ARIES (Ukrainie) is a well known company who produces very high quality telescopes for professional and amateur astronomy. Aries introduced the Chromacor, an accessory useful to obtain the same performances of the very expensive APO with the more diffuse Achromatic refractors.
Tranform your achromatic refractos into a very high quality APO!
Chromacor fix the chromatic aberration, the spherical aberration and the Spherichromatism.
The new CHROMACOR II allows a correction twice better as the Chromacor.
SAFix is an universal device to fix the spherical aberration.
Here the Aries official declaration, as regards the performances of Chromacor with the most diffuse achromatic reractors:
4" F/9-12. Absolutely no any colors on any object at any magnification.
According my calculations and practical tests in the combination with 4" F/10 achromat it delivers the color correction which is EXCEED the most strongest definition of the APO given by Ernst Abbe. Not one APO in the world does corresponds to such definition, not say about exceeding this definition. Absolutely perfect color correction. Easiest installation and collimation.
120mm F/8.3 - 127mm F/9-9.5. Absolutely no any color on any object at any magnification. Perfect color correction.
150mm F/8. In focus no any color on any object at any magnification. False colors can be seen only out of focus - slight hue on outer rings. With aperture stop to 130mm - absolutely perfect color correction.
2. The Aries RC is a very special telescope. Optics have been figured by to a level not found in other amateur telescopes. RMS error is 0.02 wave for the f/9 optics set. For the f/16, the RMS error is a scant .015 wave! They achieve this precision through a computer controlled ion-beam figuring system. From what I've seen during star testing, I've no reason to doubt these figures. Absolutely amazing!
The mirror is made of Sitall, which is comparable to CerVit and Zerodur. As can be seen on the photo above, there are several cooling fans which do seem to help bring the massive mirror to ambient temperature quite quickly.
In addition, this particular instrument has two separate secondary assemblies. A fine line can be seen near the front of the scope. The entire front end of the scope can be removed allowing the selection of a small obstruction f/16 optic or the full wide-field RC capability at f/9.
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