本帖最后由 愚石 于 2010-9-5 15:55 编辑
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannes_Alfv%C3%A9n 和
阿尔文(Alfven)提出过磁冻结理论,是磁流体电动力学(MHD)的创始人。但是,在他创立磁流体电动力学的过程中,曾经受到过很多资深专家的阻挡,致使他的大多数论文都被主流杂志拒绝了,只能发表在小杂志上面。可以说他曾深受同行评审体制之害。从他的经历可以看出,很多制度对于我们都是利弊兼有,同行评审体制(peer review system)也不例外。估计前些年佩雷尔曼的有关庞加莱猜想的论文也是通不过同行评审,不得不撂到了arXiv上面。
Alfvén's work was disputed for many years by the senior scientist in space physics, the British-American geophysicist Sydney Chapman. Alfvén's disagreements with Chapman stemmed in large part from trouble with the peer review system. Alfvén rarely benefited from the acceptance generally afforded senior scientists in scientific journals. He once submitted a paper on the theory of magnetic storms and auroras to the American journal Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity and his paper was rejected on the ground that it did not agree with the theoretical calculations of conventional physics of the time. He was regarded as a person with unorthodox opinions in the field by many physicists,[3] R. H. Stuewer noting that "... he remained an embittered outsider, winning little respect from other scientists even after he received the Nobel Prize..."[4] and was often forced to publish his papers in obscure journals. Alfvén recalled:
When I describe the [plasma phenomena] according to this formulism most referees do not understand what I say and turn down my papers. With the referee system which rules US science today, this means that my papers are rarely accepted by the leading US journals.[5] |