By Catalog Obj Type Location Date Taken:
Mazlin NGC 253 Galaxy CTIO, Chile 11-04-2009
NGC 253 also goes by the name of "Sculptor Galaxy" after its parent constellation, or by the name "Silver Dollar Galaxy", presumably after its visual appearance in the eyepiece. NGC 253 is classified as a starburst galaxy, but interestingly, only 1 supernova has been found within. It is a bright galaxy, easily visible in binoculars, and probably about 10 million lightyears distant.
This image was processed from data collected after the 16" scope was recollimated in October 2009. Processing was via Pixinsight and Adobe Photoshop.
Technical Details
Exposure Time: L=5 hrs, R=3 hrs, G=75 min, B=75 min, all unbinned
Camera: Apogee U9
Telescope: RCOS Carbon Truss 16 inch f/11.3 Ritchey-Chretien
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME |