ?
Just several stragzers of your friends ?

Let say you may know 30 stargazers in that forunm , OK just for example saying .
Even these 30 stagazers dislike my thread , or even they dislike me .
It only represent 30 among over nearly 5000 people in that forunm , this 30 consists of only 0.006% .

What can these people represent ?
What can you represent to judge good or not good in what I had did so far ?
You just a ordinary member in a forunm , who can reply other people's posts .
And it seems you like to destroy other people's name , by your own favour .
You don't care the name , it's ok . But I care my NAME !

My this thread in Hong Kong forunm has totally accumulated 28480 views up to now since 1 and half years ago .
Every month it has average 1500 views .
Nobody in HK forunm can have this kind of high views , I CAN SAY THIS NOW TO YOU !
I had all this kind of statistical data information I can provided .

2ndly , I had already said the reply in all my threads, is a kind of informations .
This kind of informaation has been kept , for nearly 2 years of time in each of the Asia forunms .
People's information on my work , is valuable and meaningful to me !
All people's reply in cloudy nights , has been copied samely in HK and China Forunm , with their name and their content .

Besides that , I can have my freedom of writing anything , on my thread !
What's wrong with it ?
That is no doublt  to do so !
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 楼主| mandii 发表于 2011-6-16 12:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 Hknet公司
本帖最后由 mandii 于 2011-6-16 19:07 编辑

< 测试播放背景音乐 >
陈慧娴 : 傻女


http://www.4shared.com/audio/xcsYS3KX/_online.html" target=_blank>傻女.wma
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 楼主| mandii 发表于 2011-6-17 09:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 Hknet公司

MANDII : Yesterday, 11:19 AM

I want to add background music for all the pictures in future I am going to post.
Probably need to test it first .

This song come from Hong Kong Super star Pricillia chan - 傻女

deaman49 : Yesterday, 09:24 PM from Allegany, New York

Great song, even though I don't understand Chinese, she has a very nice voice and the melody is excellent. Looking forward to more of your stuff.
Clear Skies and great Songs!

MANDII : Today, 01:37 AM
Thank you Lee. I will .
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 楼主| mandii 发表于 2011-7-15 10:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 Hknet公司
" 那棚架有轮子,可以很顺滑地转动竿,把帆布拉开和收起。

玩天文,让我发挥了不少的创造能力,好像DIY有个瘾那样,一年一个工程项目,09年搞天文台,10年搞活动棚架和白房(白房就不算我搞 ,只是买),然后今年11年就搞了花槽。明年到时可能没啥东西搞就真的会去搞大牛反。

花槽长4米半和3米半倆段成L型铺于天台俩边,高42公分(厘米),阔40公分,决定自己动手做前找过几家装修公司了解情况,像这样尺寸的花槽价钱要1万 2左右,外层磁砖要是他们规定的那种一般国内磁砖,如果要好的磁砖就还得另外加钱。我自己在香港买日本进口的才1200港币,一共130多条倆种磁砖,加上内层红砖180多块,15包沙,2包英泥,,1瓶英泥宝加强密度和防水功效,还有4包石仔,一共1000左右,连磁砖总材料包运费在2300港币,就那么多了。 另外树木方面,装修公司以面积每平方尺计算,一平方400港币,包泥土,肥料和植物,植物也是他们规定好,也不怎么样那种,也可以补钱买好的。那按那样算我面积有(长:8米x3.3=26.4尺,阔:40厘米/33=1.2尺),那就31.6平方尺,即1万3千港币,而且还都是一些很小颗的植物。那如果找装修公司总价要2万5港币。
那些树木我便决定在深圳花草批发市场买,品种又多又平宜,我买了8棵罗汉松,每棵才120人民币,像那么高大的罗汉松每棵在香港要7,8百。8棵就 6000了。还有2棵紫微树,一棵芒果树(有长5个芒果),竹子18支,6盘抹梨花,还有藤类花几盘,其它的小花小草,一共就1800人民币。

另泥土最花钱,你看不出来要下那么多土的,我是问深圳买花那里才知道要下多少土的,1个立方米花槽就得1300公斤(KG)的土,即1.3吨土,我那里是 1.4立方米,就得买1800公斤左右的土,我买了1700公斤,90包总共。在香港同样的一包土要35块一包(20多公斤),那按正常光泥土都要 3100港币了,肥料3包每包80,240了。我在深圳买80包才500人民币,3包肥料150。加上运费1900人民币,运费指的是全部东西,树木连泥土一车过运来香港,送到家门口,一共是1900人民币。那么等于是我买花和土花了(1800+500+150+1900=4350)人民币,即5200港币花了。

对比一下真有意思,如果是正常在香港买花和土,就只说那8棵罗汉松和土吧,其它的植物都不计算,得要 6000+3100+240=9340港币,我现在才 5200港币,还多了10几盘植物出来。花槽我那里本来要1万三也只要2300,那整个花槽连花,本来总价一共是13000+9340=22340(只得 8颗罗汉松),我现在只要5200+2300=7800(包所有的树和花), 我想其它的树和花那里在香港买起码也得要个3000的。那么,总造价2万6是跑不掉的,我现在只要7800,即8000总造价可以了,省了3份2成本,省了18000接近倆万港币。

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 楼主| mandii 发表于 2011-7-15 12:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 Hknet公司

The Observatory is located on the platform . It's necessary to make the platform looks better . I had designed the whole platform indeed , since the day I built this Observatory 2 years ago . At that time I thought it should be looks like a garden , with a house . Last year the house is built , and I had made one sheld as well . The cover on the shelter can be opened and closed by rolling . The house is bought and not made by me . But the rolling shelter is made by me one person . This year , I decide to settle all the plants and build up an observatory garden . Those trees can sheld lots of light that come from western side of the platform . Height of the trees and house was designed not higher than 20 degree elevation when looking from the the observatory .

Samely , everything needed DIY , to save money . And turns impossible to possible .
I DIY a concret container for plants , total cost including all the palnts and soil is around 8000 HKD , saving at least 20 thousand HK dollars if I ask the shop to build one for me . I spent nearly 1 and half month to complete this build . Most of the time I make it at night time after daily work . It was nearly completed last sunday . Very tired indeed recently . but very happy .

Astronomy remind me one thing , Keep on doing things by own ,step by steply .

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 楼主| mandii 发表于 2011-7-15 16:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 Hknet公司
本帖最后由 mandii 于 2011-7-18 09:41 编辑


LoveChina61 : 07/15/11 01:32 AM

Great job, Mandii! It looks like it took a lot of hard work, but the results were well worth it. Excellent!

MANDII : 07/15/11 04:45 AM
Yes Mike , quite lots of work indeed , but fortunately I just spent the time longer . bit by bit can finish tough works . You know the time is always the best helper .

I had to bring nearly 90 packages of soil , each package around 20 KG upstair 3 floors . You don't heard about that 1 cubic meter volunm of container needed to be filled nearly 1300KG of soil . I aslo do not know it before . And my container is about 1.3 cubic meter ( 8M * 0.42M* 0.4M=1.3 ) in volunm , so need totally 1700KG of soil .

I had calling local people to pick these bags actually , but they charged me too much . very expensive that they counted me in each KG and needed over 1500 dollars . Well , I forgot how much the exactly charges now , but anyway very expensive that I could not accept it at that time . Finally ... I pick up bag by bag , in nearly 1 week of nights .

LoveChina61 : 07/15/11 09:24 from USA

Incredible. That's a LOT of hard work! I do think that the extra shielding from downtown Hong Kong's light pollution will make it all worthwhile. Now you will be able to enjoy better views than ever! Besides that, it is a very beautiful garden. My wife likes the flowers.
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 楼主| mandii 发表于 2011-7-18 09:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 Hknet公司

sxinias : 07-16-2011, 12:00 PM from Marathon Greece
Congratulations on your observatory garden. Looking great. WoW! that's a lot of work. Now the clean-up part.

When are you going start photographing the night sky again? You were getting pretty good when you stopped.


deaman49 :07-16-2011, 04:50 PM from Allegany, NEW YORK
Heck of a Green Thumb!


MANDII : Today, 09:30 AM
Thanks Joe and Lee . Yes, I was cleaning up yesterday . It may takes several more days . I had nearly two months not using the telescope . Recently I am tired , and quite lazy indeed . I don't want to move my body . My energy in using the telescope and doing the photoghraphy , is recovering soon .
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3dmaxhy 发表于 2011-7-18 19:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国 俄克拉荷马大学
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 楼主| mandii 发表于 2011-7-19 09:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 Hknet公司
本帖最后由 mandii 于 2011-7-19 16:15 编辑


CN : Cloudy Nights
http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbt ... /sb/5/o/all/fpart/1

http://www.astronomyforum.net/ho ... atory-made-own.html
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 楼主| mandii 发表于 2011-7-19 17:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 Hknet公司
本帖最后由 mandii 于 2011-7-19 17:26 编辑

谢谢3dmaxhy兄于cloudy nights 上的支持 !


huangyu84 : 07/19/11 03:48 AM

Well dome, MANDII! That requires lots of efforts. I'm dreaming of having such a well designed backyard observatory day after day. If it were me, I would prefer to build the dome by plywood. May be lesser time for cooling down?

Anyway great job!

MANDII : 07/19/11 05:27 AM
Thanks Huangyu .
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 楼主| mandii 发表于 2011-7-20 11:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 Hknet公司

Starman27 : 07/19/11 08:21 AM from Illinois, Iowa

Excellent MANDII! Many folks forget about landscaping around the observatory to mitigate light, mind and temperature concerns. And you can make it look good too.

MANDII : 07/19/11 11:05 PM

Once again thank you Sir Herman . I see you also have a big telescope and probably an observatory in your icon picture .

Well , you let me thinking once again the whole story now .. .
Actually , most importantly and main purpose in setting up these trees , is to work as a SUN shelter . In local HK climate , there is two months you are feeling hot in a whole year , July and August . The temperature can always reach to over 30 degree celcious . The other 10 months are not hot . In down floor living room you don't need to turn on the internal air conditioner in these months , except the two hotest months in Summer time . According my observation experience in these years , the rooftop platform is getting hot starting from noon time , and reach the higest temperature at 4 o'clock afternoon , And then it starts to drops down . Thus , the amount of the sun moving shadow that it lays and moves on the rooftop , that was shelted by the rolling cover(cloths) and the trees , should be counted the area according to the sun moving time starting noon time to 4'clock , and in which specific direction and location as well . As of now , totally 8 meters long Tree container shelding the West and South West Sun heat ,and about 1.9M height of these trees ,can covers over 70% areas on the rooftop . I mean the total covering area that takes effect when the shadow moves at these afetrnoon time range . The rolling shelter cloths can be opened and closed by a steel wheel , in nightime and daytime respectively . Most of the other months in a year , I open the shelter such that I still can look at the night sky .

How many , how big and which location I should setup these trees and the shelter , is needed to be decided . And needed to be designed at the beginning time . At the very beginning indeed counting to the time when deciding to build this obesrvatory two years ago indeed ! The difficulty is also at the very beginning time when it's hard to decide these kind of things . But you are not able to change everthing anymore , after it was built . Old chinese word always tells me the truth . " Things started not easily at the beginning time , and getting easy as you go stepping forward one by one " .

Thank you Sir .
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 楼主| mandii 发表于 2011-7-20 17:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 Hknet公司

DaltonSkyGazer : Today, 04:14 AM from Massachusetts

I really like what you are doing with addition of the garden MANDII, looks great! Sounds like some back breaking work!

MANDII : Today, 04:38 AM
Well , my writting had attracted our master Observatory builder Mr.Jeff to come and have a look here now , Ha ! Ha !

Thank you Jeff , and Good day to start my office work now .

DaltonSkyGazer : Today, 04:51 AM from Massachusetts
Oh I am no master, life is always an ongoing learning process, seems constantly making minor adjustments and strive to learn something new all the time! Thanks! Clear Skies!

deaman49 : Today, 05:29 AM from Allegany, New York
Nice job. Really a nice touch.

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 楼主| mandii 发表于 2011-7-31 16:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 电讯盈科有限公司

The Hong Kong Observatory located at the highest mountain in Hong Kong , is very far away from my observatory and from my telescope . Should have more than 10 kilometers distance apart from here . But today I can peer it with my DSI ,through those leaves and trees nearby . I had recorded down it's visual coordinates as well .

ORION 6" Newtonian
DSI-I( 0.0005s X 38 )

Observe : 2011/07/31 afternoon
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| mandii 发表于 2011-7-31 18:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–香港 电讯盈科有限公司
NO.54 )

刚刚在试牛反配web cam 拍鸟, 倆三秒的时间便能有40多张帖,再叠加十几张,效果明显比几个月之前用DSI只有一张帖好多。

ORION 6“ Newtonian
web cam ( 16 frames )

Observe : 2011/07/31
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使用道具 举报


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